Just then, Ye Feng immediately connected the phone, but nothing more, just ready to listen to what Diana is ready to say.

Diana then said on the phone, "why hang up on me? Is it because it's inconvenient for Maria to be around? "

But Ye Feng said with a faint smile, "it has nothing to do with Maria. Now your father's people want me and Maria's life. I think talking too much with you will only make it harder for you to do it! So I don't want to implicate you! "

But Diana immediately said on the phone, "I'm not afraid of getting involved. In this way, I'll give you an address. Now take Maria with you and get up more. When my father wakes up, I'll talk to him!"

Ye Feng pondered for a while and didn't speak. He obviously didn't believe in Diana. After all, it is likely that this is a trap. Once they go, they will have no chance to leave again.

Diana obviously soon realized Ye Feng's distrust of herself and immediately said on the phone, "are you worried that I will betray you?"

Then, before Ye Feng spoke, Diana immediately said, "don't worry, Domingo, even if I betray anyone, I won't betray you. I swear to God!"

After hearing this, Ye Feng took a slight breath and said, "OK, I believe you, send the address!"

Diana immediately sent an address and said to Ye Feng on the phone, "I may not be able to leave here for the time being. I'll see if I have time to leave here and go to your side tonight."

Ye Feng said, "I don't think you should come here. Now your father has just passed the critical period and may wake up at any time. You'd better accompany your father more. Moreover, Maria's father Ma anda has been arrested. I hope you can protect him from more harm in my face, at least before your father wakes up!"

Diana immediately assured on the phone, "you can rest assured that mahanda's life will not be in danger until my father gives the order to kill him!"

After Ye Feng said thank you, she wanted to hang up. Diana also felt it and immediately said, "Domingo, I miss you..."

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard the speech. He knew that Diana had been completely attracted by her role as Domingo, but he just said, "well, I know!"

After saying this, Ye Feng immediately hung up. At this time, Dixie asked Ye Feng, "how credible is Diana's words? After all, flamencourt is her father. Will she really help us? "

Maria also said to Ye Feng, "what's the situation with my father now? Did they hurt him? "

At this time, Ye Feng said, "at present, Diana is the only one who can help us. I believe what she said on the phone is true, at least for the moment. If she changes her mind, it must be after flamencourt wakes up. Therefore, it's safe for us to go to the place she provides to escape!"

Then, with a shrug of his shoulders, Dixie said, "you just trust her. You say safety is safety."

Maria pondered for a while, then nodded to Dixie and said, "I believe you, too! You decide! "

Ye Feng did not say anything, opened the shared location in the mobile phone, and then drove to the other side.

after driving for about an hour, we finally arrived at the destination. This is a relatively old villa. The walls are full of Parthenocissus, and the surroundings seem to be shaking with few people.

Ye Feng directly drove the car to the iron gate of the gate, got off to push the iron gate, drove the car in, and closed the iron gate.

after the car has been driven to the door of the villa, Ye Feng asks Dixie and Maria to get off first. He drives the car to a hidden place and hides it. Then he goes to the door of the villa.

After opening the door, Ye Feng found that although the outside of the villa looks old, the interior decoration design is still very novel, and the electrical appliances can still be used. After turning on the lights, he found that there are not many dirty marks on the furniture in the lobby. It's obvious that someone should come to sweep it every so often.

Maria is sitting on the sofa in the lobby, her heart palpitating. It's obvious that she hasn't come back from today's drastic changes.

Dixie checked on the first floor of the villa, then went to the lobby and said to Ye Feng and Maria, "there is food in the refrigerator in the kitchen, so there must be people here occasionally!"

Ye Feng walks into a study and sees a picture of Diana and flamencourt in the study. However, flamencourt in the picture is still very young, and Diana looks like a young girl who just graduated from high school.

Ye Feng then returned to the lobby and said, "this should be flamencourt's old house. I think Diana will come back to live occasionally. That's why there's food here!"

At this time, Dixie also sat on the sofa, looked at Maria, saw that she was a little restless, and immediately asked, "are you ok? Is there anything wrong? "

Maria came back to herself and said, "thank you. I'm fine. I just miss my dad. I don't know how he is now."

Ye Feng comforted Maria and said, "now flamencourt hasn't woken up, and they haven't found what they want from your father. At least your father's life won't be in danger!"Maria just nodded, but also knew that life is not dangerous, does not mean that the body will not be dangerous, now the father must be suffering and devastation.

At this time, Dixie asked Ye Feng, "didn't you decide to go to find flamencourt directly at first? Now why did you suddenly change your mind and come here to stay out of the limelight? "

Ye Feng said, "flamencordo is out of danger now. His life is not in danger for the time being, and mahanda has been controlled by his people, so our danger is not imminent. Of course, if there is no place provided by Diana, we have no choice, but now Diana is still on our side at least, so Without urgency, we have to think of a more stable way

Maria then said to Ye Feng, "no matter what way you use, you have to save my father!"

Ye Feng's intention is not entirely to save Maria's father mahanda, and he can't guarantee that mahanda will die or will not die after flamencourto wakes up.

So Ye Feng just said to Maria, "no matter what happens, first of all, you should protect your own safety. I have promised your father! And I believe you are ready for your father's death from the moment your father goes down to surrender! "

Hearing this, Maria looked at Ye Feng and said, "you didn't..."

Ye Feng interrupted Maria and said, "I mean, as long as things are not settled, there are countless possibilities. We have to prepare for the worst. The worst plan is that your father may still die, but it doesn't mean that we give him up completely. These are two concepts, you know?"

Maria looked at Ye Feng in amazement. For a moment and a half, she didn't understand Ye Feng's meaning.

"What he meant was that we must prepare for the best, but also prepare for the worst! Nothing is 100 percent! "

Maria understood this, immediately nodded and said, "since he is not Domingo, he could have ignored everything. Now that you are willing to take this risk with me, I am very grateful. No matter what the result is, I will bear it!"

Ye Feng listen to Maria so a say, can't help nodding a way, "you can have this psychology, then I'm at ease, at ease, we do our best by destiny!"

Dixie then got up and went to the kitchen and said, "I'm hungry. I'll make you something to eat."

Maria shook her head and said, "I'm not hungry. What's more, I don't want to eat now?"

But Dixie still went to the kitchen and said, "you are not alone now. Even if you don't eat, you have to eat the one in your stomach. Even if you don't want to eat any more, you have to feed the one in your stomach, don't you think?"

Hearing this, Maria couldn't help looking at Dixie for a long time. Then she nodded slowly and said, "thank you!"

Dixie shrugged with a smile and began to be busy. Seeing this, Maria immediately went over and said, "I'll help you."

Dixie originally wanted to refuse, but she knew what Maria was thinking. She just wanted to get busy and forget some unnecessary troubles, so she nodded and said yes, but she didn't refuse.

Ye Feng wanted to smoke several times on the road, because she took care of the pregnant woman, so she held back.

At this meeting, while Dixie and Maria were busy in the kitchen, he lit a cigarette and smoked. By the way, he took advantage of this time to see the villa inside and outside.

All the furniture and appliances of the villa are here, and the functions are complete. It's no problem to live here for a few days, but their purpose is not to live here.

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