Ye Feng can't help feeling chilly when she sees the moon shadow. The attitude of the moon shadow makes Ye Feng feel a little chilly. After all, Rizhao is her husband and even her life-saving benefactor.

If the sunshine is really killed by the shadow of the moon, then this woman is too terrible, feel standing beside her, there is a shivering feeling.

However, after looking at Ye Feng, Yue Ying took a deep breath and said, "in fact, you already have the answer in your heart. Do you still need to ask me?"

Ye Feng also took a deep breath at this time, "I'm really speechless!"

But Yueying looked at Yefeng and said, "you only think about the result, don't you think about the process, you try to think about it, why a simple woman in those years will gradually become a very deep city, always thinking about her husband's death!"

Listening to the moon shadow, Ye Feng immediately took a deep breath, "what's the story behind you? I don't know, but anyway, you used to love each other. Even if you don't love each other, just leave! Why do you have to go so far? "

But Yueying said with a smile, "ever loved each other? What a ridiculous reason

Ye Feng smell speech but a Leng way, "isn't it?"

Yueying sighed, took a deep breath and said, "I'm very grateful to him for saving me in those years. I also know that this kindness can't be repaid in my life, but I never thought of making a promise by myself!"

Ye Feng smell speech but is again a Leng tunnel, "have not thought of?"? But it's rumored that you did, and it's because of Rizhao's move that moved you! "

But the moon shadow said, "he saved me. It really moved me. I had been moved for a while, but love was not forced. He saved me, but I didn't love him at all. In order to thank him for saving my life, I married him?"

Ye Feng said immediately, "don't you love him? But thank him? But the final fact is that you married him, and you have become the envy of everyone

But the moon shadow sneered, "everyone envies? It's just because no one knows the truth! How many people can still envy the truth? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at the moon shadow in surprise and said, "what is the truth?"

The moon shadow looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you really want to know the truth?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I don't care. It's you who mentioned it. I asked!"

After looking at Ye Feng again, Yueying sighed, "beautiful fairy tales are often sketched out by the false empty writer who sits at home all day and deceives some ignorant readers. The real reality is that anything can beat the fairy tales to the skin!"

At this point, Yueying took a deep breath and said, "in order to save me, he was injured. I was really moved. After all, a man saved you regardless of his own life. How many times can he meet in his life? I can meet once, I feel like a princess in a fairy tale, but after waiting for this strength, I know that I don't love him at all. I just feel grateful. I don't have any feelings except gratitude, so I know that I can't marry a man I don't love for the sake of gratitude except for my initial fantasy and impulse! "

Ye Feng is always staring at the moon shadow when she talks. When she talks, she is full of emotion and emotion. Obviously, she is not making up a story on purpose, but telling the truth.

In other words, all that the moon shadow said was the reality of her real experience, that is, between her and Rizhao.

But listen to the shadow continued to say, "you must want to ask, since I did not want to marry Rizhao, why will eventually become Rizhao's wife, also become the shadow of the moon?"

Ye Feng does think so, but he doesn't speak. He just keeps looking at the moon shadow. He knows that he doesn't need to ask, and Yueying will say it.

Sure enough, at this time, he heard Yueying sneer, "this is a good way for you to call big brother's sunshine. He knew that I didn't mean to marry him, so he tried every means to ask me to marry him!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "if a man falls in love with a woman, it may not be a bad thing to try his best! It's just the way men go after women! "

Yueying nodded and said, "at first, I thought the same thing. At first, I just thought that he might be in love, so I spent so much effort. Then my father had a heart attack and died a few months later. In the process, he was looking for my father all the time, doing everything by himself, and undertaking everything about my father's funeral. I was very moved at that time, and even my heart was broken I hesitated and began to think whether I should give him an opportunity. Finally, I was moved by his sincerity. Of course, at this time, I still didn't fall in love with him. I just felt that a man had paid so much for you. A woman, in the end, wanted to find someone who I love or who I love. Finally, I chose the latter! "

Ye Feng lit a cigarette and continued to look at the shadow of the moon.

But listen to the moon shadow at this time immediately said, "but on the day of marriage, my mother just told me a fact, he had to marry me, also let people go to my parents, my parents a little hesitant, he was afraid to speak, my father's heart disease is also scared out by him!"Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help a burst of astonishment way, "sunshine will do this kind of thing?"

The moon shadow sneered and said, "the reputation of sunshine can make him not do these dirty things?"

Ye Feng was speechless for a while. Yes, the reason why he thought Rizhao should not do these things was that he really deserved Rizhao's reputation. In fact, he didn't know what kind of person Rizhao was.

But Yueying continued, "I asked my mother why she told me at this time! My mother said that she has been monitored by sunshine people all the time. If she dares to talk to me, he will deal with my mother, and may have an impact on me. In order to protect me, my mother forbeared until she found that she had cancer and knew that she would die soon, so she had nothing to worry about. Tell me this, that is, let me know who sunshine is !”

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help a burst of sob way, "so say, from you and sunshine married the first day, you know who he is?"

Moon shadow nodded and said, "I wanted to go to him immediately when I was angry, but I knew it couldn't change anything, so I decided to pretend I didn't know and start to deploy my revenge plan! But this is almost six years! "

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