Moon shadow see Ye Feng didn't speak, at this time immediately went to Ye Feng in front of him, hugged Ye Feng and said, "why don't you speak? Don't feel pressure in your heart any more. I don't care about these. Besides, the doctor also said that you are not a physiological problem at all, but a psychological problem! "

Say this words of time, the hand of the moon shadow unexpectedly along the waist of the trousers of the leaf maple stretched in, one grasped the thing of the leaf maple.

Ye Feng was pretending sunshine, and he was always thinking about how to guard against the moon shadow, but he didn't expect that the moon shadow would be like this, which was beyond his expectation.

He immediately want to avoid, but the shadow is firmly holding, did not intend to let go, mouth also toward Ye Feng said with a smile, "seems to have a little reaction!"

Ye Feng heart secretly scold, he is not sunshine, no psychological problems, no physiological problems, no response to the problem.

Originally Ye Feng also wanted to control his emotions, but the more he went in this way, the stronger the reaction was.

At this time, the moon shadow can't help but whine, immediately full of rosy clouds, immediately began to push Ye Feng toward the bedside, "it seems that you have no psychological pressure!"

Ye Feng said to the moon, "don't do this, I..."

Moon shadow where still manage these, immediately push Ye Feng to the bed, immediately began to strip clothes way, "unless you don't treat me as a wife, or see the thousand color bee and Dixi that two little girl film!"

Ye Feng quickly explained, "no, just..."

At this time, moon shadow only has a bra on her upper body. I didn't expect that moon shadow, who is already in her early 30s, has such a good figure that she doesn't belong to a little girl in her twenties.

Ye Feng swallowed a mouthful of saliva, before men and women's things are their own initiative, today encountered a shadow of such, really a little overwhelmed.

Fortunately, Ye Feng's reason is still there, and he has not been occupied by lust. He immediately stood up and said, "I don't have this interest for the moment!"

At this time, the moon shadow's face sank. She stood on one side and didn't move. After watching Ye Feng go to the sofa and sit down, she hummed coldly, "it seems that not long after you were shot, you have recovered, but you have no interest in me at all!"

Ye Feng sighed a little, really do not know the day and want to explain the shadow.

But then Ye Feng thought, Yueying may know that she is not sunshine at all, so she is deliberately teasing herself? Is it just to test yourself?

At this time, moon shadow sat beside the bed and took out a cigarette from the head of the bed to light it. After a few puffs, she said to Ye Feng, "you go!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng felt relieved and immediately stood up to leave.

But the moon shadow said, "but if you leave today, I will try my best to kill qianse bee and Dixie!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly, the side head sees to the moon shadow way, "what meaning? I told you, it's nothing to do with them! "

Moon shadow smoking cigarettes, looking up at Ye Feng Road, "maybe they really have nothing to do with it!"

But Ye Feng said immediately, "what do you mean? Maybe it doesn't matter at all!"

Moon shadow sneered and said, "that's just Satan's woman. Are they dead or alive? What are you so nervous about?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng said, "of course I'm nervous. I'm nervous for you. You know they are Satan's women. If you kill them, can Satan let you go?"

After taking a puff of cigarette, Yueying said, "I don't care. You know what I've been living these years. Women are easy to go to extremes in this kind of thing, and you don't know what my personality is..."

Ye Feng can't help whispering that I really don't know, but he said, "no matter what, you can't spread your anger on others! Besides, you may not be their opponent! "

Moon shadow sneered, "you are right. I may not be their opponent, but don't forget that on this island, it's my territory. I can't kill them openly. Can't I kill them secretly? As long as I have this heart, I don't believe I can't kill them! "

Ye Feng can't help but look at the shadow of the moon, cold hum a way, "you are simply crazy!"

But the moon shadow said, "I'm crazy. I've been crazy since you started to neglect me."

Ye Feng sniffs speech a burst of sob way, "forget it, whatever you do!"

Finish saying Ye Feng to turn round to walk, don't want to month shadow this time but suddenly ran to come over, hugged Ye Feng from the back way, "sunshine, don't walk!"

Ye Feng couldn't help but move. After turning around slowly, he looked at the moon shadow and said, "in fact, I..."

Before Ye Feng finished, the shadow of the moon had rushed up and stopped Ye Feng. It was as if years of lust had been completely vented at this moment.

At this moment, Yueying is no longer a woman, but more like a lioness with hair and love. No matter what Ye Feng's reaction is, she just wants to solve her own needs.

Ye Feng was tossed by the shadow of the moon, but his passion was high, but his reason was still there. He forced the shadow of the moon away, and then gave her a mouth and said, "calm down!"Moon shadow covers mouth, Zheng Zheng ground looks at leaf maple way, "you hit me?"

Ye Feng also knew that he shouldn't hit a woman, but at that moment, if he didn't let the moon shadow calm down, he would not be calm soon.

Now Rizhao's life and death are uncertain. I don't know what happened. I can't help him, but I'm still working with his wife here? Is it better to be a beast?

Ye Feng thought and did not speak, immediately turned out of the door, and then a long sigh of relief, but feel that he has been all over the heat, if not in the critical moment to control himself, do not know what will happen.

Thinking that he left here immediately, he went to qianse bee's room and knocked on the door.

After waiting for a long time, qianse bee opened the door, but she was wrapped in a bath towel. As soon as she opened the door, she immediately pulled Ye Feng in and said, "what are you doing? I know I'm making up! "

Ye Feng couldn't help but look at the thousand color bee and said, "what do you do with a bath towel wrapped in make-up?"

The thousand color bee immediately said, "pretend to be a man, don't put your chest Do you want to have a strangle? "

Ye Feng this just returned to God, nodded, instinctively toward the thousand color bee's chest looked for a while, but see her that chest, can't help but way, "so big..."

As soon as qianse bee heard this, she immediately returned to her senses and said, "what are you talking about?"

Ye Feng realized that he had said something wrong. His original intention is so big. Can he be restrained?

But at this time, the face of the thousand color bee was still her own. She could not help frowning and said, "you've been doing it for a long time. Why hasn't it changed at all?"

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