Ye Feng smell speech can't help a burst of funny to see a beauty, shook his head did not say anything, then the car stopped at the roadside.

The beauty can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise, "how? Have you arrived yet? " Then he looked out of the window and saw a hotel on one side.

Seeing this, the beauty couldn't help laughing, "are you in such a hurry? You brought me to the hotel so soon? "

Ye Feng just stopped at random. He didn't notice that the hotel was next to him, but he didn't explain anything. He just laughed at the beauty and said, "get off!"

The beauty immediately opened the car door, stood beside the car and looked at the hotel. "This hotel looks cheap, it must not be very sanitary inside..."

But before the beauty finished, she heard the roar of the car's engine. When she came back to her senses, she looked back and saw that Bugatti Veron had already disappeared.

Seeing this, the beauty suddenly changed her face, looked away angrily, and said in a cold voice, "you will regret it!"

When he said this, the anger on his face gradually disappeared, and instead he showed a smile, but he didn't say anything.

After driving away, Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief. For the first time, he met such a beautiful woman and ran away.

After driving for a while, Ye Feng slowed down and drove to the seaside, although he told Maria that he wanted to report back to Domingo's Laozi.

But after all, I'm not my own Laozi at all. What can I tell him? It's a big deal that I was scolded by him in the past, and it's not me.

After arriving at the seaside, Ye Feng lit a cigarette and looked at the endless sea and the free gulls on the sea.

After smoking a cigarette, Ye Feng calls Dixie, but it shows that the phone is turned off and can't get in at all.

Ye Feng can't help thinking, at this time, Dixie doesn't know what to do.

At this moment, Ye Feng unexpectedly also thought of thousand color bee, she left after landing, also don't know where to go, now what.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng sighed and drove to Domingo's villa.

Just after parking in the underground garage and going upstairs, I met Domingo's father in the corridor.

When he saw Ye Feng, he immediately stopped him and said, "come back so soon? Has Maria coaxed her? "

Ye Feng said, "it has been coaxed, and Ma anda will arrange me to work in the state government!"

Upon hearing this, Domingo's father changed his face and said, "what? You're going to work for the state government? Who will take over the business of our company? Do you want me to donate to charity? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "if you want to, of course, there is no problem. Do more charity and contribute to the society!"

However, Domingo's father sneered and said, "to contribute to society? What's your contribution? It's the responsibility of the state government. What do we businessmen do? I'm not a philanthropist

Originally, Ye Feng told him that he wanted to make Domingo's father feel that he had done something right. Unexpectedly, his father was so opposed to Domingo's entering the state government?

Domingo's father said immediately, "you can't go!"

But Ye Feng said to Domingo's father, "I have agreed, and Ma anda has helped me arrange the position. Now I can't tell him? Say to yourself and to him

As soon as Domingo's father heard this, he couldn't help looking at his face. Maybe he didn't expect that his son would talk to him like this.

But when he thought about it, he asked Domingo to marry Maria, and the picture was that maanda was the governor.

In a few days, Domingo is going to marry Maria, and Ma anda and himself are going to be in laws. It's not good for his family to offend Ma anda at this time.

Thinking of this, Domingo's father sighed, "then you go to work first, wait until you get married, and then go on for a while. Then you say you are not used to that kind of work, and then you can quit it!"

Ye Feng shrugs his shoulders when he hears the speech. He says it doesn't matter. Anyway, it's not certain whether he can play Domingo that day. He can't manage the later things.

But thinking of going to marry Maria, Ye Feng can't help thinking that it's better to solve the problem before this.

Seeing that Ye Feng seemed absent-minded, Domingo's father waved his hand and said, "go away!" Then he walked away.

Ye Feng returned to Domingo's room, lying on the bed, took out his mobile phone and asked zhuomus, "now that he has successfully entered Domingo's life circle, when will he act?"

Zhuomus didn't reply for a long time. Ye Feng and others were a little sleepy, so they just slept in bed. After two or three days on the sea, they didn't sleep well.

And Domingo's bed is a standard bed for rich people. Sleeping on it is like lying on a cloud, which makes people sleepy more easily.

When Ye Feng wakes up again, it's dark. Ye Feng stretches and sits up. He picks up his mobile phone and has a look. Zhuomus has replied to the message.The message said, "hold your horses for a while, and wait for the night of Domingo and Maria's wedding!"

When Ye Feng sees this, he can't help but move. His NIMA just wants to understand things before he gets married. Zhuomus is so good that he even arranges his action on the night of his marriage with Maria?

Ye Feng understood why zhuomus had to disguise himself as Domingo. He wanted to make it easier on the wedding night.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng replied to zhuomus, "must be on the night of marriage?"

Dromus replied, "yes, only that night! No second time, no chance to miss again

See zhuomus say so, Ye Feng also didn't reply, the only chance to complete the task, what else can he say?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng got up, walked out of the villa, went to the corridor on the second floor, and went to the balcony. When he saw the bright lights of the whole manor, he couldn't help sighing. The population of his family was not very prosperous. He actually lived in such a big place. He didn't know how much electricity was wasted every night.

Just thinking about it, Ye Feng's mobile phone rings. When he takes it out to see if it's wrong, he remembers that now he has two mobile phones, one of his own, one of Domingo's, and now it's Domingo's.

Ye Feng picked up the mobile phone to have a look, but saw that the caller ID is Spanish "fat", since you can call this nickname, you should have a good relationship with Domingo.

He thought that he had connected the phone, but a man's voice came from the phone and said, "Damn, someone has connected. What the hell!"

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