Ye Feng listens to thousand color bee so a say, immediately a burst of silence, immediately ask a way, "after all the death of Domingo and how many people know?"

The thousand color bee shrugged and said, "I don't know if you want to ask zhuomus, but I think no one knows, otherwise how can you pretend to be someone who everyone knows that he is dead?"

Ye Feng smell speech also nodded, a think is also, but thousand color bee said Domingo also has a fixed girlfriend, this is really some headache, when the time to land, it is inevitable that in front of her more or less show a clue.

But qianse bee said with a smile, "but I believe it's not a problem. Isn't Domingo's life your previous life? You're acting as you are. What else can I worry about? "

Listen to thousand color bee say so, Ye Feng shrugs a way, "you say of right, these I really is easy to handle!"

Then Ye Feng left qianse bee's room and said, "I'll have a rest and call me when I get to Mexico!"

Thousand color bee didn't speak, just nodded, looking at Ye Feng leave.

Ye Feng left qianse bee's room and went directly to the other side of zhuomus.

Seeing Ye Feng's appearance, Zhuo Mu Si was very satisfied and surprised and said, "thousand color bee is really a talent. Let's not say whether she has any use in other aspects. This alone can be called a unique one!"

Ye Feng said, "just come here and show it to you first. If there is nothing else, I'll go to have a rest. When I want to land, just ask someone to inform me!"

Zhuomus picked up his mobile phone and sent a text message to Ye Feng. Then he said, "I've sent you all the information about Domingo. Take a look at it when you have a rest!"

Said zhuomus let people in, take Ye Feng to his room, Ye Feng to the room, fell on the bed, looking at the mobile phone Domingo related information.

Looking at it, I fell asleep, but I didn't sleep long. I vaguely heard a knock on the door, but it wasn't too loud.

Ye Feng sat up, looked at the door, and then went to open the door, but saw a woman standing at the door, but he did not know, there was a dining car behind her.

When the woman saw the door open, she immediately asked Ye Feng, "Sir, I'll send you a meal!"

Ye Feng this just nodded to let open a way person, that woman immediately took several dinner plates to put on Ye Feng's table.

Before leaving, the woman said, "just put it away after eating, and I'll come back to clean it up!"

Ye Feng nodded and watched the woman go out and close the door. Then he opened the plate and saw that there was a hamburger, a hot dog and a glass of milk inside.

Looking at this simple western food, Ye Feng can't help but frown, but it's really a little hungry.

Ye Feng picked up a hamburger and ate it. After a few mouthfuls, he felt something was wrong. When he picked up the hamburger, there was a small note.

He immediately took the paper out of the hamburger, but it was full of oil. After wiping it with a napkin, he saw that it said, "it's me!"

Two simple English characters, Ye Feng mouth immediately showed a smile, and then tear up the paper into several pieces, wrapped in napkins, burned with a lighter, and then put it in the garbage can.

Ye Feng did nothing more, just quietly after eating hamburgers and hot dogs, and then continued to lie in bed looking at the mobile phone.

After about half an hour, there was a knock on the door. Ye Feng got up and opened the door. The woman who had just delivered the meal was outside.

When the woman came in, Ye Feng wanted to close the door, but the woman winked not.

Ye Feng had no choice but to follow her to the dining table. Then he whispered, "when did you get on the boat?"

The woman looked at Ye Feng and said in a low voice, "before you!"

Ye Feng stared at the woman and said, "I didn't expect you to grow up in Heyang?"

The woman then tidied up the table and said to Ye Feng, "I can't stay too long. I have to go!"

Ye Feng nodded, but immediately asked her, "I'm not going to Brazil this time, I'm going to Mexico!"

The woman frowned, nodded and said, "Well!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "my father information to you?" Then he took out his mobile phone and forwarded the information zhuomus sent him to another account, which actually said "Dixie".

The woman then said, "Sir, if you need anything, you can come to me at any time!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "don't send hamburgers next time. The meat inside is too old to chew!"

The woman looked at Ye Feng and nodded, "OK! Goodbye

After waiting for the woman to leave, Ye Feng closed the door, but muttered, "when did Dixie change face so well? Hardly recognized it

This woman is Dixie. Just now, when Ye Feng saw that there were only two English words "it's me" on the note, he didn't respond.

But Ye Feng immediately recognized her handwriting. Only when she wrote "e" in English, she wrote it in reverse. This is her mark.At that time, Ye Feng knew that the woman who delivered the meal was Dixie.

It's just that the meeting time is too short. Ye Feng hasn't asked what the purpose of Dixie's boarding is.

But it's still a day or two at sea. If you have time, you'd better ask Dixie. It's better to have a good chat with her sometime.

But Ye Feng immediately thinks that it's wrong. He has changed into Domingo. How does Dixie recognize himself?

Ye Feng heart immediately a Lin, a burst of curiosity, but about all don't understand.

Immediately leaf maple heart next move, seem to have understood how to return a responsibility.

He immediately got up and left the room. Instead, he went and knocked on the door of qianse bee.

After waiting for the thousand color bee to come and open the door, Ye Feng went in and asked, "did you draw her makeup?"

But the thousand color bee looked at Ye Feng and said, "whose? I don't understand

But Ye Feng sneered, "who else? Dixie

Thousand color bee smell speech complexion immediately move, eyes are also deliberately avoid Ye Feng's eyes, mouth but said, "Dixie Si? Have you seen her? She's on the boat, too? She's looking for you? "

But Ye Feng said to the thousand color bee, "don't pretend any more. Dixie can't change her face. She can't even recognize her now, and I'll turn into Domingo. How can she know me? There's only one possibility, that's you!"

The thousand color bee hears speech one stunned way, "I?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "of course, it's you. Only you can make Dixie look different. Only you can tell her what I am now! I can't think of a second reason besides you

Thousand color bee looked at Ye Feng, pondered for a moment, then shrugged, "you know everything, I have nothing to say!"

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