At this time, Ye Feng said with a smile to Diana, "originally there was something wrong, but nothing could be more important than having dinner with Mr. flamencourt. How many people in Michoacan, even in Mexico, could have such a face?"

When Diana heard this, she couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in consternation. She secretly asked if this guy was crazy. She was looking for a step for him. He didn't go down the step, but also went up the pole.

Obviously, flamencourto didn't expect that Ye Feng didn't want to leave. What he said was so obvious. Today, because Diana was also here, he didn't want to destroy the chance of family dinner. So as long as Ye Feng left, he wouldn't say much.

But now Ye Feng not only didn't mean to go, but also wanted to stay here for dinner.

Thinking of this, flamencourt actually laughed, staring at Ye Feng for a long time, but did not speak. The laughter was very strange in Diana's ears. It was obvious that flamencourt had already killed Ye Feng.

Diana glanced at Ye Feng for several times, but Ye Feng didn't look at Diana at all, and then said, "it's rare for Mr. flamencourt to show his appreciation. Today's meal is my treat!"

Then he clapped his hands, called the waiter to order, and said to Diana, "you said on the way here, the steak and caviar are good? How about one? With red wine, it's a perfect match

After ordering, Ye Feng looked at flamencourt and said, "Mr. flamencourt, don't you blame me for making so much noise?"

Flamenco looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a while. How dare this guy be so arrogant in front of himself?

Thinking of flamencourt, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "no, anyway, the guests who come here all order these two kinds of food. You are the master!"

Diana also knew that Ye Feng would never leave for a moment and a half. She immediately said to flamenco, "Dad, it's good to have more people to eat. I feel so busy!"

Flamencourt nodded and said, "you're right. In the past, our father and daughter had dinner together. It's nice to have one more person who can speak next to us

Ye Feng smiles. He may not be able to recognize that flamencourt is deliberately speaking to himself, but he still pretends not to.

Not only that, Ye Feng said to flamencourt, "that's good. I'm worried that Mr. flamencourt will dislike my words!"

Flamencourt can't help but look at Ye Feng. Is this guy really stupid or fake stupid? Can't you even hear the pros and cons?

But now he also said it doesn't matter, let Ye Feng have a good meal here, eat enough, there will be energy to resist his hand beat.

Thinking of this, flamencourt seems to be in a better mood. He still looks at his men outside the window to make sure they can sell more.

Flemingo wanted to be here, so he immediately called the waiter, asked him to arrange a table for his men outside, and told them to order casually.

The waiter quickly went out to call, and one of the staff came in with great fear. After entering the door, they all bowed to flamencourt.

Flamencourto just nodded, but he sneered at me. You all need to eat more. You don't have to leave any room to start later.

But Ye Feng looked back at those people, and then said to flamencourt, "Mr. flamencourt, your bodyguards all look big and round. They are really strong!"

Flamencourt immediately said with a smile, "yes, they usually eat steak and caviar. Only when they eat too much can they grow up. You'll have to eat more later. It's rare to come here. I don't know if there's any chance!"

Ye Feng nodded with a smile and said yes. Diana could not help sighing. Is this Domingo's brain short of muscle? People with a little brain can feel that there is a problem. It's the same as not seeing it at all.

Soon the waiter came with the steak and caviar. In front of each of the three, there was a steak and a bottle of caviar and bread, and a bottle of good wine.

Ye Feng directly asked the waiter to open the wine, poured a glass for all three, held the glass and said, "then I'll give Mr. flamencourt a glass first!"

Seeing this, flamenco frowned and said, "the etiquette of toasting only exists in the East. In South America, we all drink together. We can't talk about who respects whom. Do you know the etiquette of the east?"

Ye Feng's heart moved. Domingo was a real Mexican, but he said with a smile, "I know that Mr. flamencodo's ancestral home is from the East. Of course, he still needs to learn some Oriental etiquette!"

After hearing the words, Fleming couldn't help but look at Ye Feng a few more eyes. Then he held his glass and said, "OK, I'll have a drink with you!"

After drinking with Ye Feng, Ye Feng and flamencourt took a sip of each. Then they put down their cups and began to eat the steak with a knife and fork.

As he was eating, flamencourt's phone rang. He frowned and murmured, "they said don't call me at this time of the week. It's bad for my mood!"As soon as Diana heard this, she immediately said, "I'd better take it. Maybe there's something urgent for you?"

Flamencourt hung up and said to Diana, "there's nothing more important than my company with my baby daughter this evening of the week."

Diana had thought that if flamencourt had something to go first, Ye Feng might be able to save the day. Unexpectedly, flamencourt said so.

But Diana also knows that she only wants to have dinner with her father tonight every week. At this time, father and daughter put off everything and eat with each other.

In other words, it's not the first time that flamencourt has done this. He doesn't answer any phone calls during meal time.

Thinking of this, Diana could not help sighing that it was almost impossible for flamenco to leave.

At this time, flamencourto looked at Ye Feng and said, "by the way, I heard governor mahanda say that you and his baby daughter will be married in three days?"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart next move, but on the face but what expression all have no place, nod a way, "should be three days later!"

Flamencourt frowned and said, "should I? Are you the bridegroom to be, not sure about your wedding date? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it's not an important thing. As long as the people around you remember, you can't be wrong!"

When Franco heard this, he couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "is marriage not an important thing? Young man, am I old? I can't figure out what you young people are thinking! "

Then he said to Diana, "Diana, please don't do this. If you promise other people's things, you must do it, and you must make clear the priorities of everything. Important things must not be so casual!"

But Diana quickly explained for Ye Feng, "he's joking with you!"

But flamencourt snorted coldly, "can you make fun of marriage? What else can't you joke about? "

Ye Feng then said with a smile, "Mr. flamencourt is not an outsider. I didn't want to say a lot of things, but after talking to Mr. flamencourt, I can't see it!"

Without waiting for flamencourto to say whether he would like to hear it or not, he has continued, "in fact, my father and mahanda know what happened to my marriage with Maria. It was originally a political or interest transaction. We were all frequent customers in the interest field. Not every business and interest exchange needed to be very sad Yes, don't you? "

After staring at Ye Feng for a moment, flamencourt could not help but put down his knife and fork, stretched out his hands and clapped for Ye Feng, "that's right. It's brilliant. Few young people can see through the substance better than you now! Good

Diana couldn't help looking at flamencourt's face. She found that when her father said this, she didn't have a strange tone, as if she was really appreciating Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng said to flamenco, "thank you, Mr. flamenco, for your praise. I'm just telling you the truth. My father taught me since childhood that I should learn from my predecessors and consult them with an open mind. I hope I can have the opportunity to consult Mr. Flamenco in the future."

Flamencourto is also a smart man. Naturally, he knows what Ye Feng means by saying this. He just nods but doesn't give a positive response.

Seeing this, Diana said immediately, "I don't speak when I eat, but I don't speak when I sleep. Father, you taught me that. You talk more than you eat!"

Upon hearing this, Franco couldn't help laughing and said, "my daughter has begun to educate me. There are so many things to talk about. Don't talk about it. Let's have dinner!"

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