Ye Feng thought of here, also did not say anything more and Dixie, he knew that he asked Dixie, Dixie will not say.

As for what he wants to know, he can only make sure what he is doing through his own observation.

The next morning, as soon as Ye Feng woke up, he found that Dixie was no longer at the bedside. After he got up to wash, he met Xinghui as soon as he went out.

After seeing Ye Feng, Xinghui immediately nodded to Ye Feng and said, "Satan, are you awake? The master asked me to wake you up and go to the hall

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "call me to pass?"? What's the matter? "

Xinghui said, "in the early morning, a kayak came to the sea. There was a man on it who was caught by us. The other side called him the special commissioner of dromus!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, eyebrow wrinkly of more tight, "special commissioner? What are you doing here? "

Xinghui shrugged and then said to Yefeng, "I'm not very clear about the details. You'd better go and see the host!"

Ye Feng nodded and then asked, "where's Dixie? Did you see her?"

Xinghui said, "isn't she in the room? I didn't see it, either! "

The leaf maple heart next move, but didn't say what, walk toward the hall directly!

Xinghui yells to Ye Feng in the back, "if I see Dixie, let her go to the hall to find you!"

Ye Feng than a "OK" gesture, directly went to the hall.

As soon as I got to the hall, I saw Rizhao sitting in the middle of the hall, and there was a man sitting in his hands. He looked like he was in his twenties.

Ye Feng saw that he had never seen this man, but he thought it was possible. After all, there were more than a thousand people on the base island where TSL was located. How could he know everyone?

However, after seeing Ye Feng, the man immediately stood up and nodded to Ye Feng, "Satan!"

Rizhao then waved to Ye Feng and said, "brother Satan, zhuomus sent a special commissioner to talk to you alone."

After Ye Feng walked over, he took a look at the Commissioner, frowned slightly and said, "talk to me alone? What can I talk about? "

The Commissioner shrugged at Ye Feng and said, "zhuomus means I'll talk to you alone!" Then he looked at Xiangri Zhao and said, "I'm really sorry. I'm also obedient. I'm not disrespectful to you!"

Rizhao stood up, clapped her hands, shrugged her shoulders and said, "nothing. Since you want to talk alone, I'll give you the space here!"

But the Commissioner said, "no, Satan and I will go out for a walk! By the way, Satan will take me back to the motorboat. I should have finished my words all the way! "

Sunshine smell speech, eyebrows slightly wrinkled, this is worried about their eavesdropping in the hall, or what the monitor?

But he looked at Ye Feng and said, "I don't care. You can do it yourself."

At this time, the special commissioner has walked out of the hall, Ye Feng pondered for a moment or followed up.

However, in the process of going out of the castle, the Commissioner did not say a word.

Until the Commissioner and Ye Feng out of the castle, to the mountain road, Ye Feng said, "there is no one here, there can be no monitoring!"

The special commissioner just took a look at Ye Feng and said, "zhuomus asked me to tell you that if we want to take down this island, our firepower may be suppressed by the firepower on the island, but there is no problem to take down this island!"

Ye Feng lit a cigarette and looked at the Commissioner, "so?"

The special commissioner then said to Ye Feng, "so, zhuomus means that there are many innocent people on the island besides you and Rizhao. If zhuomus and Rizhao go to war, the innocent people on the island will be killed. Of course, there will be damage on our side, but there will be no more than on the island. Moreover, zhuomus has set mines near the island, and any ship will be killed It's impossible to leave the island! "

Ye Feng took a deep puff of his cigarette, still looking at the Commissioner and said, "and then?"

The Commissioner continued, "then! Zhuomus hopes you don't hurt the innocent. You'd better come with me and meet zhuomus. After all, zhuomus watched you grow up. Now you have misunderstandings about him. He hopes you two have misunderstandings and disagreements. He can make it clear face to face. He doesn't want other people to intervene! "

Ye Feng looked at the special commissioner with a cigarette in his mouth. He continued to walk down the mountain with the special commissioner, but he didn't speak.

The special commissioner saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, and immediately said, "of course, you can choose not to go with me for the time being, but you can come to zhuomus at any time. Zhuomus gives you time to think about it. It's up to you to find him within 24 hours!"

Ye Feng smell speech brow wrinkle more tight, looking at the Commissioner way, "after 24 hours?"

The Commissioner sighed, "if you don't wait for him in 24 hours, it will be considered that you have completely refused to meet him and given up the way to solve the problem. He will continue the following operation according to his way!"Ye Feng pondered, smoking cigarettes, did not speak. When the special commissioner saw this, he sighed a little again and said, "look at what you look like now, you won't choose to go with me, will you?"

Ye Feng is still silent, smoking cigarettes, looking at the Commissioner after a long time, it said, "there is no other words to say with me?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the special commissioner said, "zhuomus knows that there are some differences between you and Rizhao, so I hope you can think about it clearly. Although Rizhao has taken you in, what kind of friendship is he with you? When it comes to the time of life and death, whether he will help you, how much he will help you, is a question mark. It really can help you Dromus is the only one in the world

After staring at the Commissioner for a long time, Ye Feng reached out and patted him on the shoulder and said, "after you go back, tell zhuomus that I will definitely go to him, but I will never go to him according to the way he arranged for me. Since he watched me grow up, he should know my temper and the consequences of forcing me to do things. It's just that I'll be caught dead!"

The Commissioner looked at Ye Feng and sighed, "Satan, in fact, you and zhuomus have been in love with father and son all the time. Why do you have to fight so far?"

Ye Feng smoking cigarettes, looking at the Commissioner in front of the way, "in your opinion, is my problem?"

But the Commissioner shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't judge which is right or wrong. I'm just a wage earner. I don't have the right to make a judgment. Even if I have my own judgment, it should be based on the judgment of dromus. This is the rule of TSL. You should know it best!"

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