Thousand color bee also don't speak, oneself in that stir up trouble Ye Feng, Ye Feng also really do completely give oneself to thousand color bee to deal with.

Once in a while, when I open my eyes to have a look, I can see that qianse bee is holding a similar palette, constantly mixing colors. In addition, there is a machine in front of me that I don't know, and it's also operating with power on.

I thought that qianse bee would draw something on his face, but I didn't see qianse bee draw a stroke on his face from beginning to end.

After waiting for a moment, listen to the thousand color bee said a good, Ye Feng curiously opened his eyes, but see thousand color bee from the plug-in machine to take out a thing, looks like human skin.

The thousand color bee began to paste the skin like things on her face, and began to feel cool. After a while, she lost that feeling, and even could not feel anything on her face.

and other thousand colored bees have been busy for a while. It is estimated that the human skin has been pasted up. This is the beginning of the painting with the colors she has adjusted before.

Thousand color bee see Ye Feng open eyes looking at himself, immediately remind him to close his eyes, Ye Feng also had to close his eyes, let thousand color bee disposal.

After tossing about for nearly an hour, the thousand color bee said to Ye Feng, "OK, have a look!"

Ye Feng opened his eyes, then got up and went to the bathroom. When he saw the mirror, he could not help but stop.

The self in the mirror has completely become the appearance of sunshine, but the hair is still black, different from the gray hair of sunshine.

The thousand color bee then went to the side of Ye Feng and asked, "how about it? Is that ok? "

Ye Feng just approached the mirror, stood in front of the mirror, looked around, needless to say, the thousand color bee's makeup level is really unusual.

At this time, he reached out and touched his face. On his mouth, he asked the thousand color bee, "it won't dry as soon as the wind blows, and then it will fall down?"

Thousand color bee immediately said, "absolutely impossible. I'm made of special materials. It's impossible to happen, and You reach out and rub it on your face

Ye Feng a listen to this, stretch out a hand to push on own face of a pinch, but discover unexpectedly have no any dissimilarity, that stick on own face of person skin, seem to grow on own face.

And not only this person's skin can't be rubbed down, but also the place where thousand color bees make up for themselves can't be rubbed off with their hands.

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "this can't be removed. How can I remove it later?"

Thousand color bee this just toward leaf maple a shrug way, "don't get out!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the facial expression immediately moves a way, "can't get out?"

But as soon as I said that, I saw the thousand color bee smile mysteriously, and then I thought that the thousand color bee had become Dixie before, didn't it also restore her own appearance?

Thinking of this, he immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "you want to rely on this face changing, I can't leave you!"

Thousand color bee smell speech a smile way, "you think of beauty! But to tell you the truth, if you want to get rid of it, you really have to rely on me. Only I can get rid of it! When you want to recover, just come to me and I'll wash it off for you! "

Ye Feng can't help but smile bitterly. "It seems that before I recover my appearance, I have to keep your life!"

Thousand color bee complacently shrugs a way, "that of course, if I die, you forever do sunshine!"

Ye Feng sighed helplessly, then touched his hair and said, "when is this going to happen?"

Thousand color bee immediately took Ye Feng's hand, pulled him out of the bathroom, sat on the bed, and began to help him with his hair.

Ye Feng also reminds thousand color bee way, "still have chest hair!"

Thousand color bee is impatient way, "I all know, you don't need to remind me, first sit still, also don't say a word, OK, I call you!"

Ye Feng listen to thousand color bee so a say, Ye Feng simply closed his eyes, don't move also don't speak.

After qianse bee finished his hair, he began to mend Ye Feng's chest hair and scar his neck.

About an hour later, thousand color bee toward Ye Feng said a good, Ye Feng this just opened his eyes, stood up, went to the bathroom.

At this time, the people in the mirror of the bathroom, where they can see the shadow of themselves before, is completely sunshine.

At this time, the thousand color bee went to the side of Ye Feng and said, "are you satisfied? I don't think it's Starlight when I see you like this. I don't think his wife can recognize the moon shadow! "

Ye Feng then went back to the room to put on, picked up the clothes to put on, but the thousand color bee came over and said, "your clothes are a failure, you wait here, I'll get you a suit of clothes!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, a think is also, his appearance is now sunshine, but wearing Satan's clothes, this is not obvious tell others have a problem?

But before Ye Feng spoke, qianse bee had already opened the door and went out. After about half an hour, the door opened again. Qianse bee came in with a suit of clothes and said, "put it on!"

At this time, Ye Feng took off his coat and trousers, put on the clothes brought by qianse bee, and went to the bathroom mirror again. The people in the mirror are now 100% sunshine.Thousand color bee reminds Ye Feng at this time, "now the only thing you need to camouflage is Rizhao's accent. As long as you don't open your mouth, you can cheat everyone, but once you open your mouth to speak, you will be broken!"

At this time, Ye Feng thought that his accent and tone were totally different from Rizhao's, but when he thought of qianse bee disguised as Dixie before, his voice was almost the same as Dixie's.

He couldn't help looking at the thousand color bee and said, "how can the voice disguise?"

At this time, the thousand color bee immediately picked up something the size of a grain of rice and said, "this can change your voice!"

Then the thousand color bee went to Ye Feng and asked him to look up. Then he pressed the big thing of rice against his neck, and he pressed it directly from the skin.

The leaf maple immediately avoids to open a way, "entered the body?"

Thousand color bee then toward leaf maple way, "temporarily, I intentionally press in your forged scar nearby, can't see, wait for afterwards can take out!"

Ye Feng said after a few words, "the voice is not changed!"

Qianse bee took out his mobile phone, and then opened an app on the mobile phone. After operating it, he said, "try talking again!"

Ye Feng immediately way, "say what?" But when speaking, the voice has completely changed, and it seems to be the voice of sunshine, but there are still problems in the details.

thousand bees as like as two peas, let Ye Feng not worry, and constantly adjust on APP. From time to time, let Ye Feng speak for a while. After testing for half an hour, Ye Feng's voice again has been exactly the same as sunshine.

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