Ye Feng was ready to go to bed, when the mobile phone and inexplicably ring up, but still Domingo's mobile phone.

Ye Feng connected the mobile phone and listened to the voice of the fat man scolding, "Domingo, where are you going to die?"

Ye Feng is toward the phone, said, "you want to go upstairs to play, is not already fulfilled it! I'm sorry to stay there. I'll come back to sleep first! "

The fat man scolded on the phone, "Damn, no wonder we were all kicked out. It turned out that you left!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "I walk my, you play your, this Diana is also too boring?"? As soon as I leave, I'll drive you away. "

Fat man immediately continued to scold on the phone, "you bastard, I've just hooked up with a girl, but I haven't played with her yet, so I'm driven away. I don't have any face. You hurry to die and let me go to sleep. Diana doesn't want you to die, you run away!"

Ye Feng said to the fat man, "if you want to sleep by yourself, I'm not interested in her at all!"

Fat man continued to spit on the phone, "did you get shot in the head last time? What's wrong with Diana? You have to have a look, you have to have a figure, and most importantly, she's flamencourt's daughter. Are you crazy? "

Ye Feng did not say anything, but directly hang up the phone, think hang up is not enough, directly turn off the phone.

It's because it's flamencourt's daughter that Ye Feng doesn't want to continue to have anything to do with Diana.

When Ye Feng opens her eyes, she sees Maria sitting by her bed looking at herself. She doesn't know when she came.

Ye Feng immediately sat up and frowned, "when did you come? Why didn't you say a word? "

But Maria said immediately, "do you remember what you said yesterday?"

Ye Feng frowned, heart under a Lin, it is not that they did not take fat people back to play, this goods ran to Maria that complain, said last night Diana's thing?

Maria then took out a suit and shirt from the cook and said, "I knew you forgot. My father has arranged a seat for you. You're going to work today! Get up and change

Ye Feng a listen to this, thoroughly relieved, immediately from the bed up a way, "your father's work efficiency is also too high?"? I just said yesterday, but I'll arrange it today? "

Maria said with a smile, "you don't see who is staring at you behind. My father has long forgotten. When I got home last night, I watched him call on the spot and did it. I wanted to tell you last night, but I was afraid to disturb you!"

Ye Feng put on his shirt and suit and stood in front of the mirror to have a look. Let alone the appearance of Domingo, after he put on his suit, it was really such a thing. No wonder Maria was so devoted to him.

Maria came to help Ye Feng with her tie, and said, "the first day at work, the first day should be decent. Don't give me shame. When I get to the class, be diligent and quick!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown, "diligent hands and feet? It's not office errands, is it? "

But Maria was surprised, "how do you know?"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help but a wrinkly way, "is still really run errands of?"

Maria said, "don't underestimate this errand job. Generally, those who don't have any background there won't do it for you. You should know that the errand man is the one who involves various forces and can hear a lot of information."

Ye Feng was not particularly interested in what he had done in the past. He just wanted to know if he could meet flamencourt there.

But it's impossible to think about it. After all, it's a drug lord. What's the name of it?

Although Michoacan is well aware of the relationship between flamencourt and mahanda, there are some things to be scrupulous about as long as they are not exposed.

After Ye Feng washes and goes downstairs with Maria, the servant over there has already prepared breakfast, while Maria and Ye Feng eat there together.

Ye Feng see Maria has not gone, can't help saying, "you won't want to work with me?"

But Maria said, "on your first day at work, of course I'm going to take you personally. I'll cheer you up."

But Ye Feng said, "if you are pregnant, don't run away! Isn't it good to have a baby at home? "

Maria said to Ye Feng, "don't do this, Domingo. I won't send it tomorrow, OK?"

Ye Feng can not, had to shrug a way, "you want to send it, whatever you want!"

But Maria immediately came to kiss Ye Feng and said, "thank you!"

Ye Feng sighs helplessly. It's a real injustice. A good girl like Maria only cares for Domingo. It's a pity that she has Domingo's flesh and blood.

After dinner, Ye Feng and Maria get out of the underground garage and choose a car. However, Ye Feng notices that the car that Domingo's father drove out last night hasn't come back, so he can't help but move.

After getting on the bus, Ye Feng started the car and asked Maria, "how is the relationship between my father and your father recently?"Maria said, "that's good. Why do you ask?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "no, it's just that I suddenly thought of it. Just ask casually, it's OK!"

Said Ye Feng immediately started the car, drove out of the underground garage, out of the manor, then all the way to the state government.

On the way, Maria, like her sister or even her mother, kept on nagging for fear that Ye Feng might make mistakes on her first day at work.

Ye Feng is too lazy to organize Maria. She says that she drives her own car.

Soon to the state government building, Ye Feng just stopped the car, but saw a red Maserati also stopped.

From the car down a woman, wearing a formal female career suit, do not want to be Diana.

When Ye Feng looks at Diana, her face suddenly moves. What does she do in the state government?

Diana also seems to see Ye Feng, and immediately comes over, looking at Maria who just got out of the car.

Ye Feng's heart moved. Diana didn't know what to say to Maria.

Think of Ye Feng immediately let Maria go back, go to work directly.

Maria hasn't answered yet, but Diana has come over and said to Ye Feng, "Domingo, what are you doing in the state government?"

Ye Feng immediately said to Diana, "this is exactly what I want to ask you!"

Diana shrugged her shoulders and said, "Oh, I'm here to work. Today is my first day at work!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "do you come to work for the state government, too?"

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