The ship soon entered the shallow water area and began to slowly approach the port. After the three landed, qianse bee came to say goodbye to Ye Feng and Dixie.

See thousand color bee go idea already decided, leaf maple also just nodded to say, "Bon Voyage!"

The thousand color bee stares at Ye Feng for a long time and doesn't speak. It seems that when we leave, there is always some loss.

Seeing this, Dixie said directly to them, "you talk first. I'll go to the port first."

Ye Feng knows that Dixi is giving himself time to say goodbye to qianse bee.

But the thousand color bee said, "no, I'll go first! I'll see you later if I have a chance! "

Finish saying thousand color bee rescue, Dixie step left the port, Dixie and Ye Feng have been watching thousand color bee leave.

Dixi Si can't help asking Ye Feng, "do you think qianse bee is in a hurry this time, as if for fear that we won't let her go?"

Ye Feng also nodded, "it is estimated that zhuomus has given her some new tasks! Who knows? "

Dixie's face slightly moved, and then toward Ye Feng way, "out of the harbor, we also want to separate!"

Ye Feng can't help but look at Dixie and say, "where are you going?"

Dixie said nothing more, just said with Ye Feng, "just keep in touch!"

Out of the port, but see a Rolls Royce has stopped near the port, see Ye Feng came out immediately drove over.

Dixie see someone to pick up Ye Feng, did not feel surprised, know that Ye Feng's identity is Domingo, he is rich, must be zhuomus has arranged.

She didn't talk to Ye Feng, just as she didn't know Ye Feng, she turned and left.

Ye Feng took a look at the direction where Dixie was going. At this time, the door of Rolls Royce had been opened. A middle-aged man came down and said, "young master!"

Ye Feng smell speech first is a dismay, then nodded, what also did not say much, directly on the car.

Then the middle-aged man got on the car and sat on Ye Feng's side. Ye Feng noticed that there was a strong man sitting on the front co pilot. He seemed to be Domingo's bodyguard and so on.

After Les started, the middle-aged man said to Ye Feng, "young master, the murderer of the last warehouse shooting has been found and killed by the master. Don't worry!"

Ye Feng frowned at the middle-aged man. Since he knew about the shooting, he should know that Domingo was dead, right?

I don't want the middle-aged man to say at this time, "it's really lucky to say that the young master has escaped, but he must have suffered a lot when he was exiled abroad?"

Ye Feng then thought of his understanding of Domingo's character, immediately toward the middle-aged humanitarian, "you are not too much nonsense, from the car has been up to now, I did not die, you are not very happy?"

When the middle-aged man heard this, his face suddenly changed. He shook his head desperately, and then he stopped talking.

Ye Feng then stares at the middle-aged, no longer speaks, slightly closes his eyes.

The middle-aged man took a look at Ye Feng. He was relieved, but he asked tentatively, "young master, the master is waiting for you at home! Shall we go home first? "

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, mouth but say, "don't go, what have to say?"

The middle-aged man immediately said, "the master said that if you don't go back, you will lose all your financial resources!"

Ye Feng's heart says in secret, do I need money from him? But he said, "then go back?"

When the middle-aged heard this, he immediately said with a smile, "that's the best!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I'll squint for a while, and then call me when I arrive. Don't talk any more!"

The middle-aged man immediately answered and stopped talking. Ye Feng closed his eyes and secretly said that going back to Domingo's home is the beginning of the problem. After all, people over there should be too familiar with Domingo, right?

An hour later, Rolls Royce drove into a huge suburban manor. It is estimated that the manor alone will be half the size of a football field. In the center is an ancient European style four story villa.

After driving into the gate, there is a road in the center that can line up four cars to the door of the villa. There are two entrances to the ground at the door, which directly drives the car into the underground garage.

After parking, the middle-aged man called Ye Feng and said, "young master, here we are!"

Ye Feng didn't sleep at all. He opened his eyes and nodded.

The strong man of the co pilot immediately got out of the car and helped Ye Feng open the door. Ye Feng just came out.

This huge underground garage looks like a shared parking lot. There are dozens of cars under it, and all of them are luxury cars starting at a million dollars.

After Ye Feng got off the car, the middle-aged man immediately took Ye Feng to one side of the elevator and walked past. After entering the elevator, he just stopped on the second floor.

After the elevator door opened, the middle-aged man said to Ye Feng, "the master is waiting for you!"

After Ye Feng walked out of the elevator, he saw that the middle-aged man was still standing in the elevator and didn't want to come out. He couldn't help looking back at the middle-aged man and said, "don't you go?"When the middle-aged man heard that Yan's face changed, he immediately said, "young master, no one is allowed to enter the second floor or above..."

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart immediately a Lin, but the mouth is cold hum a way, "you still know? In the future, elevators are not allowed to go up to the second floor! "

With that, Ye Feng left, but he sighed a little in his heart. This detail was not mentioned in the information given by zhuomus. Fortunately, he was witty, otherwise it would have been revealed.

But after a few steps, Ye Feng fainted. In this big place on the second floor, I don't know where Domingo's Laozi is.

Zhuomus didn't send himself a topographic map of the villa. It was a headache.

Just thinking about it, I saw out of a door in the corridor on one side came a blonde woman with exposed clothes, wriggling her waist towards her side.

Ye Feng looks at the blonde and stares at herself, with some ambiguity in her eyes. Isn't the secret way like Domingo's lover?

Ye Feng is not sure about this. In zhuomus' materials, there are only Domingo's real girlfriend materials, and none of the other women who have an affair with Domingo.

Ye Feng is thinking about how to talk to the beauty for a while. She doesn't want the beauty to come to Ye Feng's side and just says, "your father is already in a hurry. Don't you go?"

With that, the blonde girl wriggled her butt and went down the stairs. Looking back, she also teased her hair and threw a wink at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's heart moved, and then he thought about the corridor. He could only gamble in the secret way to see if Domingo's Laozi was in the room where the beautiful woman came out just now.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he took a deep breath and immediately walked towards the other side. He didn't want to take a few steps before he heard a fury behind him, "what are you still standing there doing? Get out of here

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