After listening to Ye Feng's words, Dixie can't help humming. However, after humming, he didn't wait for Ye Feng to have any reaction. First of all, he was stunned.

If the former Dixie, absolutely not because ye Feng attractive to other women and jealous.

What's more, sometimes Ye Feng also takes the initiative to talk about which action he will take and what love affairs he will have. He is also listening to the story, and there are almost no waves in his heart.

But now, after having a close relationship with Ye Feng, Dixie feels that she can't stand Ye Feng's relationship with other women.

Obviously, this time, compared with Yefeng's past love affairs, it is not worth mentioning.

But when Dixie thought of the thousand color bee looking at Ye Feng's eyes, he was not happy.

Ye Feng sees this performance of Dixi Si, the heart also can't help but move, come forward to embrace Dixi Si from behind, soft voice way, "how? Jealous? "

But Dixie immediately broke away from Ye Feng and hummed coldly, "jealous? I'm not jealous. I don't know what kind of vinegar I have, and what kind of urine you have

Ye Feng smiles and then asks Dixie, "what kind of urine do I have?"

But Dixie didn't pay attention to Ye Feng, lying directly on the bed, and said to Ye Feng, "I'm not in the mood to talk nonsense with you. I want to have a good sleep. On the yacht of moon shadow, I always want to avoid being found. I don't have a good sleep!"

Ye Feng see this also immediately toward the side of Dixie a way, "I'm almost the same, in Xinghui's cruise ship is not easy, also almost by this cargo locked in the cabin, want to starve us alive!"

When he heard the speech, his eyes had been closed, and suddenly opened, "we?"

Ye Feng can't help but be shocked when he hears the speech. He just said it casually, but he didn't expect that Dixie and himself started to talk.

He couldn't help turning over, lying on the body of Dixie and laughing, "he said he wasn't jealous!"

But Dixie legs slightly bent, just against the leaf maple key parts.

Ye Feng's face slightly changed, and immediately turned down from the body of Dixie and said, "you want to murder your husband!"

But Dixie snorted coldly, then closed his eyes slightly and said, "don't mess about. I'm so tired. I want to rest!"

Ye Feng saw that Dixie's appearance didn't seem to lie. He closed his eyes and said, "let's have a good rest."

They both closed their eyes and fell asleep in bed.

When Ye Feng opens his eyes again, he finds that Dixie is no longer in bed. He immediately turns over and sits up.

When he turned around the room and didn't find Dixie, he immediately opened the door and went out. As soon as he went out, he saw that the door of qianse bee was just opened.

Thousand color bee out of the corridor, also looked around, just saw Ye Feng look to his side, immediately toward him, but his mouth is said, "with beautiful women, this sleep is very solid!"

Ye Feng stretched a stretch way, "OK! Make do with it

Thousand color bee can't help but cold hum a, this guy got cheap also sell good, mouth but say, "your beauty?"

Ye Feng said, "I'm looking for her, too, and I won't see her when I get up!"

Just then, Xinghui came over and saw that Ye Feng and qianse bee were there. He immediately said, "the master asked me to invite you to come over!"

But Ye Feng immediately asked Xinghui, "where's Dixie?"

Xinghui said, "Ms. Dixie is already on the hostess's side. I have informed them that she is going to the hostess's side now."

But qianse bee asked Xinghui, "what can Rizhao do for us?"

Xinghui shook his head and said, "I don't know. I'll know if I go."

Three people have left here, back to the castle's lobby, on the second floor of the corridor, soon to a side hall restaurant.

At this time, Rizhao was sitting there waiting for the crowd. It seemed that Dixie and Yueying had just arrived, and they were moving their stools to sit down.

After Ye Feng came in, Rizhao immediately said, "OK, everyone is here!"

After Ye Feng and qianse Feng sit down, Rizhao says to Xinghui, "serve!"

But qianse bee frowned and said, "just now Xinghui said that you are looking for us, but you are looking for us to eat?"

Rizhao shrugged his shoulders and said, "man is iron, rice is steel. Only when he is full can he have the strength to deal with zhuomus!"

At this time, Dixie said, "Satan and I have come up with a way, that is, you two bind Satan and me and send them to dromus!"

Rizhao and Yueying could not help but move their eyebrows when they heard the words, but before they could talk to their husband and wife, Ye Feng said immediately, "correct it, it's tied me! Not including you

As soon as she heard this, she immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "why?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "the goal of zhuomus is me. He may not even know that you are on the island, so don't go through this muddy water!"

At this time, qianse bee asked, "why did you tie you up Or tied you up for dromus? "Rizhao said, "do you want to use bitter meat to get on the boat and go directly to zhuomus to settle accounts?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "after all, this is the problem between me and zhuomus. After thinking about it, I still don't think it should be involved too much. It has nothing to do with you and the people on the island. Why should you die with me?"

Rizhao said, "brother Satan, if you are taken away by dromus on my island, I will lose face. Besides, I will tie you up and give you to dromus. My reputation in this life will be here!"

Yueying immediately added, "this is not the point. The point is that anyone who knows the name of Rizhao knows that Rizhao will not betray his friends. I don't think zhuomus is a fool, and he won't believe it easily."

Rizhao continued, "and even if zhuomus believes it, you can get on the boat. Can you kill zhuomus? I don't think so! "

Ye Feng was just about to speak, but Yueying immediately added, "my husband doesn't believe you have the ability to kill zhuomus, but after all, when it comes to wearing it, there are many possibilities. Although zhuomus is inferior to you in skill and shooting skills, he can't be compared by ordinary people, otherwise he won't be the one who can set up TSL and stand for decades It's too late

Rizhao nodded and agreed, "my wife is right. We must not underestimate the ability of dromus!"

Ye Feng then took a look at the sunshine and the shadow of the moon, and said, "it's hard to refute the harmony between you two."

Qianse bee said to Ye Feng, "I think they are right. Since zhuomus dares to come here, he must have been fully prepared. It's too late for us to think about how to avoid him. How can you think of going into the net?"

Ye Feng sighed a little at this time, and Dixie said to the people, "Satan and I thought for a long time, and now the island is surrounded by more than a dozen warships of dromus. It's almost impossible to evacuate from here intact. The only way we can think of is to go on board and face dromus directly, but if we go on board ourselves, dromus may not You will believe us, and even have no chance to board the ship. What's more, we don't even know which ship dromus is on. We can't go blind casually. Now the only feasible way is for you two to seize the way we gave dromus! "

The sunshine and the shadow of the moon were both pondering and speechless.

At this time, Xinghui and the servant cart dining car came out, and began to serve food for the people.

Rizhao shrugged at this time and said, "we still have time. We don't have to be in a hurry. This method is good, but there are many loopholes. We eat and think, and I think there must be a more perfect method!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "there is no perfect way. Any way can be two-sided. If it is beneficial, there will be disadvantages! This is inevitable

Yueying said to Yefeng, "don't underestimate the strength of our island. If you really want to meet zhuomus head-on, we may not necessarily lose!"

Ye Feng sighed, "I'm not worried that you will lose. I don't want to implicate the innocent. In order to retire and enjoy the rest of the day, I have to take the lives of many people on the island. I can't do that!"

Thousand color bee this time a burst of ponder after way, "I pour have a way!"

Moon shadow looked at a thousand color bee way, "what method?"

The thousand color bee immediately said, "my most famous method is to change your appearance. I can change your appearance. Even if dromus attacks the island, he may not recognize you!"

Dixie immediately said, "no, you think highly of the kindness of dromus. If he really can't find us on the island, he will kill the island and won't let go a suspicious person!"

Moon shadow reminds qianse bee and Dixie, "did you pay attention to what I said just now? The defense ability of our island is not vulnerable. There is no dromus island!"

Rizhao immediately added, "even if we let dromus go to the island at last, he has definitely paid a heavy price!"

The thousand color bee immediately said, "then I have another way!"

Dixie looked at the thousand color bee and said, "what else can I do?"

The thousand color bee immediately took a deep breath, and then said, "I'm going to change Satan into someone else. You take me and give me to dromus!"

As soon as he heard this, he sneered and said, "do you think dromus is a fool? He is so familiar with Satan. Even if you can deceive him at first sight, he will soon find the flaw with his understanding of Satan!"

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