At this time, the moon shadow did not speak. After glancing at the thousand color bee, she walked away and walked around the house. Then she came back and said, "wash slowly! I'll go first

The thousand color bee then says to the moon shadow, "don't you mean to say something important to me immediately? That's it? "

The moon shadow shrugged at the thousand color bee and said, "after that, Satan and Dixie are gone, so I want to ask you, in addition to the two of them, you should have a good relationship with Satan. You don't know now, and probably no one knows!"

The thousand color bee's face moves slightly. What kind of emergency is this? But she didn't say anything, just oh.

At this time, moon shadow did not say anything. She took another look at Queen qianse, and then she turned and left the room.

After hearing the sound of closing the door, qianse bee took a long breath and immediately took a look at Ye Feng sitting in front of him.

But she just want to speak, Ye Feng immediately made a silent gesture, thousand color bee a face surprised looking at Ye Feng, don't know what meaning?

At this time, qianse bee heard a slight sound of opening the door, and then came a slight sound of closing the door.

Thousand color bee face can't help looking at Ye Feng, this just understand why Ye Feng didn't let himself make a sound, originally just the moon shadow didn't go, but deliberately pretended to go.

If I spoke to Ye Feng just now, I would have exposed Ye Feng's footprints on my side.

Thousand color bee at this time slowly relieved a breath, just want to say good risk with Ye Feng, but see Ye Feng or toward himself to make silent action.

She can't help but frown. Isn't the shadow of the moon gone yet?

Just as she was thinking about it, she heard the faint sound of opening and closing the door, and her face changed greatly.

The shadow of the moon is too insidious. It pretends to leave several times. In fact, it doesn't leave at all. I'm afraid when I think about it.

At this time, qianse bee did not dare to speak. At this time, she got up from the bathtub and went out of the bathroom to have a look. After confirming that there was no one at the door, she was relieved completely.

When she went back to the bathroom, she saw that Ye Feng had climbed out of the bath, and her clothes had been soaked.

The thousand color bee quickly picked up the bath towel and began to wipe his body. Then he said to Ye Feng, "what's the matter with this moon shadow? It's frightening!"

Ye Feng goes out of the bathroom, takes off his clothes and trousers, and asks if qianse bee has drying equipment. Qianse bee says there is a hair dryer in the room.

Ye Feng had to take a hair dryer and start drying his clothes, while qianse bee continued to make up in the bathroom.

After waiting for Ye Feng to dry her clothes and put them on, qianse bee came out of the bathroom. At this time, she had a flat chest and couldn't see anything.

But now the thousand color bee's body is wrapped with countless layers of cloth strips, which completely strangles itself into a bucket.

Ye Feng can't help but look at the thousand color bee and say, "can you breathe like this?"

The thousand color bee then shrugs a shoulder way toward the leaf maple, "that has what method, you old people a want me to disguise as you, I can not listen to?"? Ye Feng looked at the thousand color bee with a faint smile, nodded and said, "it's hard!"

The thousand color bee didn't say anything more, then went over and began to take out the human skin just finished, and began to go to the bathroom and face up.

On the mouth thousand color bee but toward leaf maple say, "you hide in me here, can't be for many month shadow?"? It seems that the psychological shadow left by the moon shadow in your heart is not small! What happened to you and her? "

But Ye Feng shrugged, just said, "what can happen! You think too much! "

But the thousand color bee immediately said with a smile, "full of lipstick, still hiding here, dare not see the moon shadow, the moon shadow also specially came to look for, dare to say nothing happened? Do you really think I'm a fool? "

Ye Feng sighs a little. He also knows that it's not so easy to deceive qianse bee. Then he tells qianse bee about what happened between himself and Yueying.

Thousand color bee can't help but be surprised to say, "sunshine is not a real man? No wonder

Then he asked Ye Feng, "do you say that the shadow of the moon really treats you as sunshine, or do you know that you are not sunshine, and you still have to do that?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "where do I know?"

Thousand color bee sneers a way however, "others may not feel, but have intimate contact with her, how can you not know?"

Ye Feng then asked the thousand color bee, "what do you think the moon shadow is doing?"

Thousand color bee shrugs a way however, "you ask me, I ask who go?"? Maybe she is interested in you, or she hasn't lived a woman's life all the year round, so it's OK to be a man? How about meeting a man like Satan? Is it a woman who can't control it? "

After hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help but be stunned. Then he said to qianse Feng, "can't you hold a man like Satan? Are women so casual now? "

Thousand color bee then toward Ye Feng a smile way, "is not a woman casual, just you such a man is too excellent, is a woman may fall in love with you, don't you always say, I want to sleep you?"? It's because you are so charming! Moon shadow is also a woman, or a thirsty woman. I guess I have more desire for you than any other womanListen to thousand color bee say so, Ye Feng can't help but a little sigh, he's not afraid of the moon shadow, but afraid of the moon shadow has been and before that pestering himself.

He is also a normal man, once can refuse, two can push away, three times I'm afraid will be unbearable.

In addition to being a normal man, to be honest, moon shadow is also a little alluring. Although she is in her early 30s, she has a unique femininity that Dixie and qianse bee would not have at this age.

In secular terms, it is a mature imperial sister and queen fan.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help shaking his head. He has already begun to comment on the moon shadow, which shows that he has begun to lose control of the moon shadow.

Ye Feng thought of this, immediately toward the thousand color bee way, "from now on, I want to keep pace with you!"

The thousand color bee looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "I think the moon shadow is good. Although I'm older than you, I'm also a woman after all. In the past, Satan didn't refuse anything. Now how can a woman make you timid? It's not like your style. Besides, I will be Satan for a while. You are Rizhao. What is it that you stay with me all day? Do you want to make a foundation? "

Ye Feng Wen Yan slightly sighed, "before the brother has been a legend!"

Thousand color bee can't help but see a leaf maple way again, "you shouldn't also and sunshine is a problem?"

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