The thousand color bee then shrugged to Ye Feng and said, "I don't know who is lying. I only know that when I asked Xinghui, I just casually asked, and he just casually answered. There was no special environment and atmosphere at that time. I don't think he would cheat me in this chat."

Ye Feng listen to thousand color bee so say, the city fell into a burst of meditation, began to think about what happened after he disguised as sunshine today.

I didn't feel anything before, but when I think about it carefully, I don't know whether it's because I'm faking sunshine or because I already feel that the shadow of the moon is lying on the issue of fog, so I always feel that there is something wrong with the shadow of the moon.

Thousand color bee see Ye Feng didn't speak, this time, then toward Ye Feng way, "but there is a problem, do you find?"

Ye Feng this just returned to God, looking at thousand color bee way, "what problem?"

The thousand color bee said, "since you disguised as sunshine, have you ever seen the real sunshine?"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart is also a move, oneself before also in wonder this problem.

Now listen to thousand color bee also say so, this shows, that is absolutely not their doubts, but the fact.

In fact, after Ye Feng pretended to be sunshine, the real sunshine never appeared again.

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Qian se Feng suddenly said, "you haven't said the reason why you want to pretend to be sunshine, should you..."

Ye Feng listened to the thousand color bee so a say, can't help looking at the thousand color bee way, "do you think I killed sunshine?"

Thousand color bee immediately toward leaf maple way, "otherwise why do you want to disguise sunshine, and, why do you disguise sunshine, sunshine never appeared, this is why?"

Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to open his mouth, he suddenly said, "I understand. You are trapped on the island by zhuomus now, and you are unable to do anything, so you kill Rizhao to replace him, and then tell zhuomus that Satan is not on the island at all?"

Ye Feng lit a cigarette and pressed his temple while smoking, but he said to the thousand color bee, "let's make a hypothesis. If Rizhao was really killed by me, who else knows that I'm not Rizhao?"

Thousand color bee smell speech can't help but eyebrow move ground to look at leaf maple, after a long time, facial expression move a way, "besides you, is me!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "so if everything you said is true, what should I do to keep this secret?"

Thousand color bee a listen to Ye Feng this words, immediately instinctively back a trail, "kill me?"

At this time, Ye Feng immediately stood up, then strangled the qianse bee's neck and said, "yes, as long as I kill you, no one will know my secret!"

When a trace of horror appeared in the thousand color bee's eyes, Ye Feng released the thousand color bee, then sat back, continued to smoke cigarettes and said, "but I don't want to kill you!"

The thousand color bee also felt that Ye Feng didn't exert any force on his hand just now. He didn't have any intention to kill at all.

But the thousand color bee looked at Ye Feng hesitantly and said, "in other words, didn't you kill Rizhao?"

Ye Feng looked at the thousand color bee and said, "Why are you so sure that the sunshine is dead?"

The thousand color bee thinks and says with a smile, "yes, maybe he just..."

He was still a little confused. "No, there are so many things happening on the island. Now it's time to need him, and he didn't show up. I still think..."

Ye Feng looked at the thousand color bee and said, "do you still think he might have been killed?"

The thousand color bee nodded and said, "otherwise, it's hard to explain why he hasn't appeared today?"

Said also toward Ye Feng way, "but you can rest assured, I now also believe that even if sunshine is killed, should have nothing to do with you! But there's one more thing I don't understand. Why do you pretend to be sunshine? "

Ye Feng sighed and smoked a cigarette. "My original plan was to pretend to be Rizhao and negotiate with zhuomus to let him withdraw. Then Rizhao will send Satan!"

Thousand color bee smell speech complexion move a way, "you go to surrender, why want to disguise sunshine, you go directly!"

But Ye Feng said to qianse Feng, "you don't know Rizhao. If he knew I was like this, he would destroy my plan. After all, a man who once stood at the top of the industry, watching zhuomus take me away from him, what do you think of him?"

Thousand color bee listen to Ye Feng so a say, immediately some understand, "if the whole world know zhuomus is to take you from his hand, he must feel very shameless!"

But when you think about it carefully, you feel wrong and say, "but if you fake him, don't you still make him lose face?"

But Ye Feng said to qianse Feng, "my purpose of pretending Rizhao is to deceive zhuomus and make him unprepared for me. It's not to destroy Rizhao's reputation. After it's done, I will explain everything!"

The thousand color bee looks at Ye Feng, then shakes his head and says, "although I don't quite understand what you want to do, I always feel that you don't send yourself to the dromus fleet in the name of sunshine!"Ye Feng took a look at the thousand color bee, and then sneered, "you are very smart, but the smart is not thorough enough, what do I want to do, I can only tell you, I am to let this matter have a perfect ending, everyone has a perfect ending!"

Thousand color bee listen to Ye Feng so a say, immediately a burst of ponder ground stare at Ye Feng to see after a long time, this just nodded a way, "I believe you!"

But Ye Feng sneered, "I'm not talking to you so much to get your trust!"

Thousand color bee face dew embarrassment, at this time toward leaf maple way, "that is what you want to do!"

But Ye Feng said to qianse bee, "I need your help! If Rizhao has been killed, as you said, who killed him? If he wasn't killed, where is he? "

Speaking of this, Ye Feng said in a deep voice, "there is another key problem. No matter Rizhao was killed or his action was limited, the person who killed Rizhao must know that I am..."

Thousand color bee didn't wait for Ye Feng to finish, immediately eyes a bright way, "must know you are a holiday photo!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding and said, "you're right. If you know I'm a holiday photo, but you don't expose me, what's his purpose?"

After pondering for a while, qianse bee looked at Ye Feng and said, "it's just the person who pretends to be sunshine. There's no more perfect one to blame!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded at the thousand color bee and said, "you are very smart. You can think of this. That is to say, my false sunshine identity may be exposed at any time!"

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