The thousand color bee immediately said to Ye Feng, "I used to use all the molds for easy appearance. I need to make them again! It will take time, OK! "

She said, can't help looking at Ye Feng, this just noticed Ye Feng's mouth actually have lipstick, can't help but frown a way, "what are you doing? Look, I've been looking for a circle of moon shadow. I'm very lucky! "

After hearing this, Ye Feng didn't expect that he had lipstick on his mouth. Then he put out his hand and said with a dry smile, "don't think about it. Nothing happened!"

Ye Feng immediately sat on the sofa, also diverged the topic way, "just now the moon almost came to you, you don't hurry, what are you waiting for?"

But the thousand color bee waved his hand and said, "you don't have to explain anything to me. I'm not who you are! You and the moon shadow have nothing to do with me, or everything has happened! "

Ye Feng also thought that he and thousand color bee hair were not. There was something to explain. The more he explained, the more he felt as if something had happened.

Think of here, leaf maple can't help but slightly sigh, didn't expect that he has such a embarrassed time, also was found by thousand color bee, really embarrassed!

Thousand color bee didn't say anything, went to the bathroom directly and said, "I'll strangle my chest, you can sit by yourself!"

Say thousand color bee walked into toilet, Ye Feng also thoroughly breathed a sigh of relief, but glanced at the toilet, but found that the door of the toilet was not closed.

Not only that, Ye Feng also saw that the thousand color bee had taken off the bath towel and threw it to one side. Occasionally, he could see the back of the bee when it moved.

He said to the thousand color bee in the bathroom immediately, "don't you close the door?"

The thousand color bee sneered and said, "don't you sit still and have no interest in me at all, even if I want to sleep with you, are you indifferent? So what's the difference between opening and closing the door? "

Ye Feng hasn't answered yet. At this time, he hears a knock on the door. Ye Feng's heart suddenly moves. He immediately goes to the door and looks out from the cat's eye.

But see standing in the door is actually the shadow of the moon, Ye Feng immediately heart is a Lin, hurriedly went to the bathroom door, toward the thousand color bee whispered, "the shadow of the moon in the door!"

Thousand color bee is using cloth to lay chest, a listen to this, immediately also a consternation, quickly looked back at a leaf maple, immediately squat down to pick up bath towel to surround a way, "that how to do?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath, then walked into the bathroom, whispered, "you said you were taking a bath, send her away! And your easy-looking things, pack them up! "

Qianse bee's face changed several times. She immediately went to pick up her things. At this time, there was a knock on the door, and then she said in a loud voice, "who, I'm taking a bath!"

After waiting for qianse bee to clean up, he immediately went to the bathroom and let Ye Feng hide in the bathtub. Then he turned on the nozzle and began to spray water.

Then the thousand color bee intentionally wet her hair, so she opened the door around the bath towel, but the door was not fully opened, just standing at the door, frowning, "moon shadow? What's the matter? "

The moon shadow then looked at the thousand color bee way, "what bath in broad daylight?"

Qianse bee shrugged and said, "my skin is dry, and I love to take a bath..."

The moon shadow took another look at the thousand color bee and said, "will you let me stand at the door and talk to you?"

The thousand color bee immediately said, "I'm taking a bath. It's inconvenient. Can you come back when I'm finished? Is there something urgent

Moon shadow shrugged her shoulders immediately and said, "I'm looking for you in an emergency. You go to wash your clothes. I'll stand at the door of the bathroom and say a few words to you and go!"

Thousand color bee complexion moves a way, "again urgent matter, also not urgent in me a bath time!"

The moon shadow stares at the thousand color bee for a moment and then says, "now there's just a dead person on the island. They all suspect that someone has sneaked into the island. You won't hide anyone in the house, will you?"

Thousand color bee smell speech complexion immediately move a way, "how possible?"

The moon shadow didn't say anything more. She pushed open the door of the thousand color bee and walked towards it. "It's impossible. It's the best. Take a bath. I'll just sit on the sofa."

Thousand color bee can't help looking at the shadow of the moon hesitantly, and doesn't plan to go to the bathroom for the time being.

The moon shadow sits on the sofa and lights a flue. "Don't you take a bath yet?"

Thousand color bee just nodded and said, "then you sit here for a while, I'll be fine for a while!"

The moon shadow shrugged and said, "don't worry, wash slowly. While you wash, we can talk!"

Thousand color bee helpless, had to push open the door of the toilet, went in, immediately closed the door of the toilet.

But the moon shadow said outside the door, "you close the door, how can I talk to you? We are all women. Are you still afraid that I will peek at you?"

Thousand color bee is helpless, had to open the door of toilet again, walk toward bathtub there immediately.

Moon shadow then said, "hasn't Satan come to you recently?"

The thousand color bee quickly said, "no!" Then he took away the towel and went into the bathtub.

Fortunately, his chest is still wrapped in cloth, or he will be seen by Ye Fengquan sitting in the bathtub.Ye Feng just sat on the side of the shower curtain, just blocking the sight of the moon shadow.

At this time, the thousand color bee sat down slowly, but there was no place to put her legs, so she had to stand on both sides of the maple.

At this time, moon shadow went to the bathroom door and said, "Satan and Dixie are gone. Don't you find out?"

At this time, the thousand color bee was winking at Ye Feng on the other side of the shower curtain, telling him to close his eyes or turn his head. At this time, he saw the moon shadow coming suddenly, and his face suddenly moved, "I didn't go out much, I didn't pay much attention to it!"

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