Ye Feng took a look at the U disk, but frowned slightly, "this U disk is the account book of flamencourt?"

But mahanda said with a smile, "how can this be possible? I'm just a partner of flamencourt, not his accountant, but in his eyes, maybe he's just a horseman with a little power. How can his account book be with me? "

Then mahanda immediately said, "the accounts recorded here are just some details of my contacts with flamencourt in the past ten or twenty years, but this alone is enough to pose a fatal threat to him!"

Ma anda said to Maria, who still had tears on one side, "Maria, you must live a good life and give birth to the baby. You must be good!"

Maria looked at her father mahanda, only holding his hand, but she was excited and didn't say a word. How many people can bear such a separation?

Ye Feng just put away the U disk, his mobile phone rang up, take up a look is his mobile phone, above the caller ID is the number of Dixie.

Ye Feng immediately connected the phone, went to one side, but heard Dixie said on the phone, "why didn't you come to the state government today? Besides, it seems that Ma anda didn't come today, and there are a lot of suspicious people around the state government! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately whispered, "I'm at mahanda's house. He's been controlled and monitored by flamencourt's people. His father is also dead. According to mahanda, he may have hurt flamencourt by mistake last night!"

When she heard this, her heart moved, and she asked Ye Feng, "do you want to help me? I'll be there now? "

Ye Feng pondered for a moment, then said, "prepare a car, drive to the back door of Ma anda's house, wait for my news!"

After hanging up, Ma anda was looking at himself and asked Ye Feng, "whose phone is it? You're not divulging, are you? "

Ye Feng put away his mobile phone, but sneered at Ma anda, "flamencourt once wanted to kill me, and now he killed my father. Do you think I will inform him?"

When Ma anda hears this, he can't help but think that what Ye Feng said is the same. Anyone can tell flemingo that he won't.

Thinking of Ma anda, he immediately asked Ye Feng, "I've given you the USB flash drive. Don't you take Maria with you?"

But Ye Feng immediately said, "I've got people driving to the side of the back door. As soon as the car arrives, I'll take Maria away!"

But Maria took mahanda's hand and said, "Dad, can't you come with us?"

Then Maria looked at Ye Feng and said, "Domingo, will you take my dad with you?"

Before Ye Feng spoke, Ma anda immediately said to Maria, "if I want to go, then none of us can go. When the car comes, I'll go out to attract their attention and give you a chance to leave!"

Ye Feng was just about to say this to Ma anda, so that he could be psychologically prepared. Unexpectedly, Ma anda himself had already thought of this step. It seems that he has really made up his mind to sacrifice himself to help his daughter and himself.

As soon as Maria heard this, she suddenly began to get excited again, holding Ma anda and crying there.

Ma anda also had some old tears. After a moment's tears, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "Domingo, if you are not good to Maria, I will not let you go as a ghost!"

Ye Feng just nodded to Ma anda, saying nothing. He was a man who didn't believe in God. How could he be afraid of ghosts?

Ma anda also knows that Ye Feng doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, so as long as Ye Feng nods, he will take Domingo's oath in the name of God.

At this time, Ye Feng said to Ma anda, "after you go out, immediately raise your hand and surrender. I believe they still dare not shoot for the time being, at least before they find the U disk!"

Ma anda nodded and said, "I understand. Don't worry. After a while, as long as you protect Maria, you don't care about anything, even if they shoot!"

When saying this, Ma anda also made a wink at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng understands Ma anda's meaning. He is afraid that if he goes out, he will be killed by flamencourt's people. Maria's mood is easy to get out of control and may come to find herself. So he tells Ye Feng with his eyes that no matter what happens, Maria can't take risks.

As time went by, Ye Feng went to the window and looked at the situation outside. None of the people who were watching were still outside. It seemed that there were more. Even passers-by chose to take a detour when they saw the situation here.

At this time, Ye Feng's mobile phone suddenly rings. After he picks up the phone, he immediately hears Dixie's voice saying on the phone, "the car is in place!"

After hearing this, Ye Feng said a word, knew to hang up the phone, immediately toward is staring at oneself to see Ma anda nodded.

Ma anda also immediately nodded, understand Ye Feng's meaning, must be to pick him up and Maria to go to the car.Ye Feng also did not urge Ma anda, let a person to die, do not need to urge.

Ma anda patted Maria on the back and said, "well, Maria, you are no longer a child. You are a woman who is going to be a mother. When you grow up, go with Domingo!"

As soon as Maria heard this, she realized that time was almost up. She immediately cried even more. She held Ma anda tightly, but she didn't let go.

Ma anda then made a wink at Ye Feng and motioned him to come and help open Maria.

Ye Feng sighs helplessly, but still goes over and pulls Maria up.

Ma anda then stood up, straightened his clothes, and said to Ye Feng, "Domingo, Maria, I'll give it to you!"

Ye Feng nodded to Ma anda and said, "don't worry!"

Ma anda also nodded, and then quickly walked toward the door. After taking a deep breath at the door, he opened the door.

Seeing this, Maria screamed and finally fainted in Ye Feng's arms.

Ye Feng helped Maria to the window and saw that Ma anda had already gone with both hands. Many people on the road obviously didn't expect Ma anda to appear by himself. They couldn't help but be stunned.

But then those people reacted and rushed to Ma anda one after another to detain Ma anda, while many people around them walked towards that side.

Ye Feng knew it was time, and immediately helped Maria to walk towards the back door. When he opened the back door, he saw that there were still two people smoking at the end of the lane.

Ye Feng didn't say a word. He still helped Maria to go there. When they saw this, they immediately threw away their cigarette ends and stood in the same place waiting for Ye Feng and Maria to fall into the trap.

But before they were ready to stand, a figure suddenly appeared behind them. They went up to the back of their heads and knocked them unconscious.

Ye Feng sees that the man is just Dixie after changing face. At this time, he directly holds Maria up and trots toward the alley.

Outside the alley, Dixie immediately gets on the bus. After Ye Feng and Maria get on the bus, he immediately drives away from the scene.

While Ma anda was caught by Qianmen, some people began to go upstairs to prepare for the search, but when they went upstairs, they saw that Maria was not there and immediately called to report the situation.

The leader in front immediately let people go to the back alley to have a look. When he saw his own people lying on the ground, he realized that it was bad and Maria slipped away.

Immediately a car left the scene and began to look around for Maria's car.

At this time, Ye Feng looked back at the situation behind him. Then he took a long breath, "I don't know what's going on in flamencourt!"

Dixie said in the front seat, "looks like you have a relationship with Diana? And began to care about her father's injury? "

Ye Feng sneered and said, "I care about a P. it's not that dromus said that this mission has something to do with flamencourt. I'm too lazy to talk to them!"

Dixie did not say a word, while driving from the rear mirror to see a dizzy Maria, then asked Ye Feng, "how do you deal with this woman?"

Ye Feng also looked down at Maria in her arms and said, "Maria is a good woman. Anyway, she is pregnant with Domingo's child. Now Domingo and his father Carlos are gone. That is to say, the child in Maria's stomach is the only blood of Domingo's family now. Let's arrange a good place for her! ”

after a while of pondering, dickis nodded and said, "I'll arrange it afterwards!"

Then he looked at Ye Feng from the rear mirror and said, "it seems that you have been playing Domingo for a long time, but you really start to think about Domingo?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "with the identity of Domingo, there is nothing to help him. Just give him back a personal feeling!"

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