Maria heard Ye Feng say so, can't help but face hung down, muttered, "so, you don't love me at all! You married me just to help your father marry my family

Ye Feng knew that it was cruel to say so, but with his understanding of Domingo, he said, "you didn't know it at first, you knew it from the beginning, you won't tell me now, do you mind?"

Maria then took a look at Ye Feng and sat there without saying a word, as if she was sulking and didn't move for a long time.

Ye Feng sees in the eye, at this time or long sigh, past patted Mary's shoulder way, "you actually still have the opportunity to choose, choose a person who loves you!"

Maria looked up at Ye Feng and said, "how can I choose?" Then he touched his stomach and said, "I already have your flesh and blood. Now you ask me to choose?"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion can't help tiny move, hurriedly retracted a hand, "are you pregnant?"

Originally, Ye Feng had made a plan. As long as she finished the task, even when it was necessary, she would have an affair with the woman next to Domingo. Even if it was a step further, she could accept it.

But now that Maria is pregnant with Domingo's child, if she still wants to do so, it will be worse than a real beast.

But Maria looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what? Why do you look so surprised? I remember I told you before. That's why we advanced the wedding date by more than three months! "

Ye Feng knows that Maria is pregnant, which is not mentioned in the information given by zhuomus. This is really unexpected.

Ye Feng was still thinking that Domingo was dead. Now, although he pretended to be Domingo, he would recover his identity and appearance after completing the task, and Domingo would disappear from the world.

Instead of that, it's better for Maria to let go of Domingo now, which can be regarded as a good thing for Domingo.

But now listen to Maria say, Ye Feng do not know how to deal with Maria.

Listen to Maria say so, Ye Feng this just slow over God, turn over a body to way, "that you already know raw rice all cook mature rice, still talk with me these nonsense do what!"

Maria then got up and walked to Ye Feng and said, "I just want to ask you one last time before I get married and become your pawn. Have you ever loved me? Even for a moment

Ye Feng would like to answer for Domingo, Domingo does not love her, let her completely die, but the child in Maria's stomach is innocent.

However, if Maria is not allowed to beat this child, Maria's life will be changed because of this child.

Ye Feng a tangle, but Maria suddenly left tears, said a know, and then ran away crying.

Seeing this, Ye Feng can't help sighing. He doesn't go after Maria, but sighs that this Domingo is really a scum.

Ye Feng is sitting by the bed thinking, when he saw the door suddenly opened, Domingo's father angrily came in and yelled at Ye Feng.

Domingo's father rushed to Ye Feng's face and put out his hand to hit Ye Feng's mouth.

Ye Feng's instinctive reaction immediately grabs Domingo's father's hand.

Domingo's father was stunned. After a while, he came back to himself and shook off Ye Feng's hand. "Are you brave now? You pissed off Maria? How dare you stop my hand? "

Ye Feng stood up at this time and said, "I will deal with my own affairs."

But Domingo's father said, "you know what the status of Maria's father is, our financial crisis depends on your marriage with Maria, and what's the relationship between Maria's father and flamencourt, do you know? If you dare to repent, you will die this time! "

Ye Feng a listen to this, complexion immediately move, the original Maria's father and flamencourt have relations?

Originally, dromus gave himself the information that Domingo's father had a relationship with flamenco. Unexpectedly, there was another layer of such relationship between them.

He also understood why dromus wanted to pretend to be Domingo instead of others.

After taking a deep breath, Domingo's father immediately said to Ye Feng, "do you want our whole family to die? Do it, and keep doing it. Sooner or later, the whole family will be killed! "

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said to Domingo's father, "I'll solve it!"

Domingo's father said angrily, "you'd better solve it, or I'll order the coffin of the whole family!"

Having said this, Domingo's father immediately went out and said, "change your dog's skin for me and coax Maria to change her mind!"

Ye Feng sighs after seeing Domingo's father leave. In fact, just now he thought it might be a good thing to be angry with Maria. Now it seems that it's really necessary to coax Maria back.

But if you think about it carefully, it may be a good thing. Just now I came here. Domingo's father has banned me from going out again. Now it happens that I can go out again.Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately went to the cloakroom to choose clothes, but after a careful look, he had a headache.

Domingo's clothes are more pompous. It's not disrespectful, but the problem is that they are too respectable. It's like wearing these clothes, for fear that others may not know that he is a rich second generation.

Ye Feng didn't think so much. He chose one of the many ostentatious clothes, which was still low-key. After changing on, he went out of the door immediately.

After taking the elevator to the underground garage, I looked at dozens of car keys on one side of the cabinet, as if anyone could drive here.

Ye Feng picked up the key of a Bugatti Veyron car and pressed it. There was a clear sound in the distance. He immediately followed the sound.

After getting on the car, Ye Feng immediately started the car, and then drove out of the underground garage, galloping all the way out of the gate on the road of the manor.

Ye Feng drove Bugatti Veyron around on the main road of Michoacan state. After being scolded by the roadside people, he stopped at the roadside.

He remembered that he didn't have Maria's contact information at all, so he quickly took out his mobile phone and made a call to zhuomus to ask him for Maria's contact information.

Zhuomus asked Ye Feng to go to the warehouse where Domingo had an accident at that time. Domingo's mobile phone is over there. If you get it back, you can have everyone's contact information.

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