Ye Feng listen to thousand color bee so a say, want to go up to strangle her, but said on the mouth, "emotion in your eyes, I see what women all like, right?"

But the thousand color bee shrugged, "isn't it? The name of Satan is far away. Besides your ability, isn't it your name of lust? "

Ye Feng listen to thousand color bee such an explanation, really can't find out what's wrong, helpless slightly sigh a way, "even if again lustful, also have to take, have not to take!"

Thousand color bee listen to Ye Feng so a say, immediately facial expression tiny move, immediately way, "I am that have not take inside of?"

Ye Feng didn't pick up the thousand color bee's stubble, and immediately said to the thousand color bee, "I'll go to the moon shadow now, and test her, and see if you can find anything. Hurry up and change your face!"

Thousand color bee helpless, had to nod to promise Ye Feng, looking at Ye Feng go out, began to move.

After Ye Feng left qianse bee's room, he didn't go far. He saw that the moon shadow was also coming this way. Seeing Ye Feng coming, he immediately stopped.

Ye Feng see this is also a heart move, also don't know whether the shadow has seen himself from the room of the thousand color bee come out.

But finally, Ye Feng went to the shadow of the side, did not speak, listen to the shadow said, "that room is Dixie? Or the thousand color bee? "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart is a move, it seems that the shadow or see himself from the door of the thousand color bee came out.

But Ye Feng pretended to be calm and said, "where are you going?"

The moon shadow said with a sneer, "isn't it going to find you? Since two little girls came to this island, your mind is not on me any more! "

As soon as Ye Feng heard this, he immediately said with a smile, "what's the matter? That's not Satan The woman of Satan's brother? And the thousand color bee, I'm also interested in Satan How could I do such a thing

After looking at Ye Feng, the moon shadow said to him, "my heart is a little stuffy. Do you accompany me to go outside for a breath?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "good!"

Without saying anything, moon shadow walked out of the gate of the castle.

Ye Feng saw this and took a long breath. Then he went out with the shadow of the moon.

On the platform in front of the castle, the sun was dazzling. The shadow of the moon covered the sun with her hand and said, "it's a good day today!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding, echoed, and then looked at the mist in the distance, "this mist is really strange, such a big sun can't disperse!"

At this time, Yueying looked at Ye Feng sideways. After a moment, a smile suddenly appeared on her face and said, "you say that it's good for you to hide in this castle all day and come out to bask in the sun more!"

Ye Feng just wants to echo, but he is a little strange in his heart. He and qianse bee have guessed that the moon shadow may know that he is not sunshine.

If this is the case, every word that the moon shadow said may be hidden thunder, deliberately testing himself.

Ye Feng's brain is running at full speed. It's really hard to infer any effective information in these words.

Hiding in the castle all day? Why does Rizhao hide in the castle?

Do you want to get out in the sun? Does sunshine seldom come out to bask in the sun?

If all of these are true, we have to get along with each other. Why do you hide in the castle and not come out? Are you afraid of tanning?

The moon shadow saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, and then said, "the island is more and more in crisis now. I don't know how many zhuomus people are hiding!"

Ye Feng this just returned to God way, "before even if Zhuo Mu Si didn't come, also hide Zhuo Mu Si's person!"

After the moon shadow nodded, she said, "have you come up with a plan with Satan? Yes? I haven't seen Satan today

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moves. Has the shadow of the moon suspected that he is Satan who pretends to be sunshine?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to the moon shadow, "I've just seen him. He's in qianse bee's room!"

The moon shadow eyebrows slightly pick a way, "he is in the room of thousand color bee?"? So you just went to see Satan in qianse bee's room? "

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "yes, Satan and I are standing in the corridor talking, thousand color bee opened the door, said something to find Satan's brother, Satan seems to want to avoid thousand color bee, don't want to get along with her alone, called me in together!"

But the shadow of the moon looked at Ye Feng dubiously and said, "is that right? Why does Satan hide from the thousand color bee? And since he didn't want to get along with qianse bee alone, he asked you to go in and accompany you. Why did you come out, but didn't see him come out? Does he want to be alone with qianse bee or not? "

Yefeng listen to the shadow of the moon so a question, immediately heart next a consternation, indeed, he said this reason some far fetched, and before and after there is a contradiction.

Thinking of him, he could only sigh, "don't you have heard of Satan's reputation for lust! Who knows if he has a crush on the thousand color bee or not, that is to say, he may use me as a pretext... "The moon shadow smiles and stares at Ye Feng with a pair of sharp eyes and says, "is Satan holding you as a cover or are you holding Satan as a cover? You know it best! "

Ye Feng smell speech a shrug a way, "you even don't believe me?"? When did I cheat you? "

The moon shadow said with a faint smile, "didn't you cheat me? Let's say the time we were in St. Petersburg... "

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved when he heard the speech. If the moon shadow said the things between her and Rizhao before, he must have revealed the truth. How did he know that Rizhao and the moon shadow had experienced those things?

Thinking about Ye Feng, he immediately interrupted, "let's not talk about the past. Let's look forward to the future. I'll tell you the truth. In fact, brother Satan asked me to go in, but he wanted me to be a cover. But his purpose was for Dixie. I'm afraid that if Dixie saw that he was alone with qianse bee in a room, he asked me to go in, and then it would be OK It's Dixie who has found out, so let me help him speak! "

Moon shadow smell speech can't help staring at Ye Feng, after a long time, showed a strange smile, but it is fleeting, then said, "you men, the mind is used in this up!"

Ye Feng smell speech then immediately toward the moon shadow a smile way, "that is Satan, I am not this kind of person!"

But Yueying sneered and said, "let's go and meet Satan. I also want to see what he and qianse bee are doing!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, heart immediately move, now thousand color bee is that easy to look, estimate certainly haven't tossed over, now the moon shadow go, isn't all exposed?

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