Ye Feng looked at the disappearance of the kayak and immediately turned to walk on the mountain road. However, he saw that on the platform in front of the castle halfway up the mountain, Dixie was standing there and looking into the distance.

Ye Feng doesn't know when Dixie started to stand there, and doesn't know what she's looking at, but she always thinks that Dixie has some problems.

But after thinking of the words that Dixie said to himself, he still didn't think much. After all, he had no reason to doubt a woman he loved and loved deeply.

When Ye Feng stepped on the platform in front of the castle again, he found that Dixie was no longer here. Instead, qianse bee was standing nearby and looking into the distance.

Ye Feng can't help wrinkling his eyebrows and goes to the thousand color bee, saying, "what are you looking at here?"

Thousand color bee this just side head looked at a leaf maple way, "I am looking at what Dixie just looked at!"

Ye Feng brow is a wrinkle again, can't help staring at thousand color bee to see a moment later way, "that what did you see?"

Thousand color bee shrugs a way, "except in front of the fog, nothing to see!"

Ye Feng followed the thousand color bee's eyes and looked at the mist on the distant sea. There was nothing.

He then asked qianse Feng, "where's Dixie? She was just standing around here! "

The thousand color bee shrugs slightly and says, "I just saw her looking at the distance near here, so I waited for her to come and have a look! Because I was looking at the sea in the distance, I didn't notice where she went! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng sighed a little, then shook his head and walked towards the castle.

Thousand color bee see, can't help immediately toward the leaf maple chase up, walk in the leaf maple side asked him, "did you ask Dixie?"

The leaf maple side head looked a thousand color bee way, "ask her what?"

But the thousand color bee frowned and said, "I told you so much last night, but you didn't ask her?"

Ye Feng said to qianse Feng, "first of all, I grew up with Dixie. We don't have to talk about each other. I believe in her. Secondly, even if she really has a problem, I won't ask her. 1"

after listening to Ye Feng's words, qianse Feng took a deep breath and said, "OK, I understand. I feel like I'm trying to stir up your relationship!"

But Ye Feng said to the thousand color bee, "I didn't say that, but I need you to understand that whether it's her or not, I shouldn't ask her. If it's not her, I just trust her. If it's her words, at least I don't doubt her!"

Thousand color bee listen to Ye Feng say so, this just surprised to see Ye Feng, immediately a smile way, "you are really crafty!"

Ye Feng smell speech but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "old treacherous giant cunning?"? Is that the right word for me? "

Thousand color bee shrugs a way however, "with your person set perfect match!"

Ye Feng sighed helplessly. After lighting a cigarette, he said, "I hope you don't harass Dixie because of your doubt."

The thousand color bee hears speech is brow first move, but will pass idea soon, shrug a shoulder way immediately, "I just don't bother to manage, and I have nothing to do with it!"

At this time, Ye Feng was pondering and smoking, but he didn't speak.

Seeing this, qianse bee can't help asking Ye Feng, "what's wrong with not saying a word?"

Ye Feng just looked at the thousand color bee and said, "go to your room!"

Thousand color bee smell speech can't help but a surprised, Zheng Zheng ground looking at leaf Feng way, "go to my room?"

Ye Feng saw a face of thousand color bee hesitant look, can't help but frown way, "you don't always want to sleep me? What's this look like? Are you afraid? "

Thousand color bee hears speech is again a dismay, immediately but sneer a way, "I am afraid? I'm afraid you dare not go! " Then he walked quickly towards his door.

Don't want to leave Maple really follow in the thousand color bee behind, to her room door.

Thousand color bee opened the door at this time, looking at Ye Feng way, "go in!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and immediately went in. The thousand color bee could not help but eyebrow, but still went in and closed the door.

As soon as she went in, she saw that Ye Feng had started to take off her coat.

Thousand color bee can't help staring at Ye Feng, surprised, "are you serious?"

Ye Feng then toward thousand color bee a smile way, "all entered the room! You think it's fake? "

At this time, Qian se Feng's face turned red and said, "that's right, but Is it too sudden? I'm not prepared at all... "

Ye Feng said with a smile, "what psychological preparation do you need for this kind of thing? Since you want to sleep with me, shouldn't you be preparing all the time? "

At this time, qianse bee's chest fluctuated and said, "I don't mean that, just this morning..."

Ye Feng then looked at the thousand color bee way, "this kind of thing also points sooner or later?"

Thousand color bee stands far away, looking at Ye Feng already red. Naked upper body looking at himself, Leng is not approaching, just mouth said, "you let me slowly..."

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "slow what? I want you to change my face! Do you really think my sperm is in my head in the early morning? ""A change of face?" The thousand color bee hears speech and immediately looks at Ye Feng in consternation and says, "what do you want to change? Also, what do you want to do when you change face? "

Ye Feng then said to the thousand color bee, "if you change your appearance and don't pay attention to the details of your body, it's easy to be found!"

The thousand color bee then walked into Ye Feng slowly, looked at Ye Feng and said, "Oh, I see. Last time you knew that I was not Dixie, because I didn't change my body?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "you're the one who's the master of Yirong? I don't know that? "

The thousand color bee sighs slightly, and then asks Ye Feng, "who do you want to become?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "sunshine!"

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, complexion immediately move a way, "sunshine?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, I see sunshine's chest has chest hair, and there are some scars on the neck, so I take off my clothes and let you do it for me!"

Thousand color bee is a face don't understand tunnel, "you want to change into sunshine do?"

At this time, Ye Feng just asked the thousand color bee, "just say if you can do it!"

The thousand color bee pondered for a while, then went to drag out a box from under the bed, opened it, moved all the weapons inside, and took out a small bag.

Then thousand color bee let Ye Feng sit beside the bed, she immediately opened the bag, and took out some make-up tools inside.

But Ye Feng took a look at those make-up tools and frowned, "don't tell me, your easy look depends on make-up?"

The thousand color bee immediately said, "of course not Not all of them. There are others. Since you want me, just believe me. Don't ask so many questions. Just give them to me! "

Listen to thousand color bee say so, Ye Feng can't help nodding, then slightly closed his eyes and said, "then I'll give myself to you!"

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