Three people then sat there eating steak, bread wrapped in caviar, drinking red wine, no one said anything.

After eating and drinking, flamencourt's mood was much better than when he first came here. Although he didn't speak any more, he still looked at Ye Feng from time to time.

Diana is also secretly looking at flamencourt and Yefeng. She is still a little worried. From time to time, when the meal is over, it's time for flamencourt and Yefeng to have a showdown.

But at this time, after wiping his mouth with a napkin, he got up and said, "I have something else to do, so I'll go first. Go on!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng stood up and said, "half of the wine is left!"

Flamencourto could not help but look at Ye Feng a few more eyes, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "the rest of the half, you and Diana drink here and then go!"

After that, she nodded to Diana, turned and left. Diana got up to see her off, but flamencourt said, "don't do it!"

After watching flamencourto go, the bodyguards who were eating the steak there also got up and went out.

Diana was relieved. When she got back to her seat, she looked at the night visit in surprise. I didn't expect that the boy's words with her father could make him change his attention?

Ye Feng saw Diana staring at herself and immediately poured her a glass with a red wine bottle. He held the glass and said, "your father asked us to drink the rest of it!"

Diana watched Ye Feng take a sip of the wine and sipped it with her glass. Then she said, "you seem to have made up your mind at the beginning. Do you think my father won't do anything to you?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "no, just follow his words. In fact, your father is also a person who wants to face, and you are all Oriental. Your father should know what is called a man who does not smile when he reaches out his hand."

But Diana stares at Ye Feng for a long time. She feels that she can't understand Ye Feng at all, and she can't understand her father flamencourt any more.

No matter what, today's result is still good, safe and sound, she thought that she immediately took another sip with a red wine glass.

At this time, a man came over, handed a fruit salad, Ye Feng side head a look, but see the person is the owner of the hotel.

The boss said with a smile to Ye Feng, "this should be the girlfriend who tests whether you have a predestined relationship with him, right? It's really beautiful. Have a nice meal. I gave you this fruit salad! "

Then the boss gave Diana a polite smile and turned away.

Diana was puzzled and said, "do you know the boss here? And what's your girlfriend? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders at this time and said, "it's still thanks to you for leaving me on the way. I just met this kind boss and brought me here all the way!"

Diana suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said, "I said, how did you arrive so soon? It turns out that someone brought you here?"

Ye Feng smiles, shrugs his shoulders and says, "if I really walk here, I don't think I can come tomorrow morning!"

Diana then said with a smile, "I didn't do it for you. I thought I'd put you down and you'd go back. At least I'd call your fiancee and pick you up! I don't know you're coming! "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't like to give up halfway. Since I have promised to have dinner with you and your father tonight, let alone coming, I have to climb!"

But Diana snorted coldly, "you didn't come by car. It's nice to say that!"

Said brow a wrinkly looking at Ye Feng way, "by the way, what did you say with the boss here, what girlfriend?"

Ye Feng then said, "Oh, in the wilderness, people can't ask me why I walk alone. Of course, I have to tell the truth. I said that my girlfriend deliberately left me there in order to test whether she had a fate with me..."

Diana smell speech face is a red to look at Ye Feng way, "nonsense, who is your girlfriend ah!" Then he immediately muttered, "you're all going to get married. Can't you be more careful?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes, I'm going to get married. You're going out on a date with me. Can't you be more careful?"

As soon as Diana heard this, she was so funny and angry that she drank and stopped talking.

Ye Feng is holding a glass to drink wine, but also did not say anything.

Diana looks at Ye Feng at this time, but her mood is somewhat complicated. Originally, her feelings for Domingo are just like what she said. She just wanted revenge, and then she was greedy for novelty, but now it's somewhat complicated.

originally, after making an appointment with Ye Feng, she didn't intend to tell her father about flamencourt, but think about the time when she had dinner with her father once a week If ye Feng goes, it's better that his father doesn't have any opinions. What if he has any opinions and suddenly asks his father to do?

After thinking about it, Diana finally decided to call flamencourt and tell him that she wanted to take him to dinner at night. But flamencourt just said on the phone, "do you think I spared him last time, and he has a long life now?"After listening to flamenco's words, Diana was so flustered that she dared to take Ye Feng to the banquet. So there was a confused conversation that seemed neurotic. She just wanted Ye Feng not to go, but it can't be said that her father didn't want to see him.

Who ever thought that he had left Ye Feng in the wilderness. This guy was so lucky that he could find it in the car of the hotel owner.

And originally Diana saw Ye Feng and her father flamencourt meet, know Ye Feng tonight must have bad luck, including her father let the bodyguard outside to eat, she all understand the father's intention.

Originally, he thought that Ye Feng could not escape this disaster tonight. Unexpectedly, during the conversation with Ye Feng, his father, flamencourt, finally gave up. He thought that Ye Feng didn't say anything during the meal. How could his father's intention change.

Now I look at Ye Feng in front of me, and then I think of my sentence that I originally wanted Ye Feng not to come, "test the fate between them."

Thinking of this, Diana couldn't help staring at Ye Feng. She said in her heart that this was God's Guide. They really had a destiny.

Ye Feng saw Diana staring at her and didn't speak. Then she frowned and said, "have you seen enough?"

Diana then looked at Ye Feng and said, "you and Maria, get out of the marriage!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the brow can't help wrinkling of more tight, surprised a way, "you again hair nerve?"? Don't we agree? "

Diana immediately said, "originally I was just greedy for a new one, but after tonight, I think we are predestined. God is happy to see us together. You married me. This should be God's arrangement!"

Ye Feng said, "you must be drunk tonight. You start to talk drunk. Maria and I will get married in three days. Nothing can be changed."

But Diana said to Ye Feng, "the reason why your father wants you to marry Maria is that he sees Maria's father Ma anda as the governor. Didn't I tell you that? Ma anda is just a dog of my father. Whoever my father wants to be the governor is the governor. If you marry me, I ask my father to let you be the governor... "

But Ye Feng said immediately, "don't say it, you must have drunk too much! What we said is just for fun, don't take it seriously! And that's what you mean at first

Diana said immediately, "I did mean that at first. It's a fresh picture. I'll go my own way afterwards. Occasionally, even if you get married, we can get together. But now I've changed my mind!"

Ye Feng drank a mouthful of wine, then stood up and said, "you drink too much, go, I'll take you home!"

Diana stood up, hugged Ye Feng and kissed him.

Seeing this, the surrounding guests can't help but take a look here. However, in the western world, this kind of thing is not strange, so no one is fussy. After taking a look, they can do what they should do.

Ye Feng pushed Diana away and said, "OK, OK, let's go home first!" Then he quickly took Diana out of the hotel and went to Diana's Maserati.

But as soon as Diana sat down, she immediately went up and hugged Ye Feng and said, "Domingo, I've fallen in love with you. You and Maria should get married!"

Ye Feng was going to push Diana away, but Diana pushed herself hard. If she really pushed her away, it would not be a problem. But she worried that her strength would hurt Diana's body and her heart.

She let Diana kiss her for a long time, but she didn't respond. As expected, Diana loosened her mouth and looked at Ye Feng in surprise. "Don't you want to be with me?"

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