Hearing this, mahanda could not help nodding and said, "this flamencourt is like two birds with one stone. Since he killed his father Carlos by my hand, now he wants to blame me for all the crimes?"

But Maria said, "Dad, don't talk about it. You've been following flamenco for so many years, and he betrayed you, so there's no human relationship at all. You'd better leave here to avoid the limelight."

But mahanda looked at Maria and sighed, "Maria, it's just hard for you. Your marriage with Domingo is about to come to an end. Why don't you go with your father? Our father and daughter go to a place where there is no one to start all over again. Dad has saved a lot of money over the years, which is enough for us to start all over again. When we settle down, dad will find you a better man than Domingo! "

Hearing this, Maria touched her belly and said, "Dad, I can't go any more. I'm not allowed in my stomach. I've got Domingo's flesh and blood. Anyway, the child is innocent..."

But mahanda's face moved and said, "what are you talking about? Do you have the flesh and blood of Domingo? What do you think? It's been several months? Get rid of it. Are you confused? Carlos died in my hands. I'm the father killer of Domingo. Will he marry the daughter of the father killer? "

After hearing this, Maria pondered for a long time, but didn't speak. Finally, she said to Ma anda, "Dad, don't talk about this. You hurry away and call me when you get to the place. I won't leave. I want to stay!"

After hearing that Ma anda stares at Maria for a moment, he just gripes his teeth and immediately leaves with the box. This is not the time to dally with Maria. Maybe flamencourt's car is waiting for him downstairs.

And Ma anda just opened the door, Ye Feng's hand has strangled his neck, a pinch him back, quickly closed the door.

Before Ma anda could react, she was pushed into the room by Ye Feng. But when Maria saw that Ye Feng didn't leave, she was waiting for her father to go out?

She immediately ran over, grabbed Ye Feng's hand and said, "Domingo, flamencodo's people are looking for my dad everywhere. If he doesn't go, he can't go!"

But Ye Feng sneered and pushed Ma anda to the side of the window. He said to Ma anda, "do you think you're going now? Look outside for yourself? "

Ma anda looked out of the window, but saw that several cars had stopped on both sides of the road, and many people were standing on the side of the road, staring at him.

Ye Feng then said to Ma anda, "not only here, but also the street at the back door is full of people. Everyone has a gun in his hand, but now he doesn't mean to do it. But if you want to go, you have to fly away with long wings!"

Seeing this, Maria's face also changed. She said to mahanda, "Dad, what should I do now?"

Ma anda was strangled by Ye Feng, completely speechless. Seeing this, Maria immediately went up to break Ye Feng's hand and said, "now my father can't leave, you don't have to do this!"

Ye Feng just released his hand. Ma andadun coughed more than once, while Maria patted Ma anda's back and said, "Dad, are you ok?"

Ma anda waved his hand and said it was OK. Then he sat on the sofa, panting and looking at Ye Feng. "What do you know?"

Ye Feng lit a flue, "where's my father?"

Ma anda thought Ye Feng didn't know about Carlos, so he took out a cigarette and lit it. Then he said, "I don't know. I only know that he was called by flamencourt, and then I never saw him again!"

Maria's face changed, but she didn't say a word. She just looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng immediately asked, "I just want to know whether he is alive or dead!"

Mahanda took another deep breath. "I don't know, but as far as I know about flamencourt, it's more dangerous than good!"

Maria quickly comforted Ye Feng and said, "Domingo, don't be sad. Maybe there are miracles?"

Ye Feng is not sad. After all, he is not his father. He just wants to understand the whole thing.

Ma anda saw that Ye Feng's expression was beyond his expectation. He couldn't help but move in his heart. This guy, Lao Tzu is dead, but he is indifferent. He is really a man who does great things.

Ma anda immediately said to Ye Feng, "your father and I have been helping flamencourt for so many years. You should know more about this. We know too much about him. Now flamencourt is ready to shuffle, so he doesn't need us, so we all have to die!"

Ye Feng looked at Ma anda thoughtfully, then took a smoke, "I just want to know, these people surround you, why don't you come up and kill you directly? I think with the guns in their hands, if you rush up, you can't hide at all. What are they waiting for? "

Mahanda's face moved and he was smoking. His hand trembled, but his mouth said, "I don't know. I'm not flamencourt. How can I know what he did? Maybe it's trying to scare me! "But Ye Feng sneered, "to scare you? There are many ways to scare you. This is the most useless. If I guess correctly, either you have hurt flamencourt, and for the time being flamencourt has not been able to issue an order, or you still have what flamencourt needs in your hand, and he will not move you until he gets the things! "

Said Ye Feng smoked a cigarette, then looked at Ma anda and said, "which of these two situations do you belong to? Or both? "

Ma anda looks at Ye Feng in amazement. He always thinks that Domingo is just a playboy. He didn't expect to see things so sharp.

Just as Ye Feng said, he belongs to the situation of both. When he killed Carlos last night, he knew that flamencourt wanted his own life, and he wanted to shoot to save his life in a panic. Unexpectedly, he missed flamencourt, so he ran away.

What's more, just as Ye Feng expected, Ma anda has worked for flamenco for so many years. He knows a lot of things, and he has the habit of keeping accounts. The account book in his hand is his life preserver. Otherwise, he will shoot flamenco by himself, and his ten lives will be gone.

Thinking of this, mahanda immediately said, "I have to confess to you!"

Ye Feng eyebrows a wrinkly way, "confess what?"

After taking a deep breath, mahanda said, "your father is dead!"

Ye Feng had expected that he would have such a premonition since he couldn't get through to Carlos.

Ma anda didn't wait for Ye Feng to speak. He immediately said, "I shot But you don't know the situation at that time. If I don't shoot, I will die I have no choice

Maria also explained to Ma anda, "yes, Domingo, we all know who flamenco is. If you can't do what he wants you to do, you will die. My father has no choice, and he doesn't want to do it!"

After that, Maria stares at Ye Feng, waiting for his final judgment.

Ma anda also looked at Ye Feng and saw that there was no expression on his face. He immediately said, "Domingo, now Maria has your child. Although you are not married, you have nothing to do with your husband and wife. You don't want to lose your grandfather when your child is born, don't you?"

Ye Feng sneered and said, "when you shot, you must not have thought that the child would come out without his grandfather, right?"

As soon as Ma anda heard this, his face suddenly moved, and he quickly explained, "I thought about it, I really thought about it, I even said sorry to your father before shooting, I really have no choice, flamencourt, is to kill him with my hand, I and he are pieces flamencourt can sacrifice at any time, we have no choice..."

Maria immediately explained to Ma anda, "Domingo, anyway, things have happened, we can't change anything Besides, we are all surrounded by the people of flamencourt. We can't escape at all... "

Ye Feng is pondering to smoke cigarettes, for a long time did not say a word, a pair of eyes but just looking at Ma anda, Ma anda heart to see some panic.

Ma anda has not known Domingo for a day or two. He knows him as a real playboy. He has achieved almost nothing except to hook up with women.

But now this Domingo in front of him is obviously different from the Domingo he knows. He can't help but say, "you're not Domingo. Who are you?"

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