Ye Feng and Dixie listen to the thousand color bee so a say, all didn't say a word, just surprised looking at the thousand color bee.

Seeing that they were staring at each other, qianse Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I have my own business. Since you've all gone, it's unnecessary for me to go. Maybe I've been targeted and arrested. Do you think you can save me? I don't want to be a burden to you

Dixi Si pondered for a while, did not say anything more, but looked at Ye Feng, as if to see Ye Feng say so.

Ye Feng also took a deep breath at this time. After staring at the thousand color bee for a long time, he couldn't help nodding and said, "well, since you don't want to go, and it may be very dangerous, we don't force it!"

Then he immediately asked the thousand color bee in a deep voice, "but didn't dromus let you stare at me? Now that you're gone, aren't you afraid that dromus will settle with you? "

Thousand color bee shrugs a way however, "I don't matter, he wants to look for me, want to look for you much more difficult!"

Hearing the words, Dixie couldn't help but move his heart. He looked at the thousand color bee and said, "do you mean that you want to avoid zhuomus' pursuit by your disguise technique?"

Ye Feng also said to the thousand color bee, "yes, unless you can change your face and never take off your make-up, otherwise as long as you show your true face, I'm afraid you will be exposed to zhuomus!"

Thousand color bee is proud of a smile way, "true colors? Well, let me ask you, what am I? "

Ye Feng and Dixie can't help looking at the thousand color bee. Ye Feng asks directly, "do you mean..."

Thousand color bee immediately nodded and said, "yes, I'm not what I am now. How can I show others my true colors? I'm not good at it. If I can't even protect myself, I'll be dead long ago! "

Ye Feng and Dixie can't help but feel a sigh, especially Ye Feng. At this time, he can't help but sincerely extend his thumb to the thousand color bee and say, "if this is not your true colors, but in the face changing, you have changed into me. It seems that your face changing technique is unique in the world!"

Thousand color bee is toward leaf Feng proud of a smile way, "that is of course, this is my ability to eat, how can I not fine research?"? I'll tell you again, the voice now is not my original voice. From the first day of my career, I've been thinking about my own way out. I'm not going to do stupid things like making money and spending money. So as long as I really want to hide, I won't say whether I can recover or not. Even if I only test my appearance and voice change, I can become anyone Don't forget my nickname, thousand color bee, is changeable It's not a bee, it's a wasp

Ye Feng and Dixie can't help but look at the queen in a dazed way, and finally they are all sighed. Ye Feng nodded and said, "it seems that we really underestimate you!"

Thousand color bee a smile, immediately made a silent gesture way, "can never say out, this secret, I only tell you two!"

But Dixie looked at the thousand color bee and said, "are you so sure of us? If we say it, won't it hurt you? "

The thousand color bee shrugged and said, "it doesn't matter. Since I dare to tell you, I'm not afraid of your leaking. Besides, even if you do, I just need to hide and change my appearance and voice. Who can find me?"

Ye Feng couldn't help but look at the thousand color bee and said, "in this case, we wish you a pleasant journey. The world is so big. Good bye!"

After looking at Ye Feng, Qian se Feng nodded and sighed, "thank you!"

Ye Feng and Dixi see the queen of the thousand color bee again, and they don't talk any more. After a while, Dixi and the thousand color bee go back to their room to have a rest.

In the evening of the same day, someone came to inform them that they were about to land. They asked Ye Feng to prepare for landing.

When Ye Feng boarded the deck, he could already see the lights on the mainland from a distance. He could not help sighing, "finally, we can go ashore!"

Dixie also came, standing on Ye Feng's side, said, "after landing, you are Domingo!"

Ye Feng took a look at Dixie, and then asked, "when will you restore your original appearance?"

Dixi Si but toward leaf maple way, "temporarily don't need to restore, after all my present identity conceals very well, restored but easy to expose!"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "only after landing, qianse bee will leave. If you want to restore your original appearance, you are afraid to find qianse bee again!"

At this time, the voice of qianse bee came from behind and said, "just look for me. I'll leave you a contact information. If you need it, you can contact me at any time!"

Ye Feng and Dixie can't help looking back, but see thousand color bee also came out of the cabin.

Thousand color bee walked to the side of Ye Feng and Dixie, stretched a stretch toward the sea and said, "of course, if you just miss me, you can also find me!"

Say this time, thousand color bee also don't know is intentional or unintentional, stare at leaf maple to see a few seconds.Ye Feng turned a blind eye to it. Originally, he had no interest in the thousand color bee, not to mention landing later. Once landing, there was a long way to go, and he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse, so he had no interest in thinking about it.

But Dixie looked in his eyes and said to qianse bee, "if we run away from Mexico and go to find you, you should take us in!"

Thousand color bee shrugs a way, "can, no problem! I'm afraid you won't come to me then! "

But Dixie said, "why?"

The thousand color bee still shrugs, "isn't it obvious? I have a good feeling for Satan. Among you is a third party, light bulb. You two can't get through the world. How can you find me? "

But, with a smile and a shrug of his shoulders, she said, "that's not necessarily true! I'm not as mean as you think

The thousand color bee looked at Dixie and said, "Oh? Then it's monogamy, isn't it

As soon as he heard this, his face moved.

Thousand color bee says with a smile immediately, "you see, this one tries to come out!"

Don't want to Dixie but a shrug way, "I don't care ah, the main problem is not on my side, you ask him!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but see a di Xi Si and thousand color bee way, "I also don't care! It's up to you

Thousand color bee and Dixi Si smell speech facial expression all move, immediately with one voice toward leaf Feng spat a way, "think of beauty!" Amiable and easy of approach make complaints about

Ye Feng. He sighed slightly, sighing, "you see, I am so casual and approachable, and I will be tucking you out!"

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