Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at Rizhao and said, "kill him?"

Rizhao shrugged his shoulders and said, "I was faced with the same dilemma as you at the beginning. I wanted to retire, but my agent didn't allow me. There was a conflict between us!"

Then Rizhao said to Ye Feng with a smile, "but I'm much luckier than you. My agent is not as strong as zhuomus, nor does he have such organizational strength. It's quite easy to kill him!"

But Ye Feng took a look at Rizhao and said, "but in our business, it's also taboo to kill our agent!"

Rizhao shrugged his shoulders and said, "there's no way, but I've chosen to retire. I'm not a member of this line! I don't care what people think of me at all! "

Ye Feng smell speech can't help nodding, a think is also, you have to quit this line, how can care about this line of people how to see you.

Now I face the same situation as Rizhao, but just as Rizhao said, zhuomus is not Rizhao's agent.

Dromus has a strong organization like TSL, and his personal ability is not inferior to that of people in this field.

Rizhao patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and said, "don't worry, I just feel the same as you, so I will fully support you!"

Listening to Rizhao's words, Ye Feng can't help staring at Rizhao for a while. Then he thinks of Dixie and qianse bee's advice to him.

Rizhao saw Ye Feng staring at himself, but he didn't say a word, so he said to Ye Feng, "you don't have to thank me. I told you the truth, I want to disappear in the world through this time zhuomus. It's hard to say, I'm also using you and zhuomus to tear up the relationship, and I'm quite sorry!"

If Rizhao says that he has no purpose at all, just to help himself, he won't believe it so easily.

Now after Rizhao said that, Ye Feng's suspicion of Rizhao is much smaller, but it is not completely gone.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he nodded to Rizhao and said, "do you want zhuomus to attack the island, so that the world will feel Rizhao died in this battle?"

Rizhao shrugged his shoulders and said, "I wanted you to kill me before, but you've seen through the plot. There's no way. We can only think of other ways. It happens that zhuomus came to the door. Do you think I can stop this crooked idea?"

Ye Feng can't help nodding and said, "plan is a good plan, but zhuomus is not a fool!"

Rizhao nodded and sighed, "you're right. In the agent business, zhuomus is also famous for his cunning, not so easy to deal with, so this is where I have a headache."

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng patted Rizhao's shoulder and said, "don't think about it any more. When the boat comes to the bridge, it will be straight!"

Rizhao can't help nodding, then waved to Ye Feng and said, "well, I feel more comfortable after I've told you so much. I'll go to bed early. Maybe tomorrow zhuomus will take action!"

Ye Feng also nodded and waved to the sunshine. After saying good night, he walked to his room.

Rizhao took a look at the spot and turned away.

But Ye Feng did not return to his room, but went to the door of qianse bee's room and knocked.

After a while, see thousand color bee come to open the door, this just toward thousand color bee way, "haven't planned to sleep?"

Thousand color bee a face surprised looking at leaf maple way, "didn't sleep, you have something to do?"

Ye Feng nodded, then went in and said, "I want to talk to you again!"

Thousand color bee can't help but say to Ye Feng, "my secret all told you, still have what good chat?"

Ye Feng waited for qianse bee to close the door, and then he said to her, "I want to know how zhuomus contacted you?"

Thousand color bee smell speech eyebrow can't help but move, immediately take out a telephone to say, "this is a satellite telephone, can send a message!"

Ye Feng took a look at the phone. The individual is not big, even smaller than today's smart phones, and has few functions. It only has the function of calling and information.

Thousand color bee is toward leaf Feng way, "if you still doubt me, I can give you the phone, anyway I have decided, no longer and zhuomus there contact!"

Ye Feng returned the phone to qianse Feng and said, "if you don't contact zhuomus anymore, zhuomus will feel that there is something wrong with the island, and you will know that you betrayed him!"

Qianse Feng shrugged and said, "I'm not a member of your TSL. I'm just collecting money for business. Besides, I've just collected a deposit. I'll return the deposit to him at that time."

But Ye Feng sneered at qianse bee, "give it back to him? Sometimes I really doubt your intelligence. How did you get a foothold in this business? Is there any reason to return the deposit? "

The thousand color bee shrugs helplessly and says, "there's no way. It's important for me to protect myself now. You've already found me. If I continue to help zhuomus, you can't kill me!"But Ye Feng said to qianse Feng, "you still need to keep in touch with zhuomus and report the situation on the island to him in time!"

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, complexion can't help looking at leaf maple, don't understand a way, "why?"

Ye Feng said to qianse Feng, "of course, I didn't ask you to continue to report as before, but to report what I want you to report in the past!"

Thousand color bee this just suddenly way, "do you want me to go against water, thoroughly come over to help you to go against zhuomus?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, it's just my suggestion. You have the right to refuse it. I'm not reluctant. You should know that I don't like to force others to do things I don't like!"

But qianse bee said with a bitter smile, "I have the right to refuse? What about the consequences of rejection? Is it that you and I are in complete opposition? "

Ye Feng said with a smile, "the opposite is not as yet, but it is definitely not the same front!"

The thousand color bee immediately said, "can I live three days on the island? I have no right to refuse! "

Ye Feng said with a smile, "it's hard for you to have this kind of consciousness. As for how you choose, of course, it's still your right. I absolutely respect other people's right to choose!"

But the thousand color bee sighed, "forget it, if you want me to send any message, just say it!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "you tell zhuomus that there is a gap between Rizhao and me!"

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