The thousand color bee listens to Dixi Si to say so, immediately a burst of silence, then slightly a sigh way, "no matter, I also want to help!"

But Dixie snorted coldly, "it's OK to help, but don't do anything wrong!"

The thousand color bee immediately stares at Dixie and says, "you..."

Rizhao said hastily, "at this time, we should pool our wisdom, any idea can be said, no need to do so!"

Ye Feng smell speech also immediately say, "yes, thousand color bee also want to help!" Then he said to Dixie, "Dixie, you don't have to do this!"

Dixie snorted coldly and did not speak again.

The thousand color bee looked at Dixie and said, "I'm jealous, but I don't see the occasion. Now when can I help you to be jealous here?"

Just as Dixie was about to speak, moon shadow said, "I think we should get in touch with dromus again to understand his real purpose!"

But Dixie said, "do you want to know the real purpose? He's here for Satan and me, and his purpose is for us to go back with him, or die! "

Rizhao sighed, "if that's the case, there's no need to talk about it!"

Ye Feng then stood up and said, "there's no need to talk about it. Maybe zhuomus didn't plan to talk about anything with us from the beginning to the end!"

Rizhao then sighed, "let's not talk about it. The big deal is war! We are ready for the battle already

At this time, the moon shadow also said to the crowd, "since I can't think of any way for the time being, let's have a meal first, and we'll talk about it after dinner."

Ye Feng didn't speak any more. After a few mouthfuls, he got up and said to the public, "I'll go out and have a look!"

Rizhao then said to Yefeng, "now it's dark outside. The island is no better than the mainland. The resources here are limited. We don't have lighting in many places..."

Ye Feng said, "I don't want to go far, just walk in front of the castle!"

Seeing this, qianse bee immediately stood up and said, "I'm full, too. I'll go out for a walk!"

But Ye Feng looked back at the thousand color bee and said, "no, I'll just go shopping alone. I don't need company!"

Thousand color bee but white one eye leaf maple way, "this island so big place, you stroll your, I stroll my, I didn't say to accompany you to stroll!"

Said the thousand color bee also looked at one side of the star way, "star, you accompany me to go shopping, I am not familiar with the island, afraid of lost!"

But Xinghui looked at the sunshine and the shadow of the moon. Rizhao said to Xinghui, "then you can go out with her. After all, it's not a good thing to get lost on the island!"

Listen to sunshine so a say, Star Hui this just nodded, followed thousand color bee to grab leaf maple one step to go out first.

At this time, Dixie also got up and walked out behind Ye Feng, but she didn't speak. After all, Ye Feng just said that he wanted to take a breath by himself, and it didn't seem very good to follow him.

After walking out of the gate of the castle, Ye Feng stretches, but there is no trace of qianse bee and Xinghui, and he doesn't know where they have gone.

But he felt that Dixie was following him. Then he looked back at Dixie and sighed, "how did you come out?"

Dixie see Ye Feng back and talk to himself, this just followed up the way, "need to breathe, and more than one of you?"

Ye Feng looks at Dixi Si, thinking of the way she and qianse bee are jealous just now, she can't help laughing and says, "Dixi Si in my impression is not such a mean person, right?"

But Dixie snorted coldly, but immediately realized that his mood was wrong, and immediately sighed, "I don't know why it's like this!"

Ye Feng then walked over to hold the hand way of Di Xi Si, "don't you know? It's because you start to care about me more than before! "

As soon as she heard this, she immediately threw away Ye Feng's hand and said, "is that true? Why don't I? Don't be sentimental

Ye Feng gave a bitter smile, then shook his head and said, "I really want to breathe alone! Take a walk yourself, and go in! "

Dixi si then toward leaf Feng way, "can't think out what way, don't think about, the big deal is a war, anyway we have already made the worst plan, isn't it?"

Ye Feng nodded, just a sound, no more words, along the mountain road in front of the castle began to go down, Dixie just stood there watching, did not follow.

Ye Feng walked down the mountain road, and his mind was blank. He really didn't think about anything. As Dixie said, since he couldn't think of it, he didn't think about it.

Soon to the beach below, watching waves turn over one after another, the sea breeze blowing in the face, although the sky has been dark, but the sea breeze is still moist and warm.

Ye Feng finally sat on the beach and looked at the sea. It was dark in the distance, and he could not see anything at all. He could not even see the boundary between normal and fog.

A wave comes over and pours directly on Ye Feng's face. Ye Feng feels that the sea is cool and pours on himself, which makes him sober.At this time, he heard the sound of footsteps on the beach behind him. Although the sound was very weak, and there was the sound of waves in his ear, Ye Feng could still hear it clearly.

Ye Feng side head a look, but see to walk toward oneself of unexpectedly is thousand color bee, she behind incredibly don't Star Hui figure.

Ye Feng can't help but wonder, Xinghui is not accompanied by the thousand color bee out of it, how now only the thousand color bee, Xinghui people?

Seeing that Ye Feng was looking back at himself, qianse Feng stopped and said, "I made a statement in advance. I came here first. You came later. I didn't follow you!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "don't you come with Xinghui? What about Xinghui? "

Thousand color bee also sat on the beach by the way, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "I told him to go back first! I want to breathe alone, too! "

Ye Feng can't help laughing, "what's your breath?"

Thousand color bee but immediately way, "this words should I ask you, this island now the most unfortunate is me, the most depressed is also me, shouldn't I breathe?"

Ye Feng took a look at the thousand color bee and sighed, "I know what you think. You came to this island passively. Originally, you thought you could kill Rizhao and become famous. Unexpectedly, you found that it was just a farce of Rizhao couple!"

The thousand color bee immediately gets up, walks to the leaf maple's side, sits down after the way, "you know is good, actually more than these? Zhuomus besieged the island. The person to be arrested is Rizhao. It's to help you fight against zhuomus. What about me? I'm an outsider. Everything should have nothing to do with me, but I just can't go. I have to stay here passively. When you decide, do you want me to breathe? "

Ye Feng listened to the thousand color bee said, can't help sighing, "listen to you say, you are indeed the most depressed one, but also the most unfortunate one!"

Thousand color bee immediately nods a way, "who says not, so I just want to come out to breathe, not want to follow you!"

Ye Feng then said, "but now this situation, even if you are depressed, it doesn't help. Zhuomus won't let you go. Now you can only be depressed again and passively with us!"

But qianse Feng said with a smile, "that's not necessarily. Maybe I can go to zhuomus and tell him about the situation on the island. If I help them catch you, I won't be depressed. Maybe it's a big business."

Ye Feng can't help but be surprised when he hears the speech. He admires the brain circuit of thousand color bee. At this time, he can even think of a way to make money. He can't do without admiration.

But Ye Feng's mouth said, "you're right. If you help zhuomus catch me, you'll get a lot of money, but you may also have a different head!"

As soon as qianse bee heard this, she was not surprised at all. She just shrugged her shoulders and said, "I like money, but I'm not the kind of person who always betrays his friends. I just say it casually."

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "are we friends? We don't know each other very well, do we? "

The thousand color bee looked at Ye Feng and said, "no matter what, we have been in trouble together. Is your standard of choosing friends so high? If I can't be your friend, you probably don't have any friends in this world, do you? "

Ye Feng listened to the thousand color bee say so, immediately took a deep breath, shook his head, did not speak.

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, qianse bee said, "are you friends with Rizhao?"

Ye Feng then looked back at a thousand color bee way, "why so ask?"

The thousand color bee said, "no, I just see that you seem to be brothers, but I feel that you are not so familiar with each other. I feel very embarrassed!"

Ye Feng hears speech a ground to look at thousand color bee in consternation, immediately ha ha a smile way, "be! Yes! It seems to be a little embarrassed! "

Then, without waiting for qianse bee to speak, he immediately said, "this is my second meeting with Rizhao. It's at least seven or eight years since we last met, and the last time we met, we spent no more than three hours together!"

Hearing this, qianse Feng frowned and said, "in three hours, he will call you brother Satan, and you will call him brother Rizhao. Is that how you call him brother? So he's your friend? "

Ye Feng pondered for a while and said, "maybe we are not friends!"

Qianse bee immediately asked, "if you think you are not friends, Rizhao must think so. Since you are not friends, Rizhao will really fight for you and dromus and sacrifice those people on his island?"

Yefeng listen to thousand color bee so a say, immediately a burst of silence, for a long time did not speak.

Thousand color bee immediately explained, "I'm just a little curious. Don't think about it. I think I'm provoking your so-called brotherhood. I've never thought about it that way."

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