Ye Feng's heart moves when he hears that. The secret way is yes. What does it have to do with him? Is he pretending to be Domingo? Does he have a strong sense of substitution?

Dixie then said to Ye Feng, "don't forget that you are just playing Domingo. You are not Domingo. The fate of Domingo's family and his fiancee Maria have nothing to do with you. We just need to leave immediately after I finish the task!"

Ye Feng smoked a cigarette, can't help nodding, "I understand!" Other Ye Feng also did not say much, he was just thinking about his character, seems to have gradually changed.

It's not that I didn't pretend to be someone else when I was on a mission before. It's always a matter of life, regardless of merit or fame. This time, I'm worried about more things than before.

He began to worry about the fate of Domingo's family and what would happen if Maria knew that the real Domingo was dead.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng sighed slightly, smoking cigarettes without saying a word.

Hearing this, she couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "why do you sigh?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "nothing! I just feel that I'm no longer suitable for this business, and my mentality has changed! "

After a long time, he nodded and said, "you are more indecisive than before!"

Ye Feng sighed, "after you have experienced too much and seen through the world, it is estimated that it will be the same!"

Hearing the words, Dixie couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "do you see through life? What have you been through? I didn't feel anything! That's a big realization? "

Ye Feng was stunned when he heard the speech, and then he thought yes, although Dixie was involved in these things, those Dixie were not the current Dixie. Although there were some connections between them, they were not.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Dixie, "it's not a big insight. In a word, I've thought about a lot of things recently, and I've thought through a lot of things too!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng quickly changed the subject of conversation, and what's the meaning of saying these to Dixie, and then said, "by the way, don't say this, you come to me this time, just tell me this?"

Dixie nodded and said, "yes, because I know that the task is the night when Domingo and Maria get married, but now it seems that whether the wedding can be held as scheduled is a problem, so you and dromus must know!"

Ye Feng smell speech nodded a way, "good, I will inform zhuomus later, see how he arranges over there!"

Dixie smell speech also nodded, and then opened the car door, "then my task is finished, I'll leave first!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "where are you going? Shall I take you

But Dixie had already got out of the driveway, "no, I'll take a ride myself. I can't let others know that I'm too close to you. Your current identity, because women have offended flamencourt. If women offend ma'anda again, this identity will be void!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears the speech. He looks at Dixie walking away. Then his heart moves. No, he says to Dixie, "are you Ma anda's secretary or Ma anda's mistress?"

"Both!" said dickis, shrugging his shoulders Then he stopped a car and got on.

Ye Feng can't help but be stunned, and immediately scolds me. If Dixie is playing Ma anda's mistress, will she suffer?

But think before, Dixie is not never played a similar role, but never suffered losses, should be able to understand the protection of their own.

Thinking of Ye Feng immediately driving back to Domingo's manor, the car just stopped in the underground garage, he saw Domingo's father come out of the elevator, take out the key and prepare to pick up the car.

Ye Feng see so, immediately walked past a way, "so late still go out?"

Domingo's father looked at Ye Feng and said, "aren't you the same? Where did you go again? "

But Ye Feng said to Domingo's father, "be careful recently. I've heard people say that the shipping on the sea is tight recently."

Domingo's father impatiently opened the door and sat in. "When did you start to care about these things? Which day of these years is the shipping inspection not tight? Isn't that how you come? "

But Ye Feng opened the car door of the co pilot and sat in the way, "you help flamenco transport more drugs, don't you have a new life?"

When Domingo's father heard this, his face changed. He looked at his "son" in surprise and said, "who did you listen to?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "do you still need to listen to people? In the whole state of Michoacan, who doesn't know that our family is the dogleg of flamencourt and mahanda. What else can we do as their dogleg? The only thing is shipping companies. What else can they transport without helping them? Transport sand and stone? "

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Domingo's father said, "others say, others say, we can't talk nonsense. Anyway, we are a regular shipping company!"But Ye Feng sneered, "it's just on the surface!"

But Domingo's father said sternly, "on the surface it is, too!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath, but after hearing that Domingo's father immediately urged him to get out of the driveway, "I have something urgent to go out, you hurry down..."

Ye Feng said to Domingo's father, "have you ever thought about what to do when the shipping company is found out? Will mahanda be responsible for you? Or will flamencourt explain it for you? "

Domingo's father said impatiently, "what are you trying to express? If you just talk nonsense, get out of the car. I've been working for so many years and never had an accident. Now it will happen? "

Ye Feng heard Domingo's father say so, can't help sighing, "often walk by the river, how can you not wet shoes?"

Domingo's father frowned and said, "where did you learn this set of words? What's the matter?"

Ye Feng is considering whether or not to tell his father the truth.

Just hesitating, Domingo's father got out of the car by himself, then got into another car and drove away. He didn't give Ye Feng any chance to talk at all.

Ye Feng can't help sighing. He has made what he can say very clear, but Domingo's father insists on not listening. What can he do?

After returning to the room, Ye Feng immediately reported the situation here to zhuomus truthfully, hoping that there would be a solution.

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