But soon the phone was connected, but it wasn't Maria who was speaking, it was a man speaking traditional Spanish.

And the tone is very tough, with the tone of reprimand questioned Ye Feng way, "what did you do to Maria?"? I'll give you ten minutes. Come to our house immediately and coax Maria, or you'll bear the consequences! "

After that, before Ye Feng can say a word, the other party has already hung up. Ye Feng can't help but frown and listen to the accent. This person should be quite old, even if it's not Maria's father, it's her elder.

It seems that Maria is home, and now she may be hurt by her own words, and now she won't answer her phone.

Thinking about Ye Feng or driving towards Maria's house, zhuomus has given himself information.

Soon arrived at the door of Maria's villa, a few people in police uniform at the door looked at Ye Feng's car, didn't say a word.

After getting off the bus, Ye Feng also took a look at the two policemen, who were also equipped with robbers. It was obvious that they were here to serve as guards for Maria's Laozi.

Ye Feng did not say anything, directly into the door, the two police obviously know Domingo, also did not stop him.

Looking at the general villa, after entering the door, I found that the luxury degree of decoration is not much simpler than that of Duoming.

It is estimated that Maria's father is the governor after all, so the superficial work still needs to be done.

As soon as I arrived at the lobby of the villa, I saw a typical middle-aged Mexican sitting on the sofa in the living room.

See Ye Feng walk in after, immediately cold hum a way, "you still have face to come?"

Ye Feng listen to this person's voice is the voice of the man on the phone, in the heart can't help but secret way, don't you let me come, say what don't come, the consequence is responsible?

But Ye Feng didn't say anything, just asked him, "where's Maria?"

The man said in a cold voice, "Maria went out in high spirits early this morning. When I asked her where she was going, she said she was going to find you. When she came back, she was sad. What did you do to her? What did you say? "

Ye Feng shrugged, then walked over and sat on the opposite side of the man. "She and I are going to get married. Because of some details of the marriage, there is only a little difference between the couple!"

But the man sneered, "do you know you and Maria are going to get married? So you're still hanging out? A few days ago, the gunfight in the suburban warehouse was on the news. You are not so lucky this time. Next time you are not so lucky! "

Ye Feng sighed and said, "I'll pay attention next time!"

But the man sneered, "next time? Do you expect another time? This time, I explained it to flamencourt several times, and then it was over. Otherwise, do you think you've escaped in the warehouse, and that's it? "

Ye Feng is surprised that Domingo is killed in the warehouse. What does it have to do with flamenco.

But he didn't say anything. He felt that Domingo's death should have something to do with flamenco.

The man then said, "I don't object to you playing with women, but what I want to tell you is that a man, no matter how many women there are outside, must be worthy of his wife at home!"

Ye Feng can't help but be surprised when he hears that there is such a sensible father-in-law. Domingo is really blessed to find such a father-in-law.

But the man continued, "and if you play with women, you have to look at people. Not all women can play with you. This time you bang the mistress of flamencourt. Next time you want to sleep with the queen?"

On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "at the age of the queen of England, I'm not interested!"

The man immediately stood up and said, "this is the last time I warn you. If flamencourt doesn't deal with you next time, I'll kill you too!"

Ye Feng knew that Domingo was a woman who had slept with flamencourt, so she was killed.

He quickly got up and said to the man, "there won't be another time!"

After the man cold hums, this just says toward the leaf maple, "she is in own room, you go to coax her!"

After saying this, he picked up the suit on the back of the sofa and put it on. As he walked towards the door, he said to Ye Feng, "if I come back at night, Maria will still look like this, you should know the consequences!"

After the man went out, he closed the door heavily, obviously to leave maple.

Ye Fengchang vomited a breath, this just secretly scolds this Domingo, oneself is not seek to die? How many women are there in the world? Just to touch the mistress of the biggest local drug lord, I'm tired of living. I don't resent my death at all.

But Ye Feng is not interested in this kind of fringe news. What he is more interested in is that Maria's father can make Franco MINDO accept the green hat and swallow his anger and stop pursuing it?

It seems that Maria's father is definitely not simple. No wonder Domingo's father is afraid that Domingo and Maria can't get married.

Ye Feng then went upstairs, a door a door opened, he did not know which is Maria's room.

Don't want to open a door, see a woman is back to the door lying on the bed, he immediately went to sit on one side.As soon as Ye Feng sits down, he sees the woman on the bed turning around. Ye Feng's face suddenly moves. The one lying on the bed is actually the blonde she saw in Domingo's house today.

The blonde saw Ye Feng and frowned slightly. Then she said with a smile, "you're so brave. Ma anda just left, you're coming?"

When Ye Feng heard this, he immediately stood up. He felt that the relationship between Domingo and this blonde should be unusual.

And listen to her tone, she should be Maria's father Ma anda's woman, Domingo actually has an affair with her?

Ye Feng can't help but secretly scold this Domingo. What kind of bird is he? How can any woman play?

Although he used to refuse all comers, after all, he didn't do it with people around him. This Domingo is just a lower body animal. It's estimated that all the women he knows have an affair with him.

But Ye Feng quickly retreated to the door and said, "I'm in the wrong room. I'm looking for Maria!"

But the blonde opened the quilt and sat up. She was naked, but she said to Ye Feng with disdain, "Maria's room is opposite. You've been here more than once. Will you go to the wrong room?"

While talking, the blonde came to Ye Feng and said with a smile, "are you here to find me? What's the shame? Or is it because after touching the woman in flamencourt, she has left a shadow? "

But without saying a word, Ye Feng immediately opened the door and went out, "I'm in the wrong room. Go on sleeping!" He immediately closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief.

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