Ye Feng took out a cigarette and lit it. After taking a puff, he said, "you're in a bad mood now, and you've drunk a lot of wine. What do you want to talk about tomorrow?"

But Diana immediately said, "I didn't drink much. You don't think about what I was doing before. I'm an entertainment center myself. Can I drink? If I couldn't drink, I would have been put to bed by those men! "

But Ye Feng looked at Diana, pondered for a moment, and then said, "my marriage with Maria is in three days, if there is no accident, I will go!"

And without waiting for Diana to speak, he immediately added, "don't you also say that Maria is a good woman? Let me cherish it? "

Diana immediately said, "at that time, I just wanted to play with you. I didn't want you to marry me. I was Yes, Maria is a good woman, but I don't know how to say it. I'm in a mess now... "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "so, although you didn't drink high, your mood is not in a mess now, your heart is in a mess, so your thoughts are also in a mess. Go back to have a good sleep, and wait until you calm down tomorrow!"

With that, Ye Feng immediately starts the car and drives away from the hotel. On the way, Diana wants to say something to Ye Feng, but as she said, her mind is very confused and her language organization is not good.

So Diana finally sighed and said nothing more. She watched Ye Feng drive the car to the city. Then she said, "I don't want to go home. Don't go home tonight, OK?"

Ye Feng then helplessly shook his head a way, "isn't say good?"? Let's wait until we cool down tomorrow! "

Diana said to Ye Feng, "I don't care. I want you to accompany me tonight. If you don't want to, I won't go home tonight. I'll go to my store to find a man!"

Ye Feng didn't speak, and there was no expression on her face, as if she didn't care if Diana was going to find a man tonight.

Diana looked in her eyes and immediately said, "OK, I'm not going to find a man, I'm going to find Maria..."

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately pulled over to the side of the road and said to Diana, "dare you!"

But Diana said to Ye Feng, "I won't hurt her. I'm just looking for her. I'll ask her. I'll ask her to give you to me!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at Diana and said, "what's the meaning of that? I tell you, Maria already has my flesh and blood. I have to marry her. If you still do, we'll end it immediately! "

On hearing this, Diana was silent and sat there without saying a word, but her face was not very pretty.

Ye Feng immediately said to Diana, "so I said, wait until you calm down!"

Diana nodded and said that she knew, and she would never speak again.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately started the car and continued to drive downtown. Soon after entering the city, she asked Diana where to drive.

Diana did not say a word, Ye Feng side head a look, Diana actually lying on the back of the chair fell asleep.

See so, leaf maple can't help secretly way, this woman is really vexed, can't be in intentionally sleep, depend on don't walk?

Thinking of Ye Feng, she immediately began to call Diana. After several calls, Diana slowly opened her eyes, looked around, and then looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng then asked how to drive to her home. Diana then took out her mobile phone and opened the navigation channel, "just press this button to drive!"

after that, Diana fell back to sleep again. It seemed that she was really tired.

Ye Feng doesn't care so much. He drives directly to his destination by pressing the navigation. At this time, he stops the car and sees Diana fall asleep.

Ye Feng immediately began to call Diana again. After several calls, Diana woke up, opened her eyes and said, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng see Diana's face is not right, some abnormal red, at this time hand in her forehead touch, heart suddenly move, didn't expect this girl had a fever?

Thinking of Ye Feng, she said to Diana, "do you have a cold? How hot is your head? "

Diana said, "no? I was just fine, wasn't I? "

Ye Feng can't help but move. She thought Diana was pretending to be sleeping on purpose, but she was ill, and she didn't want to cheat.

However, the weather in Mexico was very cold in the morning and evening. In addition, the hotel just now was opened in the woods in the suburbs. When I left the hotel just now, it was foggy outside. In addition, Diana drank a lot of wine.

Although Diana's drinking capacity is OK, the pores of people who drink after drinking are expanded, and you won't be different because of your good drinking capacity, so Diana probably caught a cold at that time.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng looked out of the window and found that it was just a single apartment building in the city, and it didn't seem very far from Maria's home. He couldn't help frowning, "do you live here? Didn't live with your dad? "

But Diana said, "I don't live with him. He's so busy every day, and there are always people at home who I don't want to socialize with. I moved out as an adult."Ye Feng then asked Diana, "why don't I take you to the hospital? I think you are very uncomfortable?"

Diana shook her head and said, "no, I feel OK. I have cold medicine at home. It's OK after taking it!"

Ye Feng also did not strongly advise, then opened the door, get off, went to Diana's side, opened her door, helped her out of the way, "do you want me to send you up?"

Diana shook her head and said, "no, you're right. I'm a little out of control. I'm not calm enough. I'll tell you when I get some sleep. I can go upstairs myself!"

With that, Diana waved to Ye Feng, turned around and walked towards the apartment, but the way she walked was a little shaky.

Ye Feng saw in the eye, in the heart can't bear, or walked in the past, walked to Diana's front, squatted down the body way, "forget it, I send you upstairs!"

Diana took a look at Ye Feng, but she didn't say much. She directly lay on Ye Feng's back and let Ye Feng carry herself upstairs.

When Ye Feng entered the apartment building, Diana held Ye Feng's neck tightly and put her head on his solid back.

After entering the elevator, Ye Feng asked about Diana's building times. Then he pressed the button and carried Diana upstairs. He asked Diana to take out the key to open the door and carry Diana in.

After turning on the light in the room, Ye Feng sees that although Diana's room belongs to the single living apartment, it is also a two bedroom one living room apartment. It is a large apartment in the single apartment, and the decoration is also very high-end.

Ye Feng has been carrying Diana into the room, this is to the bedside, put Diana on the bed, then see Diana's hand still hook his neck.

Ye Feng immediately reminded Diana, "it's here, let go!"

But without waiting for Diana's response, he broke off Diana's hand and turned to see that Diana had fallen asleep.

Ye Feng heart next move, immediately will Diana's legs also moved to bed, lift the quilt to Diana cover, this just looked, ready to leave.

But Diana muttered, "I really like you, not for fun..."

Ye Feng can't help but look at Diana, then shakes his head and walks out of the room. However, Ye Feng doesn't leave immediately, but turns around in the living room.

Then he saw a group photo of Diana and flamencourt under the TV cabinet in the living room. He picked it up and looked at it. He found that Diana was smiling brightly in the group photo.

Apart from flamencourt's identity as a drug kingpin, this is just an ordinary photo of father and daughter together. In this photo, flamencourt is just an ordinary father role that can't be any more ordinary.

while thinking about it, Diana in the room suddenly says, "I want to drink water!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately put down the photo, then went to the kitchen to pour a glass of water, went to the room, helped Diana up and drank half a cup, then put down the teacup and Diana.

Diana then slowly opened her eyes, looked at Ye Feng and said, "can you not go tonight?"

Ye Feng looks at Diana but doesn't reply.

But Diana said to Ye Feng, "I'm like this, and I can't do anything to you. What are you afraid of?"

Ye Feng a think is also, toward Diana nodded a way, "don't think, sleep!"

On hearing this, Diana immediately nodded with a smile, then put her hands under her face and closed her eyes in the direction of Ye Feng.

Looking at the way Diana sleeps at this time, she is no different from other girls. If we just look at her now, who would have thought that she would be the daughter of flamencourt, Mexico's first drug lord.

Who would have thought that when she was awake, her behavior would be so wild? But is she a virgin who doesn't know much about men and women?

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