Then zhuomus sent the address of the warehouse to Ye Feng, who turned on the navigation on his mobile phone and drove all the way.

Along the way to appreciate the different customs of Mexico, there is a little bit of the shadow of Maya civilization.

However, when I arrived at the site, I found that it was a desolate area. Although there were no houses around, they were all similar to slum houses.

Originally, the warehouse was not very good and looked shabby, but compared with the surrounding houses, the warehouse looked like a luxury house in the slum.

Especially when Ye Feng comes with his Bugatti Veyron, many people in the house come out of the house one after another to see the luxury cars they may not be able to buy in their lifetime.

Ye Feng stops Bugatti Weilong at the door of the warehouse. Then he lights a cigarette and gets off. He stands beside the car and takes a look at the warehouse.

At this time, there was no one in the warehouse, and the iron door was also open. After walking in, I had a look, and then I knew how fierce the gunfight was in the warehouse on the night of Domingo's death.

Around can see bad bullet holes, there are several children are squatting inside, holding the shell on the ground in play, see Ye Feng came in, immediately swarmed away.

Ye Feng turns around in the warehouse, occasionally he can see blood on the ground, but there is no one, not even a corpse, let alone Domingo's mobile phone.

But fortunately, dromus gave his Domingo's mobile phone number. He took out his mobile phone, dialed the phone, and pricked up his ears to hear if there was a mobile phone.

But the mobile phone has been prompted to turn off, Ye Feng thought it was normal, it has been so long, Domingo's phone is estimated to have been blown up, long ago no power.

Ye Feng put away his mobile phone and looked around the warehouse, but he still didn't find anything. He secretly told NIMA to find a mobile phone here, which was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Think of here, Ye Feng also don't plan to look for, when the time comes to get Maria's number on the line, he said that night gunfight, his mobile phone lost not on the line.

And even if you get a mobile phone and you don't have Domingo's fingerprints, it's a bit of a hassle to unlock it at that time.

When Ye Feng came out of the warehouse, he saw a group of young people still watching around Bugatti Weilong. Not far away, there were several young people watching, but they didn't dare to get close.

See Ye Feng came out, the children immediately scattered, Ye Feng immediately clapped his hands, called the children.

At the same time, Ye Feng also took out a pile of banknotes. Suddenly, the children stopped and looked at Ye Feng.

Even those young people who had been indifferent could not help but be attracted by the money in Ye Feng's hand, and unconsciously approached Ye Feng.

Ye Feng said at this time, "I lost a mobile phone in the warehouse. I don't know where it is. I'll give each of you one now. You can help me to search in the carpet style. If you can't find it, you can take one. If you find it, you can come to my side to enjoy it!"

Speaking, Ye Feng clapped the money in his hands and continued, "these can be given to you!"

Young people and children immediately rushed up, surrounded Ye Feng and began to receive the money from Ye Feng, one for each.

Those people took the money, immediately rushed into the warehouse, began to help Ye Feng find a mobile phone.

Ye Feng is sitting in the car smoking cigarettes, relying on their own to find a person, unrealistic, or the strength of many people ah.

Ye Feng while smoking, while waiting for the news inside, then rummaged in the car, unexpectedly found that there are pistols and bullets.

At this time, a lot of people came from behind the car. They stood beside Ye Feng's car and asked for money. They also wanted to find their mobile phones.

Ye Feng gives money as well. Anyway, just give them money to help them find it.

And just after those people left, a child less than 10 years old knocked on Ye Feng's window.

After Ye Feng opened it, he took a look at the child, but saw that the child was surprisingly thin, like a matchstick, with a big head and a small body.

That kid a pair of eyes open of eldest brother, stare at Ye Feng to see a way, "Sir, the money in your hand can all give me?"

Ye Feng smell speech brow a wrinkly, after seeing one eye, or take out a few to hand the child way, "give you a few more, you also go to help me find the mobile phone, find me the rest to you!"

The child did not reach for the money, but took out a mobile phone from his trouser pocket and handed it to Ye Feng

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears the speech. He takes a look at the child and the mobile phone in his hand. It really doesn't look like a family like him can afford it, and it looks very new.

As soon as he reached for his mobile phone, the child immediately retracted his hand, "give me money first, and then give you your mobile phone!"

Ye Feng immediately took out a pile of money and asked, "did you pick up your mobile phone in the warehouse?"

After the child nodded, Ye Feng gave him all the money. The child immediately threw his mobile phone into the car and ran away.

Ye Feng took a look at the mobile phone, it is no power, simply can't open the machine, hurriedly in the car to find the data line, and the car connected to charge.When Ye Feng can turn it on, he finds that he needs fingerprint verification as he thinks.

Ye Feng immediately started the car, drove away from here, went into the city to find a mobile phone store, and asked the clerk to help unlock it.

The shop assistant took a look at it and said, "it's not a password. It's just a fingerprint. Isn't your mobile phone?"

Ye Feng is not wordy, directly took out a pile of money in the past, the clerk immediately did not ask anything, less than 20 minutes to help Ye Feng finished, but also helped Ye Feng re-enter his own fingerprints.

Ye Feng takes the mobile phone and goes back to the car. Then he turns on the mobile phone and looks for Maria in the address book. However, he finds that there are all kinds of women's names in the address book.

He looked at the album again and found that there were many gorgeous photos and videos in it. He couldn't help frowning.

Seeing this, Ye Feng confirmed that the mobile phone should belong to Domingo. That's right. Only this playboy who plays with women can store so many women's numbers in the mobile phone.

Ye Feng finally found Maria's number and called Maria, but Maria's number was always on, but no one answered.

Ye Feng has been playing, there has been no answer, Ye Feng can't help frowning, a little sigh, is his words before and Maria too heartless, so hurt Maria's heart, now even the phone refused to answer?

But under, Ye Feng had to open the information bar, send a text message to Maria to apologize, anyway, first steady Maria again.

After editing a lot of words and sending them, Ye Feng sits in the car waiting for Maria's reply.

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