Ye Feng heard his voice change and sunshine, can't help but go to the bathroom, in front of the mirror way, "brother Satan!"

At this time, qianse bee came to Ye Feng and said, "if you want to test whether it looks like it or not, the most direct way is to go out for a walk and see if people outside can recognize you!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "you are crazy. What if you go out and meet sunshine?"

Thousand color bee but a face surprised looking at leaf maple way, "since so, that you want to turn into sunshine to do what?"

Hearing the words, Ye Feng could not help but say to the thousand color bee, "I become sunshine, so naturally I have my thoughts!"

Hearing Ye Feng's words, qianse Feng shrugs and says, "I don't care what your purpose is. If you can deceive the people closest to Rizhao, then no one in the world can tell the difference between you and Rizhao!"

Then he shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm just a suggestion. You can do it yourself."

Ye Feng carefully thought about the thousand color bee's words, and felt that there was some truth. He immediately nodded and said, "well, I'll go out first!"

With that, Ye Feng immediately opened the door and went out. At first, he was still a little cautious. After all, he was pretending to be sunshine.

But what Ye Feng is most afraid of is meeting Rizhao himself. He just saw the appearance of his makeup in the mirror. It should not be easy for ordinary people to distinguish. When he meets Rizhao, Rizhao must know that he is a fake.

Thinking about this, just after a few steps, I heard a voice behind me saying, "master, how did you come here?"

As soon as Ye Feng heard it, he knew it was Xinghui's voice. Then he turned back and said, "come here to talk to Satan, but he's not here..."

Xinghui said, "are you looking for Satan? Shall I help you find it? "

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "forget it, I want to go out and have a breath now!"

The Star Hui smell speech immediately again say, "that I accompany you to go!"

Ye Feng hastily said, "you go and help yourself. I'll just walk for a while."

Xinghui just nodded and walked away. Ye Feng looked at Xinghui walking away and was relieved.

As Rizhao's most loyal servant, Xinghui didn't find any clue even when he stood with himself for so long, so there should be no problem.

When Ye Feng walked out of the gate of the castle, he just saw the moon shadow standing on the front platform of the castle, looking at the sea in the distance.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately turns around and leaves. No matter how good the relationship between Xinghui and Rizhao is, it can't be better than the wife's moon shadow who gets along day and night.

But as soon as he turned around, he heard the moon shadow say, "how did you come out?"

Ye Feng smell speech a dismay, looked back at the shadow of the moon, but see her at this time is also surprised to look at themselves.

He took a deep breath, said nothing, and then walked towards the shadow of the moon.

The moon shadow always looks at Ye Feng with a face of surprise. Until Ye Feng comes to her side, she frowns and says, "are you ok?"

Ye Feng heart immediately a Lin, surprised to see a moon shadow way, "what's the problem?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the moon shadow shook her head and said, "nothing. I'm just curious. You don't usually come out. How do you suddenly think of it?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "come out to get some fresh air!"

The moon shadow nodded, then turned to look at the distant sea, and said nothing more.

Ye Feng saw the shadow of the moon and looked into the distance. She could not help but follow her eyes and looked in front of her. However, except for a piece of fog, she didn't see anything.

He couldn't help asking moon shadow, "what are you looking at?"

The moon shadow shrugged and said, "Oh, nothing. I just suddenly think of the past. When we first came to this island, the fog didn't exist. I don't know when it suddenly appeared. Now it doesn't disperse all the year round. It's really strange!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, originally before this island nearby is no fog? Did they start after they went to the island?

Although I thought so, I said, "yes! This may be the charm of nature

The moon shadow smell speech canthus move, the side head saw a leaf maple after, this just shrug a shoulder way, "you often don't come out in the castle, rare come out, breathe a little more air, I go back first!"

Ye Feng nodded his head and said yes. Seeing the shadow of the moon enter the castle, he was completely relieved. But he thought in his heart, does the sunshine often not come out in the castle?

But think of the moon shadow should not see their own clues, this is completely relieved, even the moon shadow and Xinghui do not recognize themselves, then presumably no one can recognize themselves.

Of course, except for the thousand color bee.

Ye Feng stood on the platform and blew for a while. He thought it would be better to go back. If he really met Rizhao, he would be in trouble.

When Ye Feng went back, he suddenly heard a scream. Then he saw the moon shadow running out of a corner and said, "a corpse is found there!"Ye Fengxin next move, is anxious to go to the room, if there is any accident here, sunshine is bound to come out.

Do not want to shadow but immediately went to the leaf maple in front of the way, "you and I go to have a look!"

Ye Feng can't, can only harden the scalp and the shadow walked in the past, thought that even if you meet Rizhao benzun, at that time and he explained, big deal his plan to tell Rizhao benzun on the line.

However, at the end of a corridor, I saw the corpse lying on the ground, but my body, especially my face, seemed to have been drenched with sulfuric acid, so I could not see the original appearance.

After Ye Feng looked at it, he could not help but frown. He killed people. Why use phosphoric acid to drench all over his body? How much hatred is this?

Xinghui also rushed over at this time, went to check the body, Ye Feng reminded Xinghui, "be careful, he has corrosive liquid!"

After Xinghui's examination, he regained his mind and said to Yefeng and Yueying, "his body is severely burned. I can't tell who it is!"

At this time, qianse bee and some servants from the ancient castle also rushed over. Seeing this scene, some people were scared and even screamed.

Ye Feng asked the moon shadow who found the body for the first time, "what's the matter?"

Yueying said to Yefeng, "I just came back from the platform and went to the room to have a rest. But after a while, I heard something happened outside, so I came out to have a look. As soon as I came out, I saw the body lying on the ground, and it was already like this."

Xinghui asked Yueying, "do you see the murderer?"

The moon shadow shook her head and said, "no!"

At this time, the thousand color bee could not help saying to the people, "could it be that the people on the dromus ship have already landed and lurked on the island?"

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