Ye Feng almost sleepless all night, sitting beside Diana's bed, just imagine that even if he did not take such good care of Dixie, now he is so concerned about Diana who has just met her several times.

Even if you live as Domingo, if you want to pour some emotion, you should pour it on Maria completely.

Think of here, Ye Feng feel very helpless, just a little sigh, and while Diana is asleep, he will seize all the time to sleep for a while.

After all, Diana is just like a child when she sleeps, either turning over or kicking the quilt. She has no peace for a moment.

It's estimated that even if she really married someone in the future, her husband didn't know when he would fall asleep. It's estimated that even if she had to adapt, it would be half a year to a year later.

So Ye Feng can only take a nap by the bedside, dare not sleep too solidly, can only squint for a while and then open his eyes to have a look, where is the order to pick up girls? It's like taking care of children.

Ye Feng did not know when to start to sleep some heavy, after all, no matter how good physical fitness, can not stay up for a long time, can only hard carry, can not carry can only sleep.

However, in his dream, he felt as if he had been touched by someone, and the taste was very comfortable, as if he had returned to those illusory worlds, for a while, he was in the clouds.

When Ye Feng opened her eyes again, she saw Diana kissing herself in front of her, and she was lying on the bed, and she was enjoying her appearance.

Ye Feng thought he had a spring dream, and his physiological reaction in the morning came out. Looking at Diana's warm reaction, Ye Feng couldn't help reaching out and hugging Diana and kissing her.

Diana was so close to Ye Feng a few times, only to realize that Ye Feng should wake up, immediately pushed him away, looking at Ye Feng, then said with a smile, "you wake up?"

Ye Feng stretched a stretch, a face helpless way, "there are a few men can carry you early in the morning in this toss, can not wake up?"

Diana smiles knowingly. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she reaches out her hand to touch Ye Feng's face and says in a soft voice, "thank you last night. I don't know what happened. I suddenly feel uncomfortable!"

Ye Feng then sat up and said, "it's getting cold in the morning and evening now. You drank wine again yesterday. Although not much, you should also pay attention to the cold after drinking!"

When Diana saw that Ye Feng was about to get up, she immediately sat up, hugged Ye Feng from behind and said, "we don't want to go anywhere today. Shall we just stay here?"

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "you just went to the state government to report yesterday, and you are absent today? You are in charge. I'm an errand runner. I don't have the guts

Diana said immediately, "I'll call there later and say I have something to do outside. You're here to help me, too!"

Ye Feng then looked back at Diana and said, "what's your private matter? What can I do for you? "

Diana immediately took advantage of the situation to entangle Ye Feng, and gave her a kiss on Ye Feng's mouth. She said, "what do you want to do for me

Ye Feng takes a deep breath when he hears the speech. At this time, Diana's clothes don't cover her body. It's a man who will react when he sees them. Besides, he is in his prime, and the woman is still so active.

But Ye Feng also knows that Diana's love for Domingo is just a spur of the moment. The living environment of a woman like her from childhood to adulthood has created her character of seeking novelty in everything.

Ye Feng also knows that once she can't hold on to her, she may be less interested in herself. It's not easy for her to get close to flamencourt.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately stood up, avoided Diana and said, "you were sick yesterday, and now you are not afraid that your body can't stand it!"

Diana also came down from the bed, hugged Ye Feng from behind and said, "it's just a common cold. It doesn't matter. It doesn't affect our life..."

But Ye Feng turned around and slowly pushed Diana away, holding her hands, so that her hands would not come up again to entangle her. At this time, he said to Diana solemnly, "if you don't pay attention to a minor illness, it's easy to become a serious illness. If you don't care about your body, I still care. As long as you are in good health, are you afraid that you won't have a chance in the future?"

But Diana said to Ye Feng, "you misunderstood me. I want you to stay. I don't have to do anything with you. I just want you not to leave me for a moment when I feel uncomfortable! That's all. Besides, you are going to marry Maria in two days, and she has your child. When she has a headache and a cold, you have to stay there to take care of her. How can you care if I'm sick? "

Ye Feng heard a sigh, then nodded, "if so, I can stay, but do nothing!"

On hearing this, Diana immediately nodded with a smile and said, "nothing? What do you want to do? "

Ye Feng looked at Diana helplessly, then sighed, "Naughty!" Then she told Diana to go to bed and lie down, while she went to the kitchen to be cooked porridge by Diana.Diana is like a obedient child. She goes to bed and lies down. Listening to Ye Feng busy in the kitchen, she smiles like a spring talk.

While Ye Feng is busy in the kitchen, Diana makes a phone call to ask for leave, and also asks for leave for Ye Feng by the way.

When Ye Feng came with porridge, Diana immediately sat up and opened her mouth, obviously to let Ye Feng feed herself.

Ye Feng did not pay attention to Diana, just put porridge on the bedside and went out.

Diana frowned and said, "don't you feed me?"

But Ye Feng took the phone and said, "I My dad called me several times last night. I'm going to call back... "

Diana just nodded and said, "I'll eat it myself. Go and call back. Maybe you haven't come back all night. Worry about it!"

Ye Feng nodded and said nothing. He took his mobile phone and went to the living room. He didn't make up a reason to cheat Diana. It was Domingo's mobile phone. Several of Domingo's father's phones didn't answer.

He went to the living room and sat on the sofa. Then he called back. The phone rang several times, but no one answered. Ye Feng frowned.

Ye Feng then lit a cigarette and continued to call Domingo's father while smoking, but it was still the same as before, and no one answered.

Ye Feng at this time slightly frown, heart under the secret way, is not Domingo's father has had an accident.

Thinking that Ye Feng found Domingo's home manager's phone, after dialing in the past, he immediately asked, "is my father at home?"

But the manager said, "young master? The master hasn't been back for two days! "

Ye Feng a listen to this, complexion immediately move, immediately asked, "my father that night out is to do?"

The manager then said, "master, I never talk about business at home. Besides, I'm just the manager of my family, not the manager of his company, young master!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, complexion move, it seems that Domingo father really had an accident.

At this time, Diana in the room is calling herself. Ye Feng and the manager tell him to contact Domingo and his father will call him.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Feng immediately got up and walked into the house, asked Diana what happened, but saw Diana holding an empty bowl and said, "I want to eat another bowl!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but a surprised, then said, "I cooked a bowl, or your refrigerator vacuum packaging bag, there is no second bowl, or I go downstairs to the supermarket to buy?"

Diana immediately said, "no, it's just that you cook very well. But for the sake of congee, it's better not to see you for a long time. No way!"

Ye Feng sighed helplessly, then thought of something and asked Diana, "has there been business between my father and your father?"

Diana shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't know. I never ask about my dad's business. First, I'm not interested. Second, you know what my dad is. He doesn't want me to be involved. He just wants me to be innocent all my life and has nothing to do with those things!"

Ye Feng smell speech but sneer a way, "he wants to really think so, should oneself also stay away from those, you are his daughter, this relation can't break, as long as he is still doing, how can you have no relation at all?"

Diana can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "did my father offend you? Do you say that to him? And angry about last night? "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, this just slow over God, secretly think is ah, oneself so excited do what, think immediately say, "no, I am so mean person?"

But after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Diane said, "it's not true, but what you just said really makes me feel that you have a big prejudice against my father..."

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