Thousand color bee a listen to Ye Feng this words, heart next move, immediately looking at Ye Feng way, "do you want to let zhuomus think the island has been in crisis?"

Ye Feng nodded, his mouth is noncommittal toward the thousand color bee way, "what he thinks, I'm not sure for the moment, but what I want is not, he must think what you say is true, as long as he has a little bit of faith, the effect will be achieved!"

Thousand color bee smell speech to nod, immediately press leaf Feng to say, sent a message to Zhuo Mu Si there.

After the information is sent, there is no response from zhuomus. Qianse bee can't help but say to Ye Feng, "he hasn't returned the information yet!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "maybe he has fallen asleep at this point. Maybe he is distinguishing the authenticity of this message!"

The thousand color bee asked Ye Feng at this time, "is there a possibility? Even without thinking about it, zhuomus decided that it was false news, and even knew that I had betrayed him? "

Ye Feng lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, then nodded and said, "of course, there is this possibility. If so, there is only one possibility!"

Thousand color bee smell speech can't help surprised looking at Ye Feng way, "what is possible?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath of his cigarette and looked at the thousand color bee for a long time before he said, "that's not only you, but also a spy on the island!"

Thousand color bee smell speech complexion can't help but move, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng after a long time, this just say, "not only me, is there anyone else?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "when we went to the monitoring room at the top of the mountain, didn't Rizhao execute a spy? I'm sure it's not the only one! "

Thousand color bee can't help nodding, but then said, "you're right, but you can know in detail that what I said is true or false, maybe not that kind of degree of insider can know!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "what you said is right, so the level of the traitor is very high. Maybe it's the people around us!"

After thinking for a long time, qianse bee suddenly looked at Ye Feng with a look of surprise and said, "can it be..."

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow but move a way, "who do you suspect?"

But the thousand color bee quickly shook his head and said, "you won't believe it!"

Ye Feng eyebrows can't help but wrinkle, immediately also know who the thousand color bee said, immediately said, "you say Dixie?"

The thousand color bee immediately said, "here, you said it yourself. I didn't say anything!"

Ye Feng smell speech but a while ponder ground looking at thousand color bee, finally looking at thousand color bee way, "what is the point that you suspect?"

The thousand color bee said, "she was the first to find the dromus fleet!"

Ye Feng brow a wrinkly way, "depend on this?"

The thousand color bee then looks at the leaf maple way, "this is not enough?"? You have to know, even if there is monitoring equipment on Rizhao Island, there is no timely report. How does her naked eye know? "

Ye Feng listen to thousand color bee so a say, can't help a while ponder, didn't speak.

The thousand color bee shrugged and said, "I know you have a lot to do with her. I know you won't believe it, so you can take it as if I said it casually."

Ye Feng hasn't spoken yet. The satellite phone of thousand color bee suddenly rings. She takes it up and looks at it. She says to Ye Feng, "zhuomus has replied!"

Ye Feng immediately asked the thousand color bee, "what do you say?"

The thousand color bee immediately said, "zhuomus only replied, I know, continue to monitor!"

After that, the thousand color bee immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "with your understanding of him, what's the meaning of his reply?"

After a while of pondering, Ye Feng said to the thousand color bee, "there is no special meaning. Maybe he just let you continue to monitor!"

But the thousand color bee said, "no, if such a big thing happened on the island, he would tell me to watch it again and again."

Ye Feng did not speak, just smoking cigarettes, thinking about what.

Thousand color bee see Ye Feng so, at this time a shrug, toward Ye Feng said, "I have done what I should do! What else do I need to do now? "

Ye Feng just finished smoking his last cigarette, and then got up and said, "no, you can have a rest early. If zhuomus has any contact with you, remember to tell me tomorrow!"

Thousand color bee smell speech immediately nodded a way, "good night!"

Then the thousand color bee sent Ye Feng out of the door. Seeing that Ye Feng didn't say anything before he left, he went straight away. He couldn't help standing at the door and watching Ye Feng go away. Then he closed the door.

Ye Feng went back to his door, but he didn't go in immediately. Instead, he stood at the door, leaning against the wall and lighting a cigarette again.

While smoking a cigarette, Ye Feng thought about qianse bee's suspicion of Dixie just now.

In fact, Ye Feng also had doubts in his mind when Dixie discovered dromus' fleet.

However, it may be his inner subconscious trust in Dixie, so Ye Feng did not magnify his suspicion of Dixie.

And in the mountain top monitoring room, Rizhao's monitoring personnel said that zhuomus's fleet had been hiding in the fog of the sea all the time, and did not really show its face.At that time, Ye Feng also doubted that if he never showed his face, how could Dixie have observed it with his naked eye?

If it's because their ship was also in the fog at that time, it's like Ye Feng's discovery that Xinghui's cargo ship was followed by the yacht of moon shadow, it's not impossible.

But if we think about it carefully, we will find many problems.

If dromus's fleet is a yacht with a very small carrier, just like the yacht of moon shadow, it is likely that you can't see such a long distance on the starlight, but you can just see that distance on the yacht of moon shadow.

But after all, dromus' ships are warships, and there are more than one. Even if they keep a certain distance from Xinghui's freighter, the movement at sea will not be too small. Even if they can't see anything, they will at least be aware of something.

Therefore, according to Ye Feng's judgment, zhuomus's warship is absolutely impossible to follow the moon shadow's yacht so blatantly. It must have kept a considerable distance from them.

And such a large distance, through the fog, there is a chance that we can not find the north.

But the conclusion is that dromus' fleet has not lost its way, and it has arrived around Rizhao island as expected.

What does that mean?

This shows that the ships entering the island in front of the dromus fleet, whether they are Xinghui's freighter or Yueying's yacht, all have clear trackers, so the dromus warships can find the right position so accurately.

Of course, as long as a thousand color bee has a tracker, it's not necessarily on Dixie.

But all these inferences further proved that it was impossible for Dixie to know that dromus' warship was near the island.

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