Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately white a thousand color bee way, "I and sunshine a fault?"? Would you like to try? "

Thousand color bee then toward leaf maple a smile way, "try to try, you don't also always say I want to sleep you, just now satisfy!"

Ye Feng sighed, "look, you just wrapped up your chest. It saves you trouble. I'll let you go this time!"

The thousand color bee then throws a sneer at Ye Feng, and then continues to paint her own makeup without paying any attention to Ye Feng.

After an hour or so, the thousand color bee's painting is also a kind of model. Ye Feng looks at it just like himself. He can't help but praise the thousand color bee's magical skill.

Qianse bee and other things are done, just put on the clothes Ye Feng changed before, at this time went to Ye Feng in front of him, shrugged his shoulders and said, "how about it?"

Ye Feng pointed his thumb to the thousand color bee and said, "except for the sound, it's almost perfect!"

as like as two peas, he immediately took out a thing and pressed it on his neck. Then he took out his mobile phone to start tuning. After several tests, he was exactly the same as Ye Feng's voice.

Now as long as you don't strip off the thousand color bee, the thousand color bee in front of him is yourself, and you can't tell it by yourself, let alone other people. Plus the perfect combination of sound, it's absolutely impeccable.

At this time, Ye Feng immediately said to the thousand color bee, "go out and test it to see if anyone can see it!"

Thousand color bee shrugged and said, "I have absolute confidence in my easy look. If I find a problem, it's not easy look. It should be some small details and habits in my life!"

Ye Feng listened to qianse bee's words, and immediately looked at qianse bee with a deep thought. Yes, he is now transformed into sunshine by qianse bee's make-up. His appearance and voice should be impeccable, but what about the habit of sunshine details?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help sighing. He doesn't know the habit of sunshine at all. It's impossible not to let the shadow of the moon suspect. Before he smoked, he was an instinctive reaction, but who ever thought that Rizhao would have given up smoking long ago.

The thousand color bee then asked Ye Feng, "what do I need to pay attention to? Tell me first!"

Ye Feng said, "I don't seem to have any small habit of details. The only thing you should pay attention to is that I will light a cigarette when I think about things. Do you smoke?"

Thousand color bee immediately shrugs a way, "although is not the old smoker, but smoking is difficult not to pour me, rest assured!"

Then the thousand color bee went to open the door and went out. Ye Feng waited a long time for the thousand color bee to go out before he opened the door and went out.

But there was no one on the road. Qianse bee walked out of the castle and went to the platform in front of the castle.

Ye Feng walked over and said to qianse bee, "it seems that it's hard for you to test it. You can't see people at all!"

But the thousand color bee said, "who said that? Isn't it coming? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help but look into the eyes of qianse bee. However, he sees a person walking along the mountain road, not someone else, but Xinghui.

When Xinghui comes up, he happens to see Ye Feng and qianse bee, but in his eyes Ye Feng is sunshine, while qianse bee is Satan.

He walked to come over immediately, toward leaf maple a nod way, "master!"

Ye Feng nodded to Xinghui, and then said to him, "Satan has something to look for you!"

But Xinghui looked at qianse bee in surprise and said, "are you looking for me? What's up? "

Thousand color bee immediately shrugged, took out a cigarette to light a way, "Oh, nothing, just want to talk to you casually!"

But Xinghui frowned and looked at the thousand color bee, then walked to the middle of Ye Feng and thousand color bee, and said, "what are you talking about?"

Thousand color bee then a smile way, "all said casually chat, don't so restrain!"

Star Hui some strange looked at a thousand color bee, and then looked at Ye Feng, did not speak,.

At this time, qianse bee looks at Ye Feng and thinks that Ye Feng asks for help. What do you want to talk about with Xinghui?

Ye Feng then asked Xinghui, "what do you think of the dead?"

After hearing this, qianse bee immediately nodded and said, "yes, what do you think?"

Xinghui shrugged and said, "I don't have any idea, but it's just strange that people have to use sulfuric acid to disfigure their faces when they kill people. What does that mean?"

The thousand color bee immediately said, "is that true? The purpose of the murderer is to make us blind to the identity of the dead! "

Then the thousand color bee immediately said, "by the way, did you cremate the body? In this way, isn't there no proof of death? "

Ye Feng heart is also a move to look at the star way, "why do you want to cremate the body?"

Xinghui looked at Ye Feng and said, "isn't this the usual way to deal with it? In the past, as long as there were dead people on the island, I would just drag them over and cremate them! "

Ye Feng's heart moved and he didn't speak any more.

Qianse bee looked at Xinghui and said, "did you often die on the island in the past? Are the dead on your island buried without investigating the cause of death? "

Xinghui immediately said, "in the past, it was an investigation. If there was any abnormality, it would be dissected to find the cause of death. But this time, the hostess said that the body was disgusting, so I had to deal with it quickly!"Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion can't help but move a way, "is the moon shadow let you dispose of the corpse?"

The thousand color bee said, "even if the corpse is disgusted by sulfuric acid, as long as you take it away and don't be seen by her, why is it that the body is cremated before the cause of death is completely understood?"

Ye Feng also nodded, "what he said is right. It's clear that he can deal with it in this way. Why is he so anxious about cremation?"

Xinghui was also stunned. After taking a look at them, she shrugged and said, "I don't know. The hostess asked me to do this, so I did. And she said that he knew the cause of the death of the dead, so there was no need to keep it!"

Ye Feng and thousand color bee can't help but look at each other. It seems that the moon shadow knows the identity of the dead. Anxious to cremate, he just doesn't want others to know.

Ye Feng has a headache. Now he is Rizhao. If the dead is Rizhao, the one who wants Rizhao to die most is himself.

If once sunshine's death is exposed, then she is the biggest suspect, and the shadow of the moon can be completely left on her, and she will get away.

Think of here, leaf maple heart can not help but wonder, since the shadow already know that he is not sunshine, why not expose himself?

At this time, qianse bee said to Xinghui, "it seems that besides listening to your master's words, you are also obedient to your hostess's orders."

Xinghui's face moved slightly, and then shrugged, "in my eyes, there is no difference between the host and the hostess! I will obey all their orders

Thousand color bee smell speech can't help but look at Star Hui, just slightly nodded, didn't say anything, but she has seen some clues from Star Hui's face.

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