After leaving zhuomus' room, qianse bee was completely relieved. He thought in his heart that I also want to seduce Satan.

It's a pity that Satan's heart is now a Dixie, who is completely indifferent to Liu Xiahui. There's no such thing as Satan's character before.

However, after qianse bee returned to her room, she received a message on her mobile phone. After she took it out and looked at it, she couldn't help but move. She didn't recover after looking at the message for a long time.

Ye Feng spent a day and a night on the ship, and immediately received the notice from zhuomus that they were going to stop the ship. After all, they were a fleet, which was different from going to the ownerless island.

To the ownerless Island, even if the dromus fleet flattened the island, it was nothing.

But when you go to a sovereign country like Mexico, don't say it's flat, you can have a shot?

Not only that, even if you appear on the high seas near the other country, it may attract the attention of the other country.

So dromus's fleet can only be far away from the high seas of Mexico, and will stop.

But dromus let Yefeng rest assured that they have sent a ship from the coast of Michoacan, Mexico, and there will be a special ship to pick Yefeng up.

Ye Feng, of course, understood these things and didn't say much. He had to wait on the boat. On this day and night, he never saw Dixie again. He was still strange in his heart.

I wonder if Dixie was discovered by dromus, so he was secretly imprisoned or executed?

Finally, when the boat from Michoacan came, Ye Feng found that Dixie had followed the thousand color bee.

Qianse bee and zhuomus asked Dixie to follow her. She said she liked the waiter very much.

Zhuomus didn't say much. After all, he was just a waiter. He agreed without saying a word.

However, in the process of uploading, Ye Feng noticed that zhuomus seemed to wink at the thousand color bee. If he didn't look carefully, he probably wouldn't notice.

Ye Feng didn't ask much. After all, he also knew that the thousand color bee was originally zhuomus, who paid money to monitor himself. If the identity of the thousand color bee had not been exposed, it was reasonable for zhuomus to send any message to the thousand color bee.

Before embarking on the boat, zhuomus patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and said, "I won't say anything redundant. I wish you success in your journey!"

Ye Feng didn't say much. After she got on the boat, she asked where the cabin was. If she wanted to have a rest, leave it to qianse bee to say goodbye.

When qianse bee and Dixie get off the cabin, they go directly to Ye Feng's room.

Ye Feng looked at Dixie, and then asked, "what are you doing?"

"I got on dromus' fleet ahead of time just to see what his ultimate goal was," said Dixie

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "don't let me continue to finish the unfinished task!"

"It's just one part of it, and the other part is that he's going to kill you," said Dickens immediately

Ye Feng still shrugs his shoulders when he hears that zhuomus wants his own life. He already knows it. If he had not experienced some strange things, he would not have known it. He would have died in zhuomus' hands.

Dixie see Ye Feng is not surprised, can't help but frown way, "you already know these?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "listen to what he said. At the end of this mission, let me retire. In fact, it's just a tactic to postpone the war. How could he be so kind? It's strange not to think of it! "

After taking a deep breath, Dixie said, "in other words, this mission to Mexico, once your mission is completed, is also the deadline of death!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, but a smile way, "seem to say that I have no room to resist at all, can only wait to die?"

But Dixie said, "the situation in Mexico is more complicated than that in Brazil. Almost all the drug dealers and mafia forces here have become public, and the world has acquiesced. The forces here are complex. If dromus wants to deal with us, he doesn't need to do it himself. He just needs to stir up all kinds of forces in Mexico. Even if we don't die, we can get out of Mexico smoothly Half of his life may have been spent in pursuit. This is the place where dromus had foresight! "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "that is to say, even if zhuomus doesn't kill us, we can't retire, and we have to go to him,? The protection of TSL is inseparable from TSL all my life! "

After taking a deep breath, Dixie nodded and said, "yes, no matter how well you and I reach out, we can't be enemies with so many people and forces! So we might as well leave now! Why do we have to go to Mexico? We can run away now! "

Ye Feng pondered and did not speak.

Thousand color bee also did not speak at this time, a pair of eyes stare at Ye Feng to see.

Dixie asked Ye Feng at this time, "how? What do you think? "

But Ye Feng said, "escape is never the way. What is the essential difference between escaping all our lives, escaping from dromus and being chased by Mexican forces?"

The di Xi Si smell speech brow a wrinkly looking at leaf Feng way, "that you plan how to do?"After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng said, "land as usual! There is always a way to solve this problem at one time! "

The thousand color bee didn't speak all the time. At this time, he couldn't help asking Ye Feng and Dixie, "I have a question. When you were in the fleet, you could get so close to zhuomus. Why didn't you assassinate zhuomus at that time? When he died, all the problems were solved?"

But Dixie immediately said, "you don't understand the operation of TSL, especially the TSL after taking over the task. If dromus dies, TSL will become the target of the task publisher. At that time, not only us, but also members of TSL may be in danger!"

Ye Feng also nodded, "yes, this is the problem between us and Dixie. We can't implicate the innocent in the whole TSL!"

Thousand color bee smell speech can't help but take a deep breath, stretched a stretch way, "too complicated, I don't care these!"

Ye Feng then looked at the thousand color bee way, "on board, zhuomus toward you to make a wink, is not to give you what instructions?"

After hearing this, qianse Feng suddenly said, "he just let me keep watching you! He doesn't know that I have confessed to you, so he is still asking me to follow you! "

Ye Feng didn't say a word when he heard the words. At this time, Dixie said to qianse bee, "you just follow us. Maybe you can help me in Mexico..."

Thousand color bee shrugged and said, "you are a pair of immortal chivalrous couples. I will not follow this light bulb. After landing, I will leave. I will not be involved in your task. I want to live a few more years!"

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