Ye Feng then sat down and looked at Diana. After taking a deep breath, he said, "I heard some rumors!"

Diana could not help frowning at the words. "What's the rumor?"

Ye Feng said, "I heard that my father's shipping company has been secretly transporting drugs for your father, but your father has been closely watched recently, so I plan to sacrifice my father!"

Diana frowned and said, "that's impossible, isn't it? My father has his own shipping company. Why use your father's? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know how their business is going on. However, I only know that your father has a batch of goods coming to Michoacan recently, but my father hasn't come back since he went out the night before last. He called me several times last night, but maybe it's because I'm too sleepy and didn't hear them at all. Now he can't call him back No

Diana can't help but stare at Ye Feng, and then she shakes her head and says, "do you mean my dad hurt your dad? It's impossible. Why would my dad do that? Maybe it's your dad, or maybe it's your cell phone? "

Ye Feng continued to say to Diana, "I've already called my family. The manager of the family said that my father didn't come back since he went out the night before yesterday."

Diana looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully. Her face was full of panic. She worried that her father, flamencordo, had really killed his father. In that case, she and Domingo would become the enemy's children in an instant.

Thinking of this, Diana originally wanted to make a phone call to her father flamencourt, but she was really worried that she would get a positive answer from her father flamencourt's mouth.

Ye Feng and Diana said that the purpose is to ask Diana to make a phone call to flamenco to confirm whether there is something wrong with his father.

But looking at Diana's expression at this time, Ye Feng knew Diana's worry, and immediately said, "help me ask your father, and see how my father is now."

Diana looked at Ye Feng slightly difficultly, but Ye Feng immediately said, "whether your father has done harm to my father or not, there is no hatred between me and you, and there will be no revenge!"

Diana still has some problems. Of course, she knows that Ye Feng may be telling the truth at the moment. He doesn't want to hate himself, but once such a thing really happens, it's not Ye Feng who says he doesn't hate.

But Ye Feng said to Diana, "I know what you are afraid of now! But you can't avoid and change what has happened. If your father really does it to my father, it has become a fact. It's useless for me not to call. I will know sooner or later. But if you call now, at least at this moment, I'm grateful to you! "

After all, if something has happened, that is to say, the result has already been formed, and she won't be able to rewrite the result because she doesn't call. What should have happened has already happened. If it doesn't happen, maybe she can persuade her father, flamencourt.

Thinking of this, Diana immediately took out her mobile phone and made a call to her father flamencourt. However, the call she made to flamencourt was the same as the call Ye Feng just made to Domingo. The other side showed that it was in the process of answering, but no one answered.

Ye Feng also has been looking at Diana, looking at her call to flamencourt also no one answered, can't help but frown a way, "he there often don't answer the phone?"

Diana sat up straight and said, "no, as long as it's my call, my dad can't not answer it!"

Diana continued to call flamencourt, but the result was the same. The phone kept ringing, but no one answered.

In the end, Diana felt a little surprised at her phone call. In the past, flamencourt always answered the phone as soon as possible. Even if he was talking about something important, she would immediately put everything in her hand and answer her baby daughter's phone call first.

But today, the call has never been answered, which is beyond Diana's understanding of flamencourt's past habits. Of course, she will feel uneasy.

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I think I'd better go back to have a look first. You should go back to see your father as soon as possible."

Ye Feng turned and left, and Diana quickly got up from bed, went to change clothes, and then followed Ye Feng down the stairs.

Downstairs, Diana said to Ye Feng, "do you want to go back? Shall I take you back? "

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no, Maria's house is nearby. I'm going to have a look..."

When Diana heard this, her face suddenly moved, but Ye Feng immediately explained, "I want to see if Ma anda is at home. Maybe he knows what happened! If he's not here, I'll go to the state government! "

Diana listened to Ye Feng's words, then nodded and said, "let's call. If your father has news, please let me know. If my father has news, I'll let you know!"Ye Feng can't help nodding to Diana when he hears the words. After seeing Diana's Maserati go away, he goes to Maria's house.

At the door of Maria's house, Ye Feng knocks on the door. After a while, the door opens. When Maria sees Ye Feng, her face doesn't like to see her as before. Instead, there is a flash of panic.

But this kind of flustered is just a flash to die, immediately restored before that kind of joyful facial expression, toward leaf maple way, "how did you come?"

Although Maria's expression was fleeting, she didn't escape Ye Feng's keen eyes, but Ye Feng didn't break it, just said, "how? Don't you want me to come? "

As soon as Maria heard this, she immediately opened the way. "Of course not. Come in!"

After Ye Feng went in, he took a look at the situation inside the house and expected that Ma anda should not be there. He should have gone to work.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng sat on the sofa in the living room and asked Maria, "what are you doing?"

Maria then said with a smile, "I didn't do anything. I just got up. I just had breakfast and I was preparing to wash the dishes."

Ye Feng took a look at the kitchen, but found that there was only a pair of chopsticks on the table. He couldn't help frowning and said, "didn't your father eat at home this morning?"

Maria was a little flustered and said, "no, he got up earlier than me. After eating, he washed the dishes and went to work."

Ye Feng nodded, but he understood that the concept of men and women in Mexico was very old. How many men would wash the dishes after dinner?

These are not the key points. The problem is that Maria knows that she also works in the state government. Since her father, Ma anda, works, what Maria is most worried about now is whether she has eaten or not, and why she has arrived at the work point but has not gone to work?

In the past, Maria should be most concerned about these details, but today's Maria is obviously very careless and doesn't pay attention to them at all, which only shows one problem. Maria was very surprised when facing herself, and now she is very flustered, so she doesn't care about these details at all.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately asked Maria, "do you have something to say to me?"

Maria's face suddenly changed. She shook her head in a hurry and said, "no, I have nothing to say! Yes? Do you have anything to say to me? "

Ye Feng also shook his head, then got up and said, "since I didn't say it, I'll go first!"

If in the past, unless there is something urgent in Domingo, Maria will show a trace of reluctant.

But now Maria heard that Ye Feng was going to leave, as if she couldn't wait. She immediately got up and said, "OK!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "if you want to talk to me, please call me at any time!"

Maria nodded again and said that she knew. She sent the maple leaf to the door and said, "go on!"

But Ye Feng looked back at Maria and said, "what's wrong with you?"

Maria shook her head again. "No, I'm fine. You don't have to worry!"

Ye Feng wanted to expose Maria's problem, but he didn't say a word. He just nodded, then turned around and left.

When Maria saw that Ye Feng was really gone, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Then she closed the door and leaned back against the door, panting.

And just then, a man came down from the second floor and said to Maria, "gone?"

Maria immediately nodded and said, "let's go! Dad, what do you do now? "

It was ma anda who came down from the second floor. After taking a breath of air conditioning, he said, "sooner or later, Domingo will find out. It can only be delayed for a while!"

With that, Ma anda hurriedly walked towards the study, while walking toward Maria's robe, "you also hurry to clean up, we'll leave michoken today, it's not too late!"

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