Ye Feng immediately asked qianse bee, "what I want to ask is, when did you change the face of Dixie?"

The thousand color bee looks at Ye Feng in surprise and says, "didn't she tell you? I thought she told you everything

Ye Feng shook his head, said that Dixie did not say, and then asked, "if I guess correctly, it should be on the island, you have changed her face?"

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, just a tiny shrug, immediately say, "since you all guessed, why still want to ask me?"

Ye Feng then said to qianse Feng, "I want to know why she wanted to be easy to get on the boat, when she got on the boat, and..."

Before Ye Feng finished, thousand color bee immediately said, "you ask these, I can tell you, I don't know, I only know, at that time she came to me for help, let me help her change into another person, also want me to keep secret from you, I did it!"

Ye Feng is a face don't understand ground to looking at thousand color bee way, "she seeks you, you followed to do?"? You don't deal with her? "

Thousand color bee is a shrug a way, "I and she have what don't deal with, I and she have no opinion to each other, to put it bluntly, nothing but I have a good impression on you, she likes you, this is not what heinous crime, what don't deal with?"

With that, qianse fengdun continued to say to Ye Feng, "to put it bluntly, only excellent men can have more women to like, and the men they like can please other women, which is a good thing in itself!"

But Ye Feng waved, "I don't want to talk to you about this! She's on the boat now. You've known that for a long time. Why didn't you say a word to me? "

Thousand color bee smell speech but a shrug, toward Ye Feng way, "I promised her not to say, even if I have a good feeling for you, as long as I promised, will not say! And so far, you've guessed everything, but I didn't say anything

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but take a deep breath, and then nothing, turned and left.

Seeing that Ye Feng was going to leave, qianse Feng said to him, "in fact, you don't have to worry about her too much. I believe that Dixie must have her reasons for doing so, and I also believe that she can protect herself."

Ye Feng looked back at the queen bee, did not speak, and then left the cabin.

See Ye Feng left, thousand color bee is also a little sigh, then a long sigh of relief.

In fact, this secret has been buried in qianse bee's heart for a long time. Every time I see Ye Feng, I want to mention it. But after all, I promised that Dixie would not say it. She can only bear it.

But now that Ye Feng knows everything, he is relieved that he doesn't need to help Dixie keep secret any more.

Ye Feng just left qianse bee's room not long ago, when her door was knocked again.

Thousand color bee thought it was Ye Feng who had gone back. But after opening the door, he found that he was a man he didn't know.

The man stood at the door of qianse bee and simply said, "dromus asked you to come over."

As soon as the thousand color bee heard this, she could not help but feel awe inspiring. Then she nodded and walked out of the door. She followed the man to zhuomus' room.

Just entering zhuomus' room, he saw that zhuomus was sitting there, pointed to the opposite stool and said to qianse bee, "sit down and talk!"

Thousand color bee heart is thinking, zhuomus is not found what, so will find himself?

After qianse bee sat down, zhuomus looked at qianse bee and said, "Why have you been on the island for such a long time? Why have you only sent a few short messages back? Have you been betrayed by Satan?"

The thousand color bee hears the information, suddenly a Lin, the secret way this matter is really can't hide zhuomus, but her face is a calm way, "I'm not instigated, just monitored, after landing on the island, found your fleet, all the people on the island have suspected me!"

After staring at the thousand color bee for a long time, dromus said, "so you didn't betray me?"

But qianse bee said to zhuomus, "first of all, I want to make it clear that Satan and I are different from you. Satan is a member of your TSL. I'm not. I just collect money and do business. There's no saying that I don't sell. Therefore, whatever I do, I have my own freedom. When you come to me, I'll make an agreement with you in advance. All my actions have my own freedom Autonomy, when to give you information and when to hide the information over there, it's up to me to decide! "

Zhuomus couldn't help staring at qianse bee for a moment. Then he said with a faint smile, "so, what information do you really have to hide?"

qianse bee said, "the reason why I didn't tell you the information is not important to me. Besides, after the death of sunshine and moon shadow, I think this information is very important, not the first time Did I send you a message? There are no defensive weapons on the island. Didn't I inform you at the first time that you started to land on the island in advance? The other information, in my opinion, is of little value! If I report everything, I will do nothing every day, and I will be responsible for reporting to you. In this way, my exposure will be something sooner or later! "Zhuomus listened to qianse bee's words. He couldn't help looking at qianse bee for a while. After a moment, he nodded and then said, "OK, even if what you said is reasonable!"

Qianse Feng shrugged at zhuomus and immediately said, "by the way, last time you and I talked about the price, we haven't settled the balance. As for the logistics for Ye Feng, you didn't discuss it with me, so you told me to do it. I didn't react at that time. Now think about it, it's a separate matter. The money has to be calculated separately! Including changing Satan's face again, it's all about money! "

Dromus immediately nodded, "money is not a problem!"

Qianse bee sneered and said, "money is the problem on my side. It's not the problem only when the money is in place. You have to settle the debt before, and I'll talk about the next thing with you!"

Zhuomus took out his mobile phone and said to qianse bee, "you didn't complete the previous task very well. Didn't I let you ask Satan to fall in love with you? Now it seems that you haven't finished this point!"

Thousand color bee shrugs a way, "this you can deduct money, but I want to say is, let a man fall in love with you, can't imagine so easy!"

However, zhuomus transferred money to qianse bee with his mobile phone, and then said, "I still paid the full amount. The task of seducing Satan can continue! No time limit

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