At this time, both Dixie and Maria were pale. Just now, they were three people wandering on the line of death. They even saw the God of death waving to them, but they escaped the gaze of the God of death.

For Dixie and Ye Feng, it's a common practice. Their past experience is no more thrilling than what happened today. Today's event is just an appetizer.

But for Maria, it's the first time that she has encountered such an exciting thing. She feels that her adrenal gland can't keep up with everything she sees. Now she feels that her breathing is a little difficult.

At this time, she looked at Maria and asked her, "are you ok?"

Maria's chest fluctuated, feeling that she couldn't say a word. Looking back, the trunk cover of the car had been knocked out, and her heart was even more nervous.

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time. After looking back at the situation, she started the EMU again. "Now we have no choice, we have to go to find flamencourt!"

Say Ye Feng seem to worry about Maria do not want to go, also toward Maria way, "your father downstairs, those people did not do to him, because the U disk has not been found!"

Maria nodded, at that time she also saw the scene, she immediately toward Ye Feng way, "so we can't give him u disk, give him, my father will die!"

But Ye Feng said to Maria, "even so, do you think your father will be better in flamencourt's hands? He has thousands of ways to torture your father. Let him tell you where the USB flash drive is

When Maria heard this, she suddenly collapsed. She looked at Ye Feng and said, "then you give the U disk to flamencourt, can my father live?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I'm not sure, but if you don't give us the U disk, do you think we can take out Michaelis state? Even if we escape, the whole of Mexico will be flemingo's sphere of influence. Can we take out Mexico? "

Then Ye Feng looked at Maria and said, "now that we don't give the U disk, your father will be tortured to death in the end, but we give the U disk. At least we don't have anything harmful to flamencourt. Relatively speaking, we don't have any threat to him. Maybe there's a ray of life. One side is sure to die, and the other side is a ray of life. You choose for yourself!"

After saying this, Ye Feng also escaped the U disk and handed it to Maria, "this is your father's amulet for you. You have the right to choose!"

Maria obviously didn't expect that Ye Feng would give her U-disk. After staring at Ye Feng, she reached for the U-disk and looked at it carefully. After confirming that it was her father, Maria looked at Ye Feng in disbelief.

Dixie was also a little surprised. Now that he has a USB flash drive, it can at least be used as a means to blackmail flamencourt in the short term. But if he gives it to Maria, it will have little effect.

However, compared with this, Dixie is more convinced that since Ye Feng dares to do so, it means that he has already made plans in his heart.

Ye Feng looked at Maria and said, "the right to choose is in your hands. If you want to escape, we will accompany you to the end of the world. You need to save your father. Now let's drive to find flamencourt!"

Maria looked at Ye Feng and said, "who are you?"

Ye Feng opens the window and lights a cigarette, but thinks that Maria is pregnant, and immediately extinguishes it.

At this time, Dixie helps Ye Feng answer Maria, "no matter who we are, we have absolutely no threat to you, and you have to know that since he is not Domingo, then the death of his father Carlos has nothing to do with him, that is, I, we have no hatred with your father mahanda, what we do, at least we will not do harm to you and me Your father, don't you think

Maria had not thought of this logic. When she heard that, she could not help but look at Ye Feng in consternation. Then she secretly said, yes, what she has been guarding against is this.

No matter whether her father Ma anda is active or passive, Domingo's father died at his father's hands, so she has been wondering whether Domingo is really helping their father and daughter.

But now Domingo is not really Domingo, so the so-called Revenge of killing father is a false proposition.

Thinking of this, Maria gritted her teeth and handed the USB flash drive to Ye Feng again. "I believe you. I give you the right to choose. You make decisions for me. No matter what decisions you make, I respect and cooperate with you."

Seeing this, she immediately exclaimed to Maria, "you have made an absolutely wise choice!"

And Ye Feng also took the U disk and said to Maria, "well, since you believe us, I will never fail you and your father. All my promises to your father, although I should make them as Domingo, still count on me. At least I will guarantee the safety of you and your children!"

Finish saying this, Ye Feng also didn't wait for Maria to say anything more, immediately put away the U disk, start the car and drive away from here.

At this time, Dixie tells Ye Feng about the place where flamencourt lives. Ye Feng immediately drives in that direction.At this time, Ye Feng's mobile phone rings. The ring is Domingo's. He thinks it must be Diana.

Wait for Ye Feng to take out a mobile phone to see, as expected, it is Diana's number.

He immediately connected the phone. As soon as he got through, Diana's voice came from the phone and said, "my father has been shot. I'm just out of danger. I'll take a breath. I'll call you now!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately say, "nothing serious?"

Diana said, "I'm fine, but I've lost half my life. I'm not awake yet."

Ye Feng nodded and said, "it's ok..."

Diana then said, "I've heard that it was mahanda, your fiancee's father, who hit my father. He's been caught now, but you ran away with your fiancee?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, I can't let Maria die here, can I?"

Diana immediately said, "you know, you can't escape. My father's men have sealed off the key fortress throughout Michoacan. You can't leave Michoacan at all!"

But Ye Feng said, "who said we are going to leave michoken?"

Before Diana could speak, Ye Feng immediately said, "my father Carlos is dead. It's your father flamencordo who forced Ma anda to shoot him. Your father wanted to kill Ma anda, so he fired in panic and hurt your father by mistake. Do you know what I mean?"

Maria hears that Ye Feng is still pretending to be Domingo. She frowns slightly, but she doesn't speak. She knows that Ye Feng is cheating Diana with Domingo's identity.

Diana was silent on the phone and said, "I'm so sorry for your father's death. You must hate my father now, don't you?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "walking on this dangerous road, I should have expected these things. Now whether I hate or not, my father will not live. Even if I kill your father myself, I can't change my father's life!"

Diana immediately said, "Domingo, I'm really sorry, but I'm really glad to hear that Don't worry. As soon as my father wakes up, I will ask him to withdraw his pursuit of you! "

But Ye Feng pondered for a while, and said to Diana after a long time, "your father won't do this, because we have what he wants in our hands!"

Diana's face suddenly moved, and she said in a deep voice, "what books do they say you have? Is that true

Ye Feng noncommittal said, "this account book for us. Penniless. What we want now is our own safety. I don't want mahanda to die, I don't want Maria to die, and of course, I don't want myself to die! "

Diana immediately said, "don't worry. I said that as soon as my father wakes up, I will help you talk. You and Maria will keep me. As for mahanda, he shot my father after all. I'm worried..."

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "with your words, I'm relieved, but even if your father really doesn't agree, there's no way. Now it's our farewell call!"

After saying this, Ye Feng immediately hung up the phone, and Dixie immediately asked Ye Feng, "what did Diana say?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I can do all she said, but I need her to do more!"

But Dixie frowned, "since you asked her to do more, you hung up?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders again and said, "it's just hard to get. She will definitely call back!"

Just then, the mobile phone in Ye Feng's hand rang again. Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "what did I say?"

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