But Yueying has begun to turn around and is ready to walk towards the castle. Ye Feng immediately grabs Yueying's hand and pulls her back,

Yueying directly pours on Ye Feng, just to Ye Feng's arms. Her face is slightly red, but she stares at Ye Feng and says, "what are you doing?"

Ye Feng can't, have to take advantage of the situation to embrace the moon shadow of the Manyao way, "you this person, how can you do so not know what to do?"

Moon shadow felt his waist was hugged by Ye Feng. His face changed several times, but he asked Ye Feng, "where am I not interested?"

Ye Feng and Yueying explained, "the brother of Satan is in qianse bee's room now. What can he do now? You knock at the door now, don't you know what it is? "

The moon shadow hears the speech, but eyebrows slightly a wrinkly way, "now but broad daylight, they......" At this point, the face of the red halo again.

Ye Feng then said with a smile, "this kind of thing, also cent what day and night, you mean?"

The moon shadow didn't say anything more, but staring at Ye Feng in front of her. After a long time, she said, "how long have you not hugged me like this?"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard the speech. Just now, he was also in a hurry to respond. After listening to Yueying's question, he released his hand and said, "I'm not afraid that you will disturb other people's brother Satan!"

Then Ye Feng turned his back, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit one and smoked it,

but Yueying went to Ye Feng's side, looked at him with "surprise" eyes and said, "how many years have you quit? Why are you smoking again? "

Ye Feng smell speech heart immediately a Lin, he did not see sunshine smoking, but now he has smoked.

He can only harden his head and say to the moon shadow, "in fact, I've been secretly smoking for so many years, and I didn't let you find it!"

The moon shadow can't help looking at Ye Feng and sighing, "so, your man's mouth is a deceitful ghost!"

Ye Feng smoked a few mouthfuls, and directly prepared to throw away the cigarette, but stopped the moon shadow, "you smoke your, you smoke like a man!"

Listen to the moon shadow so say, Ye Feng also simply continue to smoke, dry smile to see a moon shadow way, "I only smoke man?"

The moon shadow can't help looking at Ye Feng at this time and said, "you seem to be different from before."

Ye Feng can't help saying, "is there any? Isn't that what it looks like? "

My heart is still full of murmurs, it can't be that smoking completely betrays me. My smoking is indeed an instinctive reaction, I don't think so much about it.

But listen to the moon shadow said, "since Satan and they landed on the island, you are different from before. At first, I thought it was because of two beauties, Dixie and qianse bee, who landed on the island!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately toward the moon a smile way, "how can ah, in my eyes, only you are beautiful!"

The moon shadow's face moved slightly, then walked to Ye Feng's side, hugged Ye Feng, nestled her head on Ye Feng's shoulder and said, "you haven't talked to me like this for a long time!"

Ye Feng sighed, "sometimes I feel that when I'm old, I don't have to..."

At this time, the moon shadow pulls Ye Feng to the gate of the castle. Ye Feng throws away his cigarette and says, "where are you going?"

The moon shadow said, "go back to the room!"

But Ye Feng said, "what should I do when I go back to my room?"

The moon shadow said, "do you still need to ask? Of course, it's the right thing to do between husband and wife! "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately stunned, even busy way, "this daytime of......"

The moon shadow said, "don't you just say that this kind of thing can't be divided into day and night, just do it if you want to!"

Ye Feng hesitates for a while, but he is still pulled to the room by the moon shadow. For a moment, he doesn't know what to do.

If Yueying insists on this, she can only blow up her identity, but she can't just take advantage of Rizhao's wife.

However, Ye Feng's heart is still thinking, the shadow of the moon in the end do not know that they are fake sunshine, she did so is really caused by the truth, or in the test themselves?

After arriving at the room, the moon shadow immediately turns back and kisses Ye Feng.

Ye Feng quickly pushed away the moon shadow and said, "don't be so anxious..."

Moon shadow is standing there staring at Ye Feng Road, "you want to refuse me?"

Ye Fenglian said hastily, "no, I want to say that this kind of thing Don't worry about it... "

After staring at Ye Feng for a moment, Yueying pulls Ye Feng's hand and says, "you're right. Let's take a bath and cultivate our mood first!"

Ye Feng sweat is about to come out, quickly went to the sofa in the house and sat down, "in fact, I think we should talk first!"

Yueying frowned and said, "we've been husband and wife for such a long time. Do we still need to chat to cultivate our feelings?"

Ye Feng sighed, "I'll tell you the truth, actually I..."

But did not wait for Ye Feng to finish, moon shadow immediately sat in the past, took Ye Feng's hand and said, "I know, you have physiological problems, but I don't dislike you!"Ye Feng a listen to this, the heart immediately a Lin, sunshine in physiological problems? I really don't know about it.

But when I think about it, sunshine and moon shadow have been married for so long, and they have no children. If I think about it, maybe there is something wrong with it.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng sighed and nodded, "yes, I have a lot of pressure in my heart!"

Moon shadow is holding Ye Feng's arm, then reached out to touch Ye Feng's face and said, "it's OK, I didn't say anything, what do you give yourself so much pressure to do?"

Ye Feng as if to find an excuse, then immediately stood up and said, "in fact, so many years, also quite difficult for you!"

The shadow of the moon sighed, and then he lay on the sofa and said, "it's not difficult. After all, you did it to block bullets for me. You sacrificed so much for me. How could I abandon you?"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, just understand, may be sunshine there suffered gunshot wound, so there will be obstacles and so on.

Moon shadow see Ye Feng didn't speak, then got up and walked to Ye Feng behind the way, "in fact, this kind of thing is dispensable, I don't care, I just want to be close to you!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, the heart is also secretly a sigh, if this is the case, it is really difficult for the shadow of the moon, after all, as a woman, normal physiological problems can be regarded as husband and wife obligations.

But if you can't be satisfied for a long time, maybe your heart will change a lot. If the corpse is Rizhao, does the moon shadow kill Rizhao just because of this problem?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng sighs slightly. Even if this problem can be solved, it's unnecessary to kill people?

The problem between sunshine and moon shadow may not be as simple as I understand.

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