After hearing this, Ye Feng's face suddenly changed. About how zhuomus traced himself to the island, Ye Feng also thought about many possibilities.

But to tell the truth, Ye Feng thought about countless possibilities, but never thought that Rizhao informed zhuomus to come.

The moon shadow sees Ye Feng's surprised look on his face and immediately shrugs his shoulders with a smile. "Seeing your expression, I know that you must have never thought it might be him! But it's true, it's zhuomus who was informed by Rizhao! "

Ye Feng is surprised to ask the moon shadow, "I and Rizhao have no grievances and no enmity, even had a meeting, still have a little friendship! Why did he do that? "

Moon shadow said immediately, "Rizhao wants to retire, but what is the biggest obstacle to his retirement? In fact, the top 10 list, he really cares about you! In other words, if one day someone can kill him and surpass him, only Satan! If Satan also died, then the top two on the top 10 will be vacant, and the rest of the people, it is impossible to have any impact on him! "

Ye Feng can't help frowning at the shadow of the moon and says, "do you mean that even if you want to retire, sunshine still cares about his number one?"

Yueying immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes, retirement is not really tired. He knows that his body can't always be at its peak. Sooner or later, the first place will be surpassed. No matter whether he is retired or not, as long as someone can kill him, his first place will not be guaranteed. As long as Satan, who is the biggest threat to him, dies, he can at least guarantee his first place To the end of his life

Ye Feng can't help sighing, "top 10 is not a rumor in the market, there is no reference basis at all. I regard this ranking as an entertainment, just have a look. I never take it seriously, but Rizhao has been affected by this ranking! Is that the most important thing in the world? "

The moon shadow says to Ye Feng, "what you don't care, others may not care, what you care, others may not care! This is human nature! "

Listen to the moon shadow said, Ye Feng immediately is a burst of sob, smoked a cigarette, wry smile a way, "so now sunshine dead in your hands, you are the top 10 first!"

But the moon shadow sneered and said, "for these false names, I never care!"

Ye Feng sighed and shook his head. Then he looked at the moon shadow and said, "now the sunshine is dead, and your revenge has been avenged. You can stay out of the island. Everything on the island has nothing to do with you!"

Moon shadow nodded, "it was so, but now it can't!"

But Ye Feng looked at the moon in surprise and said, "why not? Dromus has nothing to do with you. If you want to leave, he won't stop you! All he wants is me

Yueying glanced at Ye Feng and said, "no matter what the real situation of Rizhao and me is, in the eyes of outsiders, I am his wife. We have shared weal and woe. Since Rizhao is gone, I have to bear the honor and hatred he left. What's more, you should know how many people Rizhao killed at the peak of that year? If once they know sunshine is dead, they will vent their hatred on me! I don't want to live like that. It's not that I'm afraid of death. It's that I don't want to be involved with Rizhao any more. But if I explain to others like this, how many people are willing to listen to me. Even if I do, how many people will believe it? "

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears what the moon shadow says. He knows what the moon shadow says is right. Once the seeds of hatred have been planted, there is often no reason to speak. In order to revenge, some people can be desperate.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng sighed, "but if you say you want to leave the island with me, I can't do that! I changed my appearance into Rizhao. Actually, I want to use Rizhao's identity to find zhuomus! "

Then Ye Feng sighed again, "but listen to you, I'm really glad I didn't go to zhuomus. Since Rizhao and zhuomus have reached an agreement, I'm afraid that zhuomus and I will show up after a few words!"

The moon shadow said to Ye Feng, "it can only show that everything is God's will. If it wasn't for you to have this idea, you wouldn't change into sunshine. However, if I didn't find that you are a holiday photo, I wouldn't kill sunshine today. If it wasn't for these factors, I wouldn't go to the present step. It can only be said that it's God's will and God's instruction! Now the thousand color bee has changed into Satan, and you are sunshine. As long as we hand over the thousand color bee, we can retreat all over! "

Ye Feng, seeing the moon shadow, is still thinking of sacrificing the thousand color bee to let her escape. He can't help sighing, "you may not have contact with zhuomus, you don't know him at all. According to zhuomus I know, even if Rizhao and he reach any agreement, even if Rizhao finally hands me over to him, Rizhao may not have any good ideas end! In other words, even if we hand over qianse bee to replace me, let's not say whether qianse bee will expose us in a hurry. Even if qianse bee is willing to sacrifice for us, zhuomus will not let me and you go! "

Listen to Ye Feng say so, the moon shadow can't help but frown and say, "that is to say, sunshine has been cheated by zhuomus from the beginning?"Ye Feng just shrugged his shoulders and said, "I can't be 100% sure, but it's definitely eight or nine years old!"

After hearing the words for a long time, Yueying didn't speak. Finally, she looked at Ye Feng and said, "that is to say, no matter what the result is, all the people on the island will die?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "that's not true. If so, why does zhuomus have to wait until now? He can fire on the island without any difference!"

The moon shadow hears speech but is a dismay way, "that you say he won't......"

But Ye Feng interrupted the moon shadow and said directly, "I can tell you that I, Dixie, Rizhao and you on the island are going to die. As for other people, they are not within the scope of zhuomus."

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Yueying couldn't help pondering for a while. After a long time, she immediately said, "then I'll ask qianse bee to help us turn into others, and then find a few ghosts to make up for us!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "it's useless. Why zhuomus wants to blockade the island is to prevent the fish from escaping from the net. Even if he is really kind enough to let other people live, it's also a sure proof that we are all dead! Otherwise, no one can leave the island! "

The moon shadow listens to Ye Feng say so, suddenly a burst of silence, for a long time also did not say a word.

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