After listening to Ye Feng's words, Yueying always ponders and thinks of ways. Finally, she suddenly says, "if Satan is alive, maybe zhuomus can find a flaw, but what if we send Satan's body?"

Ye Feng's heart was shocked when he heard what Yueying said. Of course, he knew that Yueying didn't mean to send her body. In other words, Yueying wanted to kill qianse bee and let her be her own ghost.

Think of here, Ye Feng immediately cold hum a way, "I a person work a person when, want unimportant person to die for me, is what I do?"

The moon shadow hears a speech to be stunned, stare at Ye Feng to see after a long time, this just sneer a way, "you a person work a person when? Do you know how many people have died because of you? Because of you, Dixie is also regarded as an eyesore by dromus now! Because of you, many people on this island may be buried with you. Now you are so righteous, it seems that I am so mean! "

Ye Feng didn't say anything to Yueying. He had seen Yueying tried to push qianse bee out to die more than once.

No matter how pitiful and sympathetic the past of Yueying is, it is enough to show that she can never be with her.

But if you think about the moon shadow, it's not unreasonable. It's not that you want to send the thousand color bee to die. It's that although you don't want to implicate others, the fact is that you are implicating others all the time.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Yueying, "I know how to solve this problem. You don't need to take care of the next thing. You don't want to go to qianse bee to die!"

With that, Ye Feng turned and left, but the moon shadow immediately stepped forward and dragged Ye Feng, "what do you mean by that?"

Ye Feng stopped, immediately looked back at the shadow of the moon, and then took a deep breath, "now the sunshine is dead, you are free, you can live the life you want, there is no need to entangle anything!"

But the moon shadow immediately said, "can't you see that a place has been reserved for you in the life I want?"

Ye Feng couldn't help laughing when he heard the speech. After staring at the moon shadow for a long time, he said, "thank you for your kindness. It's a pity that I don't have your place in the life I want!"

After saying this, Ye Feng opened the door without looking back, but he heard the moon shadow sneer, "I know, your position is left to Dixie! But don't you wonder why Dixie hasn't been seen for so long? "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion suddenly move, immediately stop step, looking back at the moon shadow way, "what do you mean?"

Yueying looks at Yefeng and says with a smile, "if you want to know the whereabouts of Dixie, come in and close the door!"

Ye Feng stares at the shadow of the moon for a moment, and says with a sneer, "before you wanted to hijack Dixie, but what was the final result? I don't believe that Dixie will catch you

Moon shadow shrugged her shoulders and said, "you're right. It's no less difficult to catch Dixie than to kill Rizhao. But it's a pity that both Rizhao and Dixie have their Achilles' heel. Dixie's Achilles' heel is you!"

Ye Feng smell speech complexion can't help but move, stare at the moon shadow to see for a long time, also didn't speak.

Moon shadow continued, "as long as I throw out a plan that will make you disappear in dromus' sight forever, Dixie will be interested! As long as her attention is focused on one point, she will not be defensive about other things! "

Ye Feng immediately asked Yue Ying, "where is she now?"

Yueying said to Yefeng, "she's very safe at present. There won't be any danger. But if you don't cooperate with me, I can't guarantee that her ending will be the same as sunshine!"

Then the moon shadow walked towards Ye Feng and put her hand on Ye Feng's shoulder. She continued to say, "do you know what it's like to have sulfuric acid on people's bodies? You don't know, but I know that I watched the sunshine change from intact to beyond recognition. What would be the result if sulfuric acid was drenched on a beautiful woman like Dixie? I don't think even if you don't die, you don't want to touch her in your life, do you? "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately grasped the hand of the moon shadow, make an effort to twist a way, "you dare! I warn you, if you dare to touch a hair of Dixie's, you will never end up much better than Rizhao! "

At this time, the moon shadow shakes off Ye Feng's hand and hums coldly, "you'd better do something about it, or these things will come back to Dixie!"

Ye Feng shouts at the moon shadow, "you dare!"

But the moon shadow sneered, "do you think I dare?"

Ye Feng has seen from the eyes of the moon shadow, and there is no fear on the moon shadow's face.

Seeing this, Ye Feng can't help frowning. This woman has been abused by Rizhao for a long time, and now she is becoming a psychopath.

She really can do anything, Ye Feng immediately seized the hand of the moon shadow and said, "what do you want?"

Moon shadow immediately said, "I have said clearly, you go with me, we go to the place where no one knows me, start again..."Ye Feng immediately said, "it's impossible. You should know best. When you were with Rizhao, what was the result of your reluctance? It's six or seven years of miserable life for both of you. If I leave with you, have you ever thought about it? The result is the same! "

The moon shadow shrugged and said, "it doesn't matter. As long as your people are on my side, I don't care where your heart is, and I can't care!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "use your own brain. Once you leave this island, do you think you can trap me? I won't go myself? And I could have killed you! "

Moon shadow couldn't help laughing and said, "of course I know, so I decided to take Dixie with me. We are three together. As long as Dixie is here, you won't go!"

"Psycho!" Ye Feng immediately shook off the hand of the moon shadow and said, "even then, I will take Dixie away!"

Moon shadow still said with a smile, "no, because Dixie will not follow you, she will only follow me, you will only follow Dixie, so the three of us will never separate!"

Ye Feng immediately said to the moon shadow, "don't be crazy. No matter whether the story of Rizhao is true or not, I now know why Rizhao doesn't feel for you! In the face of a perverted woman like you, it's feeling that makes you sick! "

On hearing this, moon shadow stared at Ye Feng and said, "I do it all for you. Do you think I'm sick? Think I'm crazy? "

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