Diana shrugged her shoulders and said, "yes, I'm at work today!"

Maria said to one side, "that's a coincidence. Today, Domingo's first day of banye."

Diana couldn't help staring at Maria for a long time before she said, "are you Maria?"

Hearing this, Maria looked at Diana and said, "do you know me?"

Diana immediately said, "my father is flamencourt, and your father is a friend, I have seen you once, but did not show up, so you do not know me!"

As soon as Maria heard this, she immediately laughed at Diana and said, "it's uncle flamencourt's daughter. No wonder you'll take care of each other when he works here."

Ye Feng can't help but look at Maria when she hears the words. She can't help saying in her heart that you are broad-minded. If you know that Diana is thinking about how to rob her husband with you, I don't know how you will feel.

He thought and said to Maria immediately, "well, I'm going in. Go back quickly!"

Then Ye Feng gave Maria the key to the car and said, "you can drive my car back!"

Maria asked Ye Feng, "I drove your car away. What do you do after work?"

Diana said immediately, "I have a car. I can take him back!"

As soon as Maria heard this, she immediately said to Diana, "thank you so much..."

Diana shrugged at Maria and said, "just call me Diana!"

Maria nodded and said, "thank you, Diana!" Said immediately said a good-bye, and then on the car drove away from here.

Diana is still standing there looking at Maria's car. She says to Ye Feng, "Domingo, your fiancee is lovely!"

Ye Feng ignored her, went directly into the state government building, and soon came to the front desk to explain the purpose.

Diana also followed, also explained to the front desk, the front desk is surprised, "you are an office!"

Diana shrugged at Ye Feng and said, "that's a coincidence!"

But Ye Feng frowned, "are you on purpose?"

Diana frowned. "What on purpose? I don't know what I'm doing here. My father just told me this morning that I want to work here! "

Ye Feng didn't believe it at all. The front desk took him and Diana to report at this time.

When they got to the office, the receptionist immediately got up and said, "are you the supervisor who is here today?"

Diana shrugged, nodded and said, "right? To tell you the truth, I didn't know what I was going to do before I came here! "

The receptionist immediately took Diana to her office and told her about her future work.

Ye Feng's brow is frowning. Her son-in-law introduces her to run errands. When Diana comes, is she in charge? This NIMA!

When Diana's work was handed over, the receptionist found that there was another Ye Feng, and immediately asked, "what do you do?"

Ye Feng said, "I'm Domingo, and I'm here to report today!"

The man's face moved when he heard this. After all, it was ma anda who ordered him, even the errand runner.

He immediately took Ye Feng to find his position. In the corner of the office area, he introduced his work to Ye Feng and said, "your work is nothing at ordinary times, but you can help anyone who needs anything or wants to send something..."

Ye Feng nodded. Before he came, he knew that he was an errand runner, but at that time, he thought that he was just an office clerk.

But after listening to what the receptionist said, I realized that my job was a real errand runner.

After the receptionist explained his work, he went to work. Ye Feng had nothing to do but sit there.

Just sat down, someone toward Ye Feng way, "that who ah, you come to..."

Ye Feng originally wanted to smoke. He took all the cigarettes in his hand. After hearing this, he immediately got up and said, "what's the matter?"

The man then handed over a stack of documents to Ye Feng and said, "send them to the front desk on the seventh floor of the back building for me!"

Ye Feng secretly scolded a, here work efficiency is really high, oneself just came to have a thing to do.

But Ye Feng just took two steps with the document, and heard Diana's voice coming from behind him and said, "Domingo, come here!"

Ye Feng frowned, looked back at Diana, but still walked in the past way, "what's the matter?"

Diana said immediately, "I want to have coffee. There's a coffee shop in the street next door. It's good. Go and buy me a cup."

But Ye Feng raised the file in his hand and said, "I'm going to send the file. I'll buy it myself!"

With these words, Ye Feng immediately turned around and left, ignoring Diana. Her first day at work was to be called by others, and Diana was also the first day at work, to be called by others, and to be called by herself.

When Ye Feng came back from delivering the documents, just as she sat down, Diana's office door opened again, "Domingo, come here!"Ye Feng frowned and said, "buy your own coffee!"

Diana frowned and said, "who told you to buy coffee? If you have something to do, come to my office!"

Ye Feng smell speech is a frown again, but still walked in the past, after entering the office way, "what's the matter?"

But Diana stood at the door holding her hands and said, "I feel that the position of my desk is not right. My back is to the sun and I am dazzled by things. Help me move my desk!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning, "is there no one else in this office? If you ask them to help you, I may have to run errands later! "

Diana then looked at Ye Feng and said, "you seem to forget that I am the director of this office. Everyone here has to listen to me. Of course, including you, don't you know?"

Ye Feng smell speech to see to Diana way, "you say you don't know to come here to work is what position, I really don't believe!"

Diana said with a smile to Ye Feng, "believe it or not, I'm not afraid to tell you. I knew last night that you were going to work here today, so I specially asked my father to arrange for me. It doesn't matter what position you are in. There's only one requirement, that is, you can be instructed!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help looking at Diana. She looks proud. At this time, she sighs slightly. She still moves her desk and starts to move.

Diana saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word and didn't refute herself. On the contrary, she was not used to it. She said to Ye Feng, "if you have any complaints, just spill them out and keep them in your heart

After Ye Feng moved his desk, he said to Diana, "what else can I do for you? If not, I'll go out! "

Diana looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you hate me like this? Don't even want to spend a moment with me? You should know that I came to make up with you on purpose! "

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