Ye Feng now feels that he has been wandering too much between women before, and now he has received the retribution he deserves, so now he can't see whether Dixie is telling the truth or irony.

Seeing that Ye Feng was staring at him, Dixie could not help but immediately said, "I'm serious. I'm not jealous. If I'm such a jealous woman, do you think I would choose you just because of your previous behavior? I've been waiting for you for a long time! "

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears that. He secretly says that what he says is right. He has already expressed his love for each other with him for a long time. But at that time, he was very fond of men and women.

And the most important thing, every time I finish a task and meet a woman in the task, I will tell Dixie truthfully, and Dixie will listen to it at that time.

As Dixie said, if Dixie really want to be jealous, those words have already hurt her, she will not give herself any chance at all.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded to Dixie and said, "OK, I know how to do it!" Then he turned and left.

After looking at Ye Feng leaving the office, Dixie sighed, "this fool, who told me to like you? Do you think I won't be jealous, but can I be useful if I'm jealous?"

After Ye Feng leaves Dixie's office, he immediately returns to his own office. After sitting down, he lights a cigarette and sits there to reflect on what Dixie said.

In fact, there is no need for Dixie to remind himself that he also wanted to contact Diana actively as an opportunity to meet flamencourt.

But just as Ye Feng said to Theseus, he did have some hesitation in this matter because he had made a promise to him.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help but look to Diana's office door, but see Diana's office door is now open, but Diana is no longer in it.

Ye Feng smoking cigarettes, eyebrows slightly wrinkled, is it because she refused too many times, so Diana has no patience, completely give up?

Thinking that Ye Feng put out the cigarette, she got up and went to the door of Diana's office to have a look. As expected, there was no one inside. It's not time to get off work at this time. Where will she go?

Ye Feng immediately grabbed a passer-by, "where's Diana? Is she off work? "

The man shrugged at Ye Feng and said, "I'm just an ordinary employee. She's in charge. She doesn't report to me after work. How do I know?"

Ye Feng thought it was the same, then nodded to the man, went back to his seat, and looked at the door of Diana's office, only to find that Diana was standing at the door of another office, looking at her side.

Seeing this, Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved. It turns out that Diana just went to the office next door. Just now, she asked people where Diana was going and whether she was off work. Did she hear her completely?

Just thinking about it, Diana had come to Ye Feng's desk and knocked on it. "Come to my office!"

Diana turned and left. When she entered the office, she closed the door, even the blinds of the window.

Ye Feng frowned, but still went to Diana's office and knocked on the door. After Diana's echo, he pushed the door in.

As soon as he entered the door, Diana reminded Ye Feng to close the door. Ye Feng just turned to close the door and then turned back. Diana had already arrived in front of Ye Feng and looked at him and said, "are you looking for me?"

Ye Feng can't help but frown. To tell the truth, Diana, no matter her beauty or figure, if she was herself before, she was really the object of her own pursuit.

In fact, Ye Feng doesn't like or dislike Diana, but Diana's initiative is really a type she doesn't like very much.

Although Ye Feng has Dixie's authorization, she can follow her orders to bubble Diana, but she still can't wait to see Diana. Ye Feng really feels like she can't get down.

Looking at Diana staring at herself, Ye Feng took a deep breath and finally nodded, "yes, I'm looking for you!"

Diana immediately looked at Ye Feng with a smile and said, "what do you want me to do? Have you changed your mind? "

Ye Feng took another deep breath, "yes, I changed my mind!"

Diana suddenly began to act silly and said, "Oh? What was your original idea and what is your current idea? I'm a little confused! "

Ye Feng then looked at Diana, without saying anything, directly stepped forward, put his hand around Diana's waist, and forced her to his side.

Diana's face suddenly moved. When she looked at Ye Feng in surprise, she saw that Ye Feng had already kissed her.

Ye Feng side asked Diana, while the heart is still secretly said, "Dixie, this is your authorization ah!"Diana didn't seem to think that Ye Feng would come up and ask herself so boldly. She stretched out her hand to push Ye Feng symbolically, but she didn't push it away. Finally, she could only let go of her hand, put her arms around Ye Feng and let Ye Feng kiss herself.

After kissing for a while, Ye Feng finally finds out that Diana may be right. Although Diana is bold in her words and actions, her kissing skill is average, or even no kissing skill.

In other words, if Diana said she was a virgin, it might be true that she didn't lie.

But Diana's words and actions, completely opposite to her real situation, really make Ye Feng a little confused. Why is a woman who is so conservative to herself so unrestrained? Have you never met a man who can make him so unrestrained before? It seems that there are very few good men in Mexico.

Ye Feng then slowly pushed away Diana, but saw that Diana was blushing at this time, which was almost the same as her previous forced and some neurotic unreasonable and unforgiving appearance, just like a different person.

Diana then slowly opened her eyes, looking at Ye Feng in front of her. She was staring at herself. Then she turned around and said, "what are you staring at me for?"

Ye Feng then breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "I didn't see anything. I'm just curious. The two extremes of you are the same. It's hard for people to see through!"

Diana just stared at Ye Feng, then put her hand on both sides of Ye Feng's cheek, hugged his head and said, "if you can't see through, just look slowly. Sooner or later, you will be seen through, and I will kiss you!"

Speaking of this, Diana kisses Ye Feng on her own initiative. Although she looks hungry and thirsty this time, her action is still very strange, and whether she pretends to be green and astringent. From the perspective of Ye Feng, a man who reads numerous women, it is impossible to escape her own eyes.

Ye Feng kisses Diana again. After a while, she pushes Diana away again. Although she's here to soak Diana, she's not here to take advantage. She's really going to pick up girls.

He looked at Diana and said, "I'll treat you to dinner in the evening!"

Diana frowned and said, "what do you mean? Do you want to make a formal appointment with me? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's true!"

But Diana said, "yes, no, no, what's your name?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "yes!"

Diana didn't reply to Ye Feng immediately, but after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she said, "maybe not tonight. I asked my father to have dinner together..."

When Ye Feng heard this, he had to say, "another day..."

Diana said, "well, come along and meet my dad!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help facial expression move a way, "and your father eat together?"? Too soon? " Although the purpose of getting close to Diana is to meet flamencourt, it's really a little fast.

Diana frowned. "What's the point? Besides, you don't know each other. I believe my father is very impressed with you

Ye Feng heard the words and pondered for a while, but he didn't say a word for a long time.

When Diana saw this, she said, "you don't have to worry about what happened before. I said that no one in the world can protect you, but if I protect you, it will be OK!"

Then Diana looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "you can't be such a counsellor, can you? When you stole my father's woman, you had a lot of guts! "

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "I'm not worried about your father because of what happened before..."

Diana just said, "forget it, forget it, since you don't like it, forget it. I'll push my father away and eat with you at night."

Ye Feng a listen to this, immediately toward Diana way, "no, since you and your father have an appointment, then tonight together!"

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