Maria had been listening outside, but she couldn't hear the sound of a broken glass inside. She was still hesitating. What was Domingo doing after he went in? Why hasn't she moved yet?

Ye Feng is also anxious to get angry in the house. His body has already reacted. If he continues to struggle like this, sooner or later he will fall. Thinking about him, he immediately breaks off the legs of the blonde.

The blonde thought that Ye Feng was going to take the initiative to launch an offensive. She was even wilder, so she almost swollen Ye Feng's mouth.

At this time, Ye Feng immediately kicked on the vase, but heard the sound of "bang Dang", which scared the blonde.

The blonde looked at the vase, but saw that it was broken. She was a little relieved and immediately kissed Ye Feng.

Ye Feng is surprised that the vase is broken. Why hasn't Maria come in yet.

In fact, what he didn't know was that the sound insulation of the door of the room was fairly good, and Maria outside the door only vaguely heard the sound of something breaking.

Maria is also struggling at this time. After a while hesitation, she decides not to wait.

After all, Ye Feng has been in for such a long time. It's estimated that what should happen has happened. No matter whether Ye Feng has put a secret signal or not, it's right to go in now.

Think of here, Maria immediately opened the door, at this time is to see Ye Feng holding blonde beauty is against the side of the bed wall intimate.

Seeing that the blonde is making out with Ye Feng, Maria immediately takes out her mobile phone and starts shooting, regardless of whether Ye Feng is a fake or a fake.

While shooting, he rushed up and yelled, "what are you doing?"

When the blonde saw that it was Maria, her face suddenly changed and she pushed Ye Feng away.

Ye Feng took a long breath and said to Maria, "Maria, listen to me..."

After several changes in her face, the blonde immediately said to Maria, "Maria, it's him. He wants QJ. I want to fight, but I can't push it away..."

Ye Feng smell speech also can't help a consternation, this blonde beauty is fierce, take the lead to attack oneself, pick her own clear.

But Maria sneered, "you want to fight? I just saw that you seemed to enjoy it. Besides, I recorded a video. Would you like me to play it back for you

When the blonde heard this, her face suddenly moved. She looked at Maria in a dazed way and couldn't speak for a long time.

Maria went up and gave the blonde a mouth, then sneered and said, "I'll show this video to my dad when he comes back!"

Hearing that the blonde is about to come up and grab her cell phone, she immediately steps back and says, "do you want to be hard?"

Seeing this, the blonde girl pondered for a while, and then said to Ye Feng, "if you don't help grab the mobile phone, if this video is seen by Ma anda, you and I will die!"

But Ye Feng stood still and looked at her. The blonde couldn't help but wonder, "what's the matter with you? Are you scared? "

But Maria said to the blonde, "he's a man. It's normal for him to be lustful. I can tolerate my man to eat meat occasionally, but can my father tolerate you to bring a green hat to him?"

The blonde suddenly looked at Maria and Ye Feng and said, "Oh, I see. You two framed me?"

Ye Feng still doesn't say a word, but Maria sneers and says, "what about setting you up? Can't you? I have a video in hand now! "

The blonde looked at Ye Feng and said, "you bastard, I'm so kind to you, you set me up If this video is seen by Ma anda, I'll say that you seduced me. I'll die with you anyway! "

Ye Feng can't help shrugging, but Maria said, "I can protect him, who will protect you?"

Seeing this, the blonde couldn't help sitting on the bed and said, "what do you want?"

Maria immediately said, "it's very simple. You pack up and go away. As long as you don't show up next to my father from now on, this video will never be seen by my father. But if you can't do it, I'm sorry!"

The blonde looked at Maria thoughtfully. She immediately began to dress. Then she went to the wardrobe and left with her bag.

But before the blonde leaves, she stares at Ye Feng and says, "I really have you!" With that, he left bitterly.

After waiting for the blonde to leave, Ye Feng said to Maria, "I'm afraid you can think of it. How can you make a video?"

Maria then looked at Ye Feng coldly and said, "didn't you say you'd better drop the cup? Why don't you have any secret signals? If I didn't rush in, would you really want to do something with her? "

Ye Feng sighed helplessly, "I didn't see the cup after looking for it for a long time. At last, I found a vase and it fell to the ground. There was a carpet on the ground and it couldn't be broken. Finally, I kicked it myself and you didn't come in after it was broken..."

Maria heard Ye Feng say so, can't help looking at the bedside, but also really see a broken vase, this just think of the sound he seemed to hear outside just now.Ye Feng saw that Maria looked at the vase and said with a smile, "now you know that you have wronged me?"

Maria took her cell phone and said, "I've wronged you, but I'll still keep this video!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "you keep it. In case that woman is still a demon, you can take it out to scare her!"

But Maria said with a mysterious smile, "I don't keep it for her. Even if she has the courage, she doesn't dare to risk her own life. The purpose of staying is to deal with you!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help a surprised, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Maria way, "deal with me?"

Maria shrugged her shoulders and put away her mobile phone. Then she said, "of course, if there's anything wrong with me in the future, I'll give this video to my dad!"

Ye Feng can't help but say, "Hey, you can't be like this. I tried to help you get rid of this woman. Now you want to harm me?"

Maria said with a sneer, "how can I hurt you? As long as you don't do anything sorry to me in the future, how can I hurt you? Or are you thinking all the time about doing something I'm sorry for? "

Ye Feng sighed helplessly. After shaking his head, he left the room without saying anything. After all, he is not Domingo.

And after the end of this mission, it has nothing to do with Maria. She can do whatever she likes.

I just don't know what will happen when she knows that the real Domingo is dead.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't say a word, Maria immediately ran after Ye Feng and said, "I'm kidding you! Are you serious? "

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