Ye Feng said out of the office, just out of the door and a man hit a full, the other hand's file fell to the ground.

However, Ye Feng takes a closer look and finds that the other party is actually Dixie, who only showed up yesterday. If Dixie didn't meet him with this brand-new look yesterday, now Ye Feng thinks that he is a normal female employee in the office at most.

Dixie didn't expect to meet Ye Feng here. After looking at Ye Feng slightly, she looked at Diana at the door, but didn't say anything. She immediately squatted down and began to pick up the documents.

Ye Feng immediately said sorry, but also help squat down to help dixis pick up things.

Diana then stood in the office, took a look at Ye Feng and Dixie, and said to Ye Feng, "I'll think about it! Don't worry! "

At this time, Ye Feng has helped Dixie to pick up all the documents. After putting them in Dixie's hands, he nods back to Diana and returns to his position without saying anything.

Dixie also didn't say a word, holding the document and walked away, but Ye Feng looked at the direction of Dixie, and then looked back to Diana's office door, but saw that Diana's office door was still open.

And Diana is sitting at her desk, a pair of eyes are staring at Ye Feng, Ye Feng immediately avoid Diana's eyes.

Just thinking about it, someone came over to give Ye Feng a stack of documents to send to the governor's Secretariat.

Ye Feng knows that Dixie is Ma anda's secretary now, and immediately picks up the document and leaves.

Don't want to at this time, Diana came over, blocked in front of Ye Feng, took the document in his hand, toward just let Ye Feng send the document that humanitarian, "later don't want him to send things!"

The man couldn't help but say, "the job he applied for is running errands!"

Diana has the final say, "I said he did not need to go, so he has the final say, or do I have the final say?"

The man could not help but feel embarrassed for a while, but finally nodded and said, "I know!"

But Ye Feng took the document from Diana's hand and said, "I'd better send it. He's right. I'm here to do errand work. If I don't do it, who will do it?"

With that, Ye Feng took the document and left. This is the only time he can go to see Dixie openly. How can he be destroyed by Diana.

After watching Ye Feng walk away, Diana holds her hands and keeps looking at the direction of Ye Feng's disappearance. The corner of her eye moves slightly.

At this time, the figure of the woman just now appeared in Diana's mind. When she returned to the office, Diana lit a women's cigarette and said, "so what kind of woman does he like?"

At this time, Ye Feng went to an office on the side of the governor's office, where is Dixie's office. He knocked on the door and opened it.

But see Dixi Si is sitting over there at this time, look up is Ye Feng, eyebrow can't help but wrinkle, seem to be questioning Ye Feng how to come with eyes.

After closing the door of the office, Ye Feng went to put the document on his desk and said, "this is the document for the governor! Check it for you! "

After taking a look at the document, Dixie nodded and said, "no problem!"

After saying this, Dixie looked at Ye Feng and said, "how did you come here to work? And running errands? "

Ye Feng shrugs helplessly and says, "Maria asked Ma anda for help. Originally, she thought that she could have a good job. Unexpectedly, she came in as an errand runner!"

"It seems that your future father-in-law is not very satisfied with you. It's obvious that he's trying to punish you on purpose," she said

But Ye Feng immediately stressed, "it's not my father-in-law, it's Domingo's father-in-law OK?

but, with a shrug of his shoulder, dickis said, "aren't you Domingo now? Since you are Domingo and Ma anda is your father-in-law, what's wrong with that? "

Ye Feng didn't come to argue with him about this. He immediately asked him, "is there any new news?"

"How can there be new news all the time? But so far today, Ma anda has not come to work! "

Then Dixie asked Ye Feng, "by the way, what happened to Domingo's Lao Tzu last night?"

Ye Feng smell speech heart also can't help but move, immediately toward Dixie said, "last night he went out, in the morning before I came here, specially looked at in his underground parking lot, he drove out of the car didn't come back last night!"

After a while, she murmured, "so, Ma anda and Domingo's father are missing?"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow is also a move tunnel, "missing? Domingo's father didn't come back all night, and Ma anda didn't come to work in the morning, so he's not missing, is he? "

Dixie nodded and said, "yes, but I always feel that something is wrong..." Then he looked up at Ye Feng and said, "the woman in the office just now should be Diana, the daughter of flamencourt?"Ye Feng nodded and complained, "it's just a slut. She just tries to hook up with me all day. I don't know where Domingo attracts this woman. I come to work, and she comes to work immediately after she knows the news, and she also takes care of me. It's a constant ghost."

After a long time, she looked at Ye Feng and said, "maybe it's not Domingo who is charming, but you are attractive to her!"

Ye Feng can't help but be stunned when hearing the speech, and then says to Dixie, "you just said that I am Domingo now. I am Domingo now in other people's eyes. How can she be attracted by me? You are really joking!" As like as two peas brother Disis,

, shrugged his shoulders, "you don't have to admit that you are all the same as the Domingo brother, but the overall temperament is already a human life style. Sometimes a woman is attracted to a man not only because of the other person's appearance, but also because of the difference between women and men. A man looks at a woman's appearance first and then its connotation, but a woman doesn't look at a man that way, or even the opposite! "

Ye Feng can't help but look at Dixie and say, "do you mean Diana is attracted by my inner world? Conquered by my temperament? "

Dixie looked at Ye Feng with disdain and said, "you are like this. I really doubt that you have an affair every time you go out on a mission. Are you a bull? You don't know women at all!"

Ye Feng listened to the words of Dixie. He could only sigh helplessly, and could not explain anything. Then he stood up and said, "now we are all working in the state government. If you have any news, please let me know!"

Dixie see Ye Feng said but he wanted to go, immediately frown a way, "I haven't finished!"

Ye Feng sighed helplessly, "what else to say?"

But Dixie said to Ye Feng, "no matter what Diana is attracted by you, by Satan or by Domingo, this is your chance to get close to flamencourt. It's no better than staying in the state government to do errands. It's clear that you can get close to the water, but you just waste your chance here!"

Ye Feng can't help but smell speech toward Dixie way, "you don't know her that way, wish to eat me the same, you don't worry I go to close to her?"

But Dixie shrugged, "what's the point? In order to complete the task, sometimes you have to sacrifice a little. Besides, you are a man, and you are afraid of losing money? "

Ye Feng listens to the words of Dixie, can't help but stare at Dixie, and then says, "I'm not afraid that you are jealous? You forgot. I have promised you that you will be the only woman in the future. For the sake of this promise, I have rejected the kindness of qianse bee! "

But Dixie said to Ye Feng, "what I care about is your heart. Even if you really have something to do with Diana, I know you can't have her in your heart, including thousand color bee!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, Zheng Zheng ground looking at di Xi Si, he really just know, originally Di Xi Si's thought is also so avant-garde, as long as in order to complete the task, own man and other women go to bed, she doesn't matter?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Dixie, "this is what you said. With your words, I'll let it go..."

"It seems that you have already been attracted to Diana in your heart, only because you have made a promise to me, you have some scruples in your heart," she said with a sneer

Ye Feng can't help but be stunned when he hears the words, "look at you, you said you're not jealous..."

Dixie shrugged and said, "I said, I won't be jealous. I just said this, which means to remind you that if you want to do this, do it better. Don't let Diana feel that you are perfunctory to her. If you are absent-minded, it is easy to cause doubt. This is your best chance. If you miss it, it will be gone!"

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