Ye Feng can't help sighing when he hears what the moon shadow says. If all that the moon shadow says is true, the sunshine is really beyond his own imagination.

After looking at Ye Feng, Yue Ying immediately said, "look at your face, it seems that you still can't believe me completely? You come with me

Said the shadow turned to go, Ye Feng followed up, and soon returned to a room, the shadow into the door, see Ye Feng is still standing outside the door, can't help but frown a way, "you are afraid to come in, I will eat you?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath, or went in, just entered the door, the shadow on the past to close the door, but also locked.

Ye Feng can't help frowning, "what are you doing?"

The moon shadow walked toward the living room, but said, "I'm afraid you can see half of it running away!"

When he said this, the shadow of the moon immediately began to take off her clothes.

Ye Feng can't help but turn his back and say, "what are you doing?"

The moon shadow didn't speak until she took off her underwear. Then she said to Ye Feng, "don't worry. If I really want to do something, I won't tell you that! Look at me

Ye Feng turns around at this time, but sees the moon shadow. At this time, he is almost naked. He is just about to turn around to avoid it, but he sees the moon shadow's body is full of scars.

Seeing this, Ye Feng could not help frowning. When he looked at the scars, they looked like the marks of beating. There were almost all over his back, arms and abdomen. He could not help frowning and said, "what is this?"

At this time, Yueying began to pick up her clothes and put them on slowly. While wearing them, she said to Yefeng, "this is the life that Rizhao and I have been married for six years!"

Ye Feng did not understand the tunnel, "sunshine why so many you?"

But Yueying said to Yefeng, "do you remember what I told you about sunshine before? Because he saved me, he was shot in a key place, which made him not a complete man any more! "

Ye Feng a listen to this, the heart can't help but move, the moon shadow really said so, at that time oneself still have hesitant attitude.

At this time, moon shadow continued to say, "I tell you, it's true. Rizhao can't be a man any more because of that shot!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "that's why he beat you?"

Moon shadow sighed, "in fact, to tell you the truth, I was afraid and hated him at first, but after being beaten by him for a long time, I began to understand and understand him gradually!"

Ye Feng can't help but look at the shadow of the moon and say, "understand him?" But in my heart, is the shadow of the moon crazy?

Moon shadow shrugged, dressed, sat on a chair, lit a flue, "a man, facing a woman, but can't do anything between men and women with this woman. I couldn't imagine what the physical and psychological suffering and torture would be like, but when his whip was whipped on me, I had a deep understanding To him, the pain in his heart should be more painful than the whip on me! "

Ye Feng sighed and said to the moon, "it's just a psychological problem. It's a mental illness. It can even be said that it's a psychopath!"

Yueying smokes a cigarette and looks at Ye Feng. "Although I sympathize with him, I still can't hide my hatred for him. Moreover, the more I sympathize with him, the more I hate him, and the more I hate him, the more I sympathize with and understand him! Maybe in recent years, I also Psychologically abnormal

At this time, Ye Feng also lit a cigarette and sat opposite the shadow of the moon. He also looked at the shadow of the moon with sympathetic eyes.

Moon shadow in the eyes, but immediately said, "you don't need to look at me with this kind of sympathetic eyes, I say these to you, what you want is not your sympathy!"

Ye Feng sighed slightly. After smoking a cigarette, he looked at the moon shadow and said, "so you put up with it for so many years before killing Rizhao?"

With a shrug and a relaxed face, Yueying said to Yefeng, "you can't imagine it. You even think that since we are husband and wife, no matter whether we are real husband and wife, after all, we live under the same roof. It should be very easy for me to kill him. Why did we wait for six years?"

Ye Feng's heart is indeed some of this kind of question, after all, people living together, as long as they want to kill a person, there will always be a chance, there is no need to wait six years so long.

But Yueying said to Yefeng, "you don't know Rizhao. He won't believe anyone in his life, including the closest people around him. How easy is it to kill him?"

Ye Feng immediately asked the moon shadow, "so this time, why did it succeed again?"

At this time, Yueying took a look at Ye Feng and said, "this success, first of all, I want to thank Dixie!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately move a way, "Dixi Si? What does it have to do with her? "

After taking a puff of cigarette, Yueying continued to say to Yefeng, "you should remember that when I told you about the physiological problems of sunshine, I said that he was actually caused by psychological problems!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding and said, "yes, but what does this have to do with Dixie?"Yueying smokes a cigarette and looks at Ye Feng for a long time. Then she sighs, "in other words, sunshine has no reaction to me, even to any woman. But when Dixie appears, he tells me that his physiology has a reaction!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion suddenly move, Zheng Zheng ground looking at the moon shadow, but a word also didn't say.

Moon shadow couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "do you think it's funny? In the face of a woman who has lived with him for more than six years, he didn't have any reaction at all, but once he saw Dixie, he told me excitedly that he had a reaction! Perhaps the charm of Dixie is too great

Then he added, "don't get me wrong. The first time he saw Dixie was not after Dixie landed on the island. In fact, before I asked qianse bee to come to you, he did a lot of investigation about you and saw Dixie's photos. That is to say, he didn't even see Dixie's real person. Just a photo can make him excited!"

Ye Feng sighs a little, don't know what to say, just as the moon shadow said, he is a normal man, may not be able to understand such a man as sunshine, in the end is what state.

the moon continued, "I'll tell you one more thing. Why did dromus send a fleet after you landed on the island?"

On hearing this, Ye Feng suddenly said, "what do you mean..."

Moon shadow immediately nodded and said to Ye Feng, "yes, it's zhuomus who was informed by sunshine!"

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