Ye Feng heard the Commissioner say so, then shrugged, "you are still a member of TSL, but I am not!"

The special commissioner heard Ye Feng say so, can't help but look at Ye Feng and said, "there is a concept, I think you are mistaken!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "concept? What concept? "

correspondent immediately said to Ye Feng, "are you a member of TSL, not you has the final say?"

leaves Feng to sneer at a voice, "I am not even myself member of TSL can not has the final say, is Zhuo Mu Si just said?"

correspondent immediately corrected Ye Feng Road, "you think so, there is nothing wrong with it, but in fact, zhuomoussi also said it was not, but rules has the final say!"

Ye Feng sneered, "rules? The rules are not made by dromus? "

The Commissioner sighed slightly, "it's true that the rules of TSL are designated by dromus, but they are also determined by absorbing the opinions of many people. I believe there are your opinions among them. But once the rules are designated and implemented, everyone in TSL should follow the rules, including you, me and dromus!"

Ye Feng can't help laughing when he hears the speech, looking at the special commissioner and saying, "is that right? It's like democracy! What if dromus broke the rules? "

The special commissioner hears Ye Feng say so, immediately frown a way, "I haven't met such a problem, I can't answer you for the moment!"

Ye Feng then said to the special commissioner, "you are not unable to answer me, nor did you encounter such a problem, but even if you encounter it, there is only one way, that is to escape. Since the rules are obeyed by everyone, superficially speaking, they are very tall, but in the process of real implementation, how many secret operations are there?"

The special commissioner said with a smile to Ye Feng, "there are indeed dark box operations. Any system and rules are defective. For example, every time you perform a task, you will leave a lot of mess for others to help you clean up. If you are not Satan, but any other agent in our TSL, what do you think he will do?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders, took a cigarette and didn't say anything, because he knew what the special commissioner said was the truth. In reality, he was reckless when carrying out his task, so he often asked Dixie or Hades to help him with the aftermath.

Moreover, after the end of each task, zhuomus really took care of himself and didn't mention any questions left in the process of his task, so many people were very dissatisfied with him. That's why Hades had a problem with himself.

Because of this, when Ye Feng was faced with this problem, he could not refute it.

The Commissioner saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, and immediately said with a smile, "from what I said, you should also see that zhuomus is different from anyone else to you!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "I never deny the special care of zhuomus for me, nor his kindness to me. I even admit that I used to be like a father and son with him!"

At this time, the Commissioner nodded and sighed, "just admit it, so that's why now, zhuomus still hopes to solve the misunderstanding and disputes between you through direct dialogue with you, rather than going to extremes!"

Ye Feng said to the special commissioner, "in fact, misunderstandings and disputes don't exist at all. It's just a wishful thinking of zhuomus. If I don't announce my retirement, will misunderstandings and disputes not exist?"

The Commissioner said to Ye Feng meaningfully, "zhuomus never opposes anyone to choose his own career, but you are only in your twenties, your career has just reached its peak, you are still very young, and there are many things you can do..."

Ye Feng waved his hand impatiently to the special commissioner and flicked away his cigarette butt. Then he said, "you don't have to tell me this. If it's any normal profession in the world, I can't say it when I retire in my twenties. But even in a normal society, retirement and non retirement are my own choices. The reason why our profession is special is not because of the fact that it's hard to say it "Nobody?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, the special commissioner sighed, "it seems that you still can't understand zhuomus's idea!"

Ye Feng then looked at the special commissioner and asked, "so has dromus understood my idea? His idea is that I quit too early. There are many things that only I can help him. He can't leave me now! "

The special commissioner said to Ye Feng, "you are right. As I said just now, zhuomus doesn't object to your retirement. But you have been in TSL for such a long time. You should also know that the reputation of TSL depends entirely on your reputation. If you leave, TSL will no longer exist, so we all have no value to exist. Zhuomus means that you can Go, but know that you can go only after zhuomus finds someone who can inherit you and replace you. This is also your responsibility to TSL. After all, whether you admit that you are a member of TSL or not, you grew up eating TSL's food. You have to repay your kindness. Although zhuomus doesn't say it, it doesn't mean you can put it down! "

Ye Feng looked at the Commissioner and said, "are these words your personal meaning or zhuomus's meaning?"The Commissioner shrugged his shoulders and said, "whether it's what I mean or what dromus means, it's meaningless to argue, isn't it?"

Ye Feng points a way afresh, "since have no opinion, need not say more, I send you to seaside!"

The Commissioner saw Ye Feng finish, continued to move forward, and then followed up, "you don't have to reply so quickly, zhuomus said, within 24 hours, you still have a lot of time to think!"

After taking a deep puff of his cigarette, Ye Feng walked forward and said to the special commissioner, "I don't care if what you said to me is what zhuomus means, or what you mean personally. To tell you the truth, I never regard TSL's raising me as a kind of favor! You are also a member of TSL. You should be clear that I can live to this day, not by any favor, but by my own life. I grew up with the blood of countless companions on my hands. Please tell zhuomus the same thing

When he spoke, he arrived at the seaside. A kayak was stopping at the shore. The special commissioner took a deep breath and looked at Ye Feng. Then he sighed and said nothing more. He pushed the kayak directly into the sea, then got on the kayak, started the engine and drove away.

Ye Feng is standing on the beach, looking at the kayak, until can't see clearly, this just turned to leave.

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