When Ye Feng heard this, he could not help but look at Ma anda and said, "what are you talking about?"

Maria also looked at her father Ma anda in surprise and said, "Dad, what do you say? Isn't he Domingo? "

Ma anda's eyes were always staring at Ye Feng. At this time, he sneered and said, "I was the first one to know about the shooting in the warehouse last time. I sent the police there. At that time, according to someone's confession, it was confirmed that Domingo was dead. However, when the police went, Domingo's body disappeared, so some people began to suspect that Domingo was feigning death Let's go

Maria could not help nodding and said, "that's right, so Domingo didn't die. He just hid and didn't come back until things were light!"

Ma anda said with a sneer, "however, we have been ignoring a problem. The death of Domingo is not the testimony of one person. In this way, almost all the people present saw that Domingo was shot and fell to the ground. If Domingo was already dead at that time, some people just didn't want him to die, or they didn't want him to die at that time, so they pretended to be his father Identity to deceive all of us! "

But Maria immediately said, "no way. Mingming sitting here is Domingo. Does Domingo have twin brothers? Even if you want to fake it, you have to look like it. There's more than that. There's also sound... "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "governor's thought is really avant-garde. With this, you think I'm a fake Domingo? Maria is right. If I'm a fake, why do I look the same as Domingo and have the same voice? "

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Ma anda said, "I know that there is a kind of disguise technique, which is very advanced now. It can completely confuse the fake with the real. If you are Domingo, you will wash your face in front of us!"

Then mahanda said to Maria, "Maria, go get a basin of water, and you'll know in a moment that dad is not lying to you!"

Maria was shocked when she heard the words. She looked at Ma anda and Ye Feng in surprise. For a moment, she didn't know what to do.

But Ye Feng nodded to Maria and said, "listen to your father, go and get a basin of water!"

After listening to Ye Feng, Maria went to the bathroom and put a basin of water on the tea table.

Ma anda then sneered at Ye Feng and said, "you don't have to be brave. Do you think you're not afraid to wash your face, and I won't verify it?"

Ye Feng didn't say anything. He buried his head in the water and got up. He rubbed his face with his hand and said, "look, is there any change?"

Ma anda and Maria can't help staring at Ye Feng when they rub their faces. At this time, they see that they are almost rubbing their faces red, and they don't see any changes.

Maria just relaxed her way. "Dad, do you think too much about transvesting? He's Domingo. He hasn't changed at all!"

Ye Feng wiped his face with the napkin on the table. Then he said to Ma anda, "how about it? Do you still think I'm not Domingo? "

Ma anda just saw that Ye Feng's eyes were different. He felt that there was a big difference between him and Domingo, so this idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

Now looking at Ye Feng in front of him, he is still Domingo before, let alone rubbing off his face mask. He didn't even lose a piece of skin. I can't help but be surprised.

Maria immediately said to mahanda, "Dad, don't think about it. Now we should think about how to get out of here. It's all flamencourt out there!"

Ma anda then sighed, "I may be too nervous, so I'm a little confused for a moment!"

Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "Domingo, I'm sorry, don't take it to heart!"

Ye Feng secretly breathed a breath. Ma anda was the governor of Michoacan state. He had seen more people, so he found the clue.

Now listen to Ma anda say so, Ye Feng also completely relieved, but in the heart is in the secret way, you are not confused, is too clear, this time can find their own problems, is really a personal essence.

But Ye Feng said, "nothing!"

Then Ye Feng stared at Ma anda and said, "but do you want to use this to transfer the two questions I just asked you?"

Ma anda's face suddenly moved, thinking that it was possible, and now he began to unconsciously avoid this problem.

But Ye Feng said to Ma anda, "give me your things!"

On hearing this, Ma anda's face suddenly moved and said, "what is it? That's what you think. There's no such thing! "

But Ye Feng said, "you have said that. No matter what the reason, my father died in your hands, right? Now, it's reasonable to exchange my father's life for what you have in your hand

Ma anda secretly scolds a fart in his heart. Now his only talisman is the account book in his hand. He gives it to Ye Feng and dies every minute.

Thinking of this, Ma anda still insisted that he had nothing in his hand and said to Ye Feng, "you'd better go. Flamenco has to deal with me. It has nothing to do with you. Run quickly. I don't guarantee that he will deal with you in the next step."But Ye Feng shrugged at Ma anda and said, "I have a rotten life, and I have already died once. What am I afraid of! But I'm worried about you. Even if you take that thing, as long as it's on you, sooner or later, flamencourt will kill you, and then destroy everything. As long as you're gone, Maria's dead, and even if there's a ledger, no one will help you deal with him! "

As soon as mahanda heard this, he could not help but move. Yes, this time flamencourt surrounded his house. It was obvious that besides himself, he also included Maria. His father and daughter could not escape.

Thinking of this, Ma anda immediately said to Ye Feng, "no, Domingo, Maria has your flesh and blood now. You must find a way to save her!"

Ma anda also said to Maria, "Maria, you don't have to worry about your father. Hurry to go with Domingo. Now in this situation, you can go one by one!"

But Maria cried to Ma anda, "if dad doesn't leave, Maria won't either. I'll stay with you!"

But mahanda snapped, "what can you do if you stay? It's just to die with me. If you leave, at least half of the children in your stomach belong to our family. Our family is not finished yet! Do you understand? "

At this time, Ye Feng sneered and said, "now this place has been surrounded. Who do you think I am? Can you take Maria away? "

As soon as mahanda heard this, there was a moment of silence, and Maria said to mahanda, "yes, I can't even go now."

But Ye Feng said, "now if you want Maria to live, there is only one way!"

Ma anda immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "what can I do?"

Ye Feng said coldly, "one life for two lives!"

When Ma anda and Maria listen to this, their faces are moving. Ye Feng's meaning is very obvious, that is to ask Ma anda to die in exchange for Maria and her baby's life.

Maria didn't wait for Ma anda to speak. She immediately cried, "I don't want to. I don't want my father to die. I won't live on idly!"

Ma anda was in a dilemma at this time. Now it's obvious that she can't escape. Do you really want to take Maria to die together?

Thinking of this, Ma anda looked at Ye Feng and said, "I'll give you something. Can you really save Maria?"

But Ye Feng said to Ma anda, "Maria's belly is my flesh and blood, and I don't want her to have anything to do with her children, but I can only save Maria. I can't manage your life. You can only let the day decide!"

Ma anda actually knew the result, but when he heard Ye Feng say it in a cold voice, he still felt that he couldn't accept it. At this time, his chest kept undulating, as if death had been hovering around him.

Ye Feng didn't urge Ma anda. After all, for a person who is wandering between life and death, it's inevitable that he is afraid of death and greedy for life. If he doesn't have to, who will really sacrifice his life for righteousness?

Maria was already sobbing. At this time, she couldn't say a word, just choked.

Ma anda looked at Maria for a long time and thought of what she looked like when she was a child. She had been a big girl since she was a child. She was going to be a mother soon.

Ma anda finally gritted his teeth and said to Ye Feng, "OK, I'll give you the account book, but you have to swear to God that you must not let Maria and the child be hurt!"

Ye Feng sneered and said, "at this time, you still believe in God. If there is a God, the most damned thing is not flamenco."

When Ma anda heard this, he thought about it. Then he gritted his teeth and took out a U disk from the trunk and handed it to Ye Feng

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