Diana is still looking at Ye Feng. There is no expression on her face. She is waiting for Ye Feng to get off.

Ye Feng can not see, had to get off, he just got off, Diana waved to Ye Feng, "there is no fate to see you, see you in the hotel!"

With these words, Diana immediately closed the door, Maserati went away, Ye Feng can't help but scold.

But Ye Feng also saw that Diana's words and deeds seem to be a little neurotic. In fact, she is testing herself step by step and doing what she wants.

In fact, this Diana is not like what she showed Ye Feng, at least there is another side of her meticulous mind.

But Ye Feng thinks that Diana is the daughter of flamencourt, with such an identity. If she is not careful, she does not know how many people take advantage of her.

Ye Feng thought or walked to the side of the road, looking at whether there is a taxi on the road, but obviously this side is cheaper, let alone a taxi, even the normal passing private car is not a car.

Seeing this, I couldn't help thinking that it was all Diana's calculation and so on. She deliberately put herself down near here.

Ye Feng had to walk forward on foot, and did not know how far it was before he met a car. Ye Feng immediately reached out to stop it.

Fortunately, the car owner is also a kind-hearted person. After loading Ye Feng, he asked where he was going.

Ye Feng asked the driver, "is there any hotel near here? It's said that steak and caviar are very famous! "

When the owner heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

Ye Feng can't help but wonder to see to the car main road, "what's funny?"

The owner immediately said, "I'm the owner of that restaurant. Do you think it's funny?"

Ye Feng a listen to this, complexion immediately move, his luck is really good to burst, immediately toward the car owner smile, "that is really predestined relationship ah!"

The owner can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "you're religious enough to go to my restaurant on foot!"

Ye Feng sniffed a smile, and then sighed helplessly, "I was originally a bus driver, but my girlfriend wanted to test my sincerity on the road, so he put me on the side of the road to see if I could find the hotel, and said that it would be fate!"

On hearing this, the car owner could not help but be stunned. Then he shook his head and said, "women today are not used to being adults in society. Think about it, it's still good before. Men are superior to women, and their status is clear!"

Ye Feng can't help laughing and echoing, "who says it's not? Now it's all a matter of temper. Men are unlucky. It's completely the opposite of what they used to be!"

The car owner said with a smile, "your girlfriend has a good temper. It's a long way from my hotel. If you just walk for at least two hours, and you don't know the way, it's good to find it before dawn!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, can't help a little sigh, but in the heart is thinking, what is the purpose of Diana to do so? You don't want to go by yourself?

Since I don't want to go by myself, why should I promise to take myself to see her father flamencourt? Now that I have taken myself, why do I come here again?

Ye Feng immediately thought that maybe Diana finally told flamencourt that she would take her to dinner in the evening, but flamencourt refused, but Diana couldn't tell herself directly, so she had such a story.

But Ye Feng didn't think much about it. Soon the car turned from the main road into a path in the woods. The owner reminded Ye Feng, "it's coming soon!"

Ye Feng nodded. After a while, he saw a light in the distance. When the car came closer, he saw a huge wooden house over there.

Waiting for the owner to drive by, Ye Feng noticed that there were almost all luxury cars in the open space at the entrance of the wooden house. It seems that the people who come here to eat are rich or expensive.

And Ye Feng also found Diana's car from those cars. After getting off, Ye Feng said thanks to the owner.

After getting off the car, the owner nodded to Ye Feng and said, "I hope you have a good dinner here tonight!"

Ye Feng nodded with a smile, and then walked into the cabin. As soon as she entered the lobby, she saw Diana sitting in a seat, but she was the only one on her desk. She didn't find flamencourt.

When Ye Feng walked towards the other side, Diana saw it. Her face suddenly changed. Obviously, it was incredible. She didn't expect Ye Feng to come here. At least she didn't expect Ye Feng to arrive so soon.

Diana then stood up and looked at Ye Feng in surprise. "Have you been here before?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "don't you want to test our fate? Can we prove our destiny now? "

Diana stared at Ye Feng, and immediately said, "you'd better go!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "why do you go? Don't you agree to have dinner with your father tonight? "

After several changes in Diana's face, she pushed Ye Feng towards the door and whispered, "I did, but my father didn't agree. I'm worried for a while..."Ye Feng a listen to this words and his guess is almost right, in the heart a burst of sneer, the way, "you said so early not on the line, do so many patterns do what?"

Diana didn't explain anything. At this time, a man just came into the door. When he saw Diana and Ye Feng, he frowned and said, "Diana, didn't you say you were alone?"

Ye Feng then looked at the visitor, but saw that the visitor was an oriental, but with extraordinary bearing, and spoke Standard Spanish, and some shadow of Diana could be found in the outline of her facial features.

Ye Feng knows that it must be flamencourt. As soon as he is ready to reach out to flamencourt, Diana immediately walks up to Ye Feng and says to flamencourt, "Dad, let me explain!"

Flamencourt did not speak. After staring at Ye Feng for a while, the smile on his face had disappeared completely. After a long time, he nodded and said, "now that we are here, let's sit down and have dinner together!"

With these words, flamencourt immediately walked towards the seat. After sitting down, he saw Ye Feng and Diana standing at the door, and waved, "what are you doing standing there? Why don't you come and sit down? "

Diana immediately whispered to Ye Feng, "you'll find a reason to go, I'll cover for you!"

But Ye Feng didn't say anything. Instead, he walked over and sat opposite flamencourt.

When Diana saw this, she couldn't follow her immediately. After sitting down, she wanted to explain something to flamencourt.

Don't want to flamencourt but looking at Ye Feng way, "have heard the name of Domingo, today is also a formal meeting!"

Ye Feng also said to flamenco, "I've heard so much about flamenco. I didn't expect that I would be honored to have dinner with you

Flamenco can't help staring at Ye Feng after hearing the speech. His face is calm, and he can't see any expression.

Diana then looked at Ye Feng and said, "by the way, Domingo, didn't you say you had something else to do? I think it's almost time. If you don't leave, it's too late... "

Upon hearing this, Franco looked at Ye Feng and said, "Oh? So you have something else to do? You have to deal with it quickly. There are two most expensive things in the world. One is white powder, the other is time. If you don't go again, I'm worried that there won't be such time in the future! "

On hearing this, Ye Feng's face moved slightly. What's the meaning of flamencourt's words? Is he implying that he has no more time?

He couldn't help looking out of the window, only to see that there were four or five people in black outside the parking lot, each of them looked fierce, and they were protruding behind their suits, obviously with weapons.

Fleming saw Ye Feng looking out of the window and said with a sneer, "I heard that you almost had an accident in a warehouse in the suburb last time. How about that? Is that all right? "

But after asking, Ye Feng didn't wait to answer. He immediately said with a smile, "young people today, we should be more prudent, or we won't know why we offended anyone or when we died. Do you think it's wrong?"

Diana then quickly prompts Ye Feng again, "Domingo, are you still going? If you don't leave, you really don't have time? "

Speaking, Diana is still using her eyes to hint to Ye Feng.

Flamencourt looked at Diana and said, "Diana, what's wrong with your eyes? Keep blinking and blinking. Did you enter something? "

Diana immediately rubbed her eyes and said with a smile, "yes, Dad!"

Flemingo could not help nodding when he heard the words and said, "if you put something in your eyes, you have to clean it. You can't rub the sand with your eyes!"

Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "Domingo, do you think I'm right?"

Then he nodded and said, "today is my family day with Diana. I won't see you off. If you have something to do, you can do it!"

Diana a listen to this, in the heart thoroughly relieved a breath, hurriedly toward leaf maple way, "still don't walk?"

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