After hearing this, people suddenly felt a movement. Xinghui nodded and said, "it's very possible that we should be on emergency alert. This guy is still on the island. Be careful all the time!"

The moon shadow then says toward the Star Hui, "think of a way to dispose of this corpse first, put here also pretty diaphragmatic should!"

Xinghui then went to connect a water pipe, first washed away the sulfuric acid on the body, then took the body away, and then asked other people to disperse.

At this time, Yueying took Ye Feng's arm and said, "my head is a little uncomfortable. Help me to have a rest!"

When Ye Feng hears this, she is shocked. It's too late for her to hide. She still has to help Yueying to return to her room?

qianse Feng stands on one side and looks at Ye Feng and Yueying. After staring at Ye Feng for a moment, she doesn't say anything and walks away.

Ye Feng originally wanted to find an excuse to leave, but Yueying firmly held his arm, and he had no choice but to harden his head again and support Yueying back to the room.

But Ye Feng is also a little strange. There's so much movement here. Why doesn't the sunshine come out? Isn't he in the castle, going to the monitoring room on the top of the hill?

Has been supporting the shadow to the door of her room, the shadow opened the door, Ye Feng this just helped her into the room, helped her to the bedside to sit down, this just relaxed, also a sigh of relief.

At this time, moon shadow pressed her temple and said, "since Satan landed on the island, the island has become more and more complicated!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart can't help but move, hurriedly en a, then walked toward the door in the past.

The moon shadow looks at Ye Feng and says, "where are you going? I said that my head is a little dizzy. Why don't you come and give me a massage

Ye Feng said, "I want to see Xinghui deal with the corpse..."

The moon shadow said, "what's good about dealing with corpses?"

Said a little sigh, "I know, you are now more and more do not feel for me, always try to avoid me!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help but wonder, is there any problem between Rizhao and Yueying husband and wife?

but if you think about it carefully, you think it's possible. After all, Rizhao is older and Yueying is only about 30 years old, so it's inevitable that there will be problems between the old husband and the young wife.

But Ye Feng still went to the back of the moon shadow, stretched out his hand to help the moon shadow press his shoulder and said, "don't think too much, it is estimated that you are afraid to see the body drenched in sulfuric acid!"

The shadow of the moon sighed, "maybe it is!"

While speaking, Yueying reaches out to hold Ye Feng's hand, then turns around and hugs Ye Feng.

Ye Feng instinctively pushed away the moon shadow and said, "I remember, I still have something to do. I'd better go first. If you feel uncomfortable, have a good rest!"

Ye Feng said immediately toward the door, but this time, the shadow did not call Ye Feng.

Ye Feng quickly out of the room, can't help a long sigh of relief, to tell the truth, Ye Feng where don't know, if he is really sunshine, and his wife so alone, what will happen next.

But I'm not sunshine. If I use my make-up to make sunshine and take advantage of the shadow of the moon, is that what I do?

Thinking of Ye Feng or hurriedly toward the thousand color bee's room there, but on the way just met back Xinghui.

Xinghui saw Ye Feng and said, "master, the body has been disposed of!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, mouth asked, "how to deal with?"

Xinghui said, "isn't it sent to the cremator for cremation?"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, eyebrow can't help a wrinkly way, "haven't found the identity of the dead, get to cremate?"

Xinghui shrugged his shoulders and said, "isn't it always like this before? What's more, there's nothing to look up about the identity. Just look up the population information of the island and see who's missing. Don't you know? "

Ye Feng a think is also, Star Hui then asked Ye Feng way, "the hostess is OK?"? Just now I saw that her face was a little wrong! "

Ye Feng said, "nothing for the time being, it should not be a big problem!"

Xinghui just nodded, then asked Ye Feng, "master, what else do you want?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "nothing more. You should strengthen the defense on the island to prevent someone from sneaking into the island!"

The Star Hui smell speech to nod, this just turned round to leave.

After Ye Feng was completely relieved, he went to qianse bee's room and knocked on the door.

After waiting for the thousand color bee to open the door and staring at Ye Feng for a moment, he frowned and said, "you..."

Ye Feng went in directly, then closed the door and said, "not even you can't recognize who I am, can you?"

After a sigh of relief, qianse Fengchang said, "my make-up and easy-looking means can completely mix fish eyes with pearls. If you don't say it, I really can't recognize it myself!"

Ye Feng then sat down and said, "why did you say that just now?"

Thousand color bee smell speech but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "what did I say?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "you said that someone from zhuomus has sneaked into the island?"The thousand color bee shrugged and said, "of course, if not, how did that person die? People on the island don't do that, do they? Even if he didn't just sneak in, he had already sneaked in. Even if he wasn't zhuomus, he was absolutely not loyal to Rizhao! "

Ye Feng nodded after pondering for a while, then muttered, "but there is one thing very strange!"

The thousand color bee can't help but frown and say, "what's strange?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "this kind of thing happened on the island, but Rizhao himself disappeared and didn't show up. I was worried about meeting Rizhao himself, but he didn't show up from the beginning to the end!"

The thousand color bee said quickly, "maybe he's sleeping, maybe he's going to other places, the island is so big..."

Ye Feng lit a cigarette, while smoking, while frowning, pondering for a long time and did not speak.

Thousand color bee asks Ye Feng way, "did you think of what?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I don't know. I always feel that when the moon shadow sees me as sunshine today, some of them are not the same as usual, but I can't tell where they are."

Thousand color bee smell speech can't help but smile a way, "you are not really sunshine, you and her contact just how long, how can you feel her where different?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but also nod a head way, "what you say is also right, may be I think much!"

Then he said to the thousand color bee, "but I just knew that there was no fog on this island before. It was sunshine and moon shadow that they started to have after they landed on the island. It's really a bit strange!"

But qianse bee looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "no, I asked Xinghui about this question. He said that they were driving the boat at that time. After they met the fog, they landed on the island inexplicably. The fog always existed!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately move, immediately stand up to way, "so say? Is the shadow of the moon lying

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