Dixi Si didn't say anything more. Ye Feng noticed that Maria moved at this time. It was obvious that she was about to wake up.

At this time, Dixie told Ye Feng, "there's a car coming up behind. Sit down!"

Ye Feng smell speech looked back at a glance, really see behind two cars are quickly catching up, obviously is aimed at them.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he asked Dixie, "how about it? Can you get rid of it? "

"Dixie shrugs a way," drive a skill absolutely can't be inferior to you how many! "

Ye Feng said with a smile, "then I'll give you all my life and fortune!"

Speaking, Ye Feng also righted Maria, helped her fasten her seat belt, and then asked if there was a gun over there.

While driving, Dixie took out a pistol from the side of the car and threw it to Ye Fengdao, "there is only one pistol, and there are only six bullets. Save it!"

Ye Feng nodded, then loaded the gun, and did not immediately use the gun to deal with the car behind. Dixie's driving skill is not bad, at least so far, has not been overtaken by the car behind.

Dixie asked Ye Feng, "where are we going now? The influence of flamencourt is all over the state of michoken. It's obviously not realistic to escape from michoken! "

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to Dixie, "don't run away, we'll go straight to find flamencourt!"

On hearing this, Dixie couldn't help looking and said, "are you crazy? He's chasing us all the way, and we're going to get caught? "

But Ye Feng took out the U disk Ma anda gave him and said, "his goal is this. If we give this U disk to him, there will be no serious trouble for him!"

How can you believe him? What if he thinks we've seen things in the USB flash drive, or there are copies? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "so what? Then we will admit that there are still copies. As long as the copies still exist, it is still his threat, and he should not act rashly! "

But after taking a deep breath, he said, "you are gambling! Why take risks? Because of Diana? "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "I don't deny it. I believe Diana should be able to play a role in this. But you also know that we are in a situation now. Can't you call dromus to help us? That old man will never be so kind

For a moment, Dixie did not speak any more, but continued to drive towards the front.

At this time, Maria slowly opened her eyes, looked at Ye Feng and said, "you can't give the U disk to Give it to flamencourt. My father bought it with his life... "

When she said this, Maria also wanted to reach out and think about the U disk in Ye Feng's hand, but Ye Feng had already put it away.

Ye Feng looked at Maria and said, "now this USB flash drive is your life preserver, but it should also be used in the right place. If we all die in the car, this USB flash drive will lose its original function. I believe it's not your father's intention!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Maria murmured, "I just heard your conversation. Who are you?"

With that, Maria still stares at Ye Feng and says, "now I finally believe my father's words. You are not Domingo at all. Domingo is dead. Who are you? Why pretend to be Domingo? "

Ye Feng can't help sighing at Maria and said, "I've washed my face in front of your father and daughter. Don't you believe it?" As like as two peas, Maria,

, sneered at the voice. "I don't know what way you've changed your appearance like brother Domingo, but you're not brother Domingo! I'm quite sure! "

Dixie then looked at Maria from the rearview mirror, and then said to Ye Feng, "now that they all know, you don't have to hide it!"

Ye Feng took a look at Dixie, then sighed slightly, nodded to Maria and said, "yes, I'm not Domingo..."

As soon as Maria heard this, she immediately shook her hand and hit Ye Feng. Ye Feng was going to raise her hand to block her, but she felt guilty for her, so she didn't raise her hand.

After a mouth hit Ye Feng's face, Maria immediately burst into tears again. She was still saying, "Domingo, Dad Now I'm the only one left in the world... "

Ye Feng comforted Maria and said, "it's not you alone. The child in your stomach has both the blood of Domingo and your family. This is the continuation of the blood of your family and Domingo family!"

Maria only cares about her own crying, but she doesn't know if she hears what Ye Feng is saying to her.

At this time, Dixie sighed and said to Ye Feng, "women are the most vulnerable at this time. It's better for you to make her cry!"

Ye Feng listened to the advice of Dixie, then no longer to persuade Maria, sure enough, after a long time, Maria is better, no longer cry, just occasionally choked.

Ye Feng saw that Maria's mood was a little bit stable, and then he said to Maria, "don't worry, no matter I'm Domingo or not, I promised your father to make you safe. At least, I can do it!"Maria then looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "who are you? Why pretend to be Domingo? "

Ye Feng then took a deep breath and said, "you still don't care so much. You are a good woman. Your father has a daughter like you. Domingo is lucky to have an engagement with you and a child in your stomach. It's his luck. I will protect you and your children."

Maria stares at Ye Feng for a long time, and more and more questions come to her heart. But when she sees Ye Feng looking at herself, her firm eyes seem to be that no matter what happens, he can protect himself and his children as he says.

Finally, Maria nodded, put her head close to Ye Feng's arms, and said, "although I know you are not Domingo, at least let me lean on you for a while, let me feel that I am still with Domingo!"

Ye Feng hears speech one is stunned, finally dropped hand, hugged Maria, patted her shoulder gently.

When she saw this scene in the rear mirror, she could not help sighing. She said in her heart that she was a miserable woman.

At this time, maybe because the road began to become more spacious, the two cars behind suddenly began to accelerate, and soon the two cars drove to both sides of the car, forming a pinch situation for the car.

Seeing this, Dixie immediately said, "sit down, I'm going to speed up!"

Voice just fell, Ye Feng and Maria's back suddenly came a push back feeling, Maria immediately nervously held Ye Feng's hand.

It seems that at this moment, Ye Feng is still her familiar Domingo. In fact, her heart is very clear, and Ye Feng has admitted that he is not Domingo, but at this time, she would rather believe that Domingo is the one who accompanies her.

At this time, Ye Feng put his arm around Maria and took out a pistol. Then he pressed Maria's head and let her lie on her legs. He also said, "cover your ears. I didn't ask you to look up. Don't look up!"

Maria smell speech immediately according to Ye Feng said, covered his ears, lie on Ye Feng's legs, do not dare to move.

And Ye Feng immediately opened the car window and shot at the tire of the car.

Suddenly "bang" a gunshot, scared to lie on the leaf maple leg Maria suddenly a spirit.

At the same time, the tire of the car outside was blown out, and suddenly the whole car began to get out of control.

Seeing this, Dixie immediately made a sharp turn and drove to another road, while the two cars that were thrown away behind, because one of them was out of control, immediately slammed into the other car.

But not long after his car was driven, he found that their car was constantly bumping. When he looked ahead, he reminded Ye Feng, "we're driving on the railway."

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately move, immediately toward the Dixi Si way, "you think we live too long?"

Dixie did not speak, at this time in front of the car came a train whistle, not far away a green train is fast towards them.

Seeing this, Dixie immediately made a sharp turn and wanted to drive the car to the side of the railway, but the wheels of the car kept slipping on the railway track, that is, out of the railway.

Originally, Dixie thought it was quite easy to leave the train lane, but he didn't expect that this scene would appear, and he was a little flustered.

Ye Feng see this heart is also a move, immediately jump directly from the back seat to the front seat, mouth also toward the Dixie Si way, "sit behind!"

Dixie immediately turned back, gave way to the driver's seat, and sat in for Ye Feng.

As soon as Ye Feng got in, he saw that the train in front of him was about to hit. He didn't care about anything. One foot stepped on the accelerator to the end, and the other foot on the brake. The car suddenly made a roar on the railway.

Waiting for the moment when the train was about to hit, Ye Feng released the accelerator with one foot, hit the steering wheel with one foot, and the car quickly jumped out of the railway, but the rear trunk of the car was still hit by the locomotive, making a loud bang.

After Ye Feng's car landed, it was still running around, and almost drove to the lake on one side. Fortunately, Ye Feng stepped on the brake in time to get out of danger.

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