Ye Feng can't help but look back at Maria, and then says with a smile, "of course I know you're joking! I'm joking with you, too! "

As soon as Maria heard this, she immediately hugged Ye Feng and said, "I know you are very popular with women, and I don't ask you to think of me completely. As long as you are always mine in spirit, and occasionally betrayal in body, I can tolerate it!"

When Ye Feng heard Maria say this, she sighed in her heart. She did not know who had instilled this idea into her. It was even older than that of women in the old Chinese society.

Ye Feng thought it might be related to Maria's father Ma anda. After all, Ma anda didn't blame Domingo for playing with women outside when he was educating himself.

Ma anda really blamed Domingo because Domingo played with flamencourt's women, so he taught himself a lesson, that is, Domingo.

With such a father and daughter, Maria has such a thought, which is totally reasonable.

Originally, Ye Feng wanted to comfort Maria, but she thought that she was not Domingo after all, just a passer-by in her life.

Including the dead Domingo, will also be a passer-by in her life. After many years, it is impossible to even think of Domingo again.

Ye Feng just patted Maria on the back and said nothing.

After a long time, Ye Feng slowly pushed away Maria and said, "I should go back, too!"

But Maria stopped Ye Feng and held her hand tightly. At this time, she released her mouth and looked at Ye Feng. Her face turned reddish and said, "just now I saw you and that coquettish hoof. I feel it You don't have it, do you? "

Ye Feng smell speech heart immediately move, this Maria won't now think that what?

However, people in Europe, America and the west, including those in South America, are more open to sex.

Women, in particular, are not as reserved as Oriental women. What they really feel is what they want, and they never disguise.

Ye Feng is not a woman who has never played with the West and South America. He knows more about their character, of course, that's all.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng quickly and slowly pushed away Maria and stepped back.

But Maria looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what's the matter?"

But Ye Feng said immediately, "you are pregnant, it's not good!"

But Maria said immediately, "I'm only two or three months pregnant. I didn't show my heart. I asked the doctor. It doesn't affect my normal life!"

Ye Feng can't help but blush. He knows that South American women, like western women, are more open to sex, but he doesn't want to ask the doctor about this?

But Ye Feng didn't think much about it. He said to Maria, "I think you have a child in your stomach. I feel uncomfortable..."

Then, without waiting for Maria to speak, he immediately said, "and my father is still waiting for me at home. Let me coax you and go back immediately!"

Maria would like to come up to hold Ye Feng, mouth said, "then you say it's not coax, OK?"

Ye Feng hurriedly went to the corridor and said, "no, he has limited the time. I can't go back now. It's too late. I'll go first..."

Finish saying leaf maple head also didn't return of went downstairs, Maria see a facial expression a burst of change, finally tiny a sigh.

In fact, Maria knows that Domingo just doesn't want to touch himself. All the others are excuses, but she can't help it. Who wants to fall in love with this asshole?

After leaving Maria's home, Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief. She came here secretly. She felt as if she had gone into a whorehouse, and almost lost her reputation.

Although his reputation is not very good, and this Domingo is no different, but that is also in the past, now Ye Feng does not want to live the previous life.

After going out, he lit a cigarette, then opened the door and got on the bus. Instead of starting the car, he smoked in the car.

Just at this time, his window was knocked, the first one on the side, but saw a beautiful woman standing next to her car, holding a cigarette in her hand, leaned over and said, "can I borrow a fire?"

Ye Feng looked out of the window, but saw that standing outside the car was a beautiful woman with Oriental female appearance. Her facial features were exquisite and moving, and her beauty was even better than that of Dixie.

And it seems that the figure of this beautiful woman is better than that of Dixie, especially the pair of lanterns in front of her.

Ye Feng is looking at it, but then he sees that the beauty looks at herself without any expression on her face and says, "borrow a fire..."

Ye Feng this just reaction come over, immediately take out lighter to hand to beauty way, "gave you!"

After the beauty lit a cigarette, she returned the lighter to Ye Feng and said, "no, I seldom smoke. I'm just upset now, so I want to smoke one!"

Ye Feng nodded, smoked a cigarette and took a deep breath. He said in his heart that if it was before, he would not miss this chance to chat up.But now, since we have promised Dixie that we will not go back to the original way, we must do it.

Thinking of this, seeing that the woman was still smoking beside the car, he immediately started the car. If he stayed any longer, he might not be able to control himself. In order not to make mistakes, it was safest to leave here.

Don't want Ye Feng just started the car, the beauty immediately bent over the window and said, "are you in a hurry?"

Ye Feng took a look and said, "Oh, yes, I have something to do!"

The beauty directly opened the door and sat down in the front passenger's lane. "That's just right. Let me have a ride."

Ye Feng frowned, then asked the beauty, "where are you going? Maybe not on the way? "

The beauty shrugged her shoulders and said, "it doesn't matter where I go. I just want to go for a ride. When I come to the place where you work, you just put me down!"

Ye Feng listen to the beauty of this tone, as if he did not take the initiative to hook up with her, she is in the initiative to give himself a chance.

The beauty saw Ye Feng looking at herself in a daze, and immediately said, "how? If you don't like it, forget it

Ye Feng just said that after fastening the seat belt, he immediately stepped on the accelerator, and the car instantly drove out.

That beauty is just holding a cigarette, not to wear a seat belt, while smoking, looking at Ye Feng Road, "this car is good!"

Ye Feng nodded, did not speak, Bujia Weilong is just good?

Beauty see Ye Feng did not speak, immediately said, "you look cool, if it is deliberately cool to attract my attention, Congratulations, you have been sitting, I have been on your car, there is no need to continue to play!"

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