After walking around the villa, when Ye Feng comes back downstairs, Dixie and Maria are ready for lunch. They just see Ye Feng go downstairs and ask him to eat together.

After lunch, Ye Feng asked Maria to have a rest. After all, she still has one in her body. Maria may be full and tired, so she went to the guest room next door to have a rest.

After finishing the washing, she sat in the living room and analyzed the current situation with Ye Feng.

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "in fact, there's nothing to analyze. Two days later is the start time of my task. Even if I can't get close to flamencourt, I must enforce it. I believe that zhuomus won't tolerate it!"

On hearing what Ye Feng said, Dixie nodded and said, "the reason why zhuomus asked you to pretend to be Domingo is that he wanted to get close to flamencourt with the help of the relationship between Domingo's father-in-law and his father-in-law, but he didn't expect to form the current situation!"

Ye Feng touched his face and said, "I knew that flamencourt had a daughter Diana, so I just wanted to get close to Diana! Why make such a big detour! "

But after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he said, "now the thousand color bee is not here. If you want to restore your appearance, you'll have to wait for a while!"

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's not urgent. I'm just thinking, what zhuomus has been asking us to look for, why does it come into contact with flamencourt, the Mexican drug lord? Is there anything involved in this?"

But Dixie shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know. You know, we never need to know too many details about the tasks issued by dromus in the past. We just need to know what the goal of the task is, whether it can be completed, how it can be completed, and how it can be completed most smoothly."

Ye Feng lit a cigarette to smoke, but murmured, "it used to be like this, but this time is different. This time may be the last task in our life, so many things and details must be clear! We can't leave any regrets! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Dixie nodded and thought about something, but didn't say a word.

Ye Feng then looked at Dixie, but in his mind he thought of Dixie in the world he had been to. Every time he was in the most difficult time, Dixie was always with him. Maybe it was destined that he would be with this woman in his life.

Dixie see Ye Feng staring at himself, at this time eyebrow pick to look at Ye Feng way, "if this task is over, zhuomus or don't plan to let us go, what do you plan to do?"

Ye Feng stared at Dixie for a long time, and then said, "I used to think ahead when I was doing things, but after so many years, I have found out what it means that plan is not as good as change. Now that I'm ready, of course, it's no harm, but I have to do things that will have extreme changes, so now I only give myself a big political party But I don't plan for the details. I can only tell you now that I will go step by step, depending on the changes of the situation! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Dixie couldn't help but listen to Ye Feng. After looking at it for a long time, she sighed, "the more you get up to now, the more I feel that your choice is right. Sooner or later, this road will be a road to the dark, and the only way to retreat is to retreat bravely! I hesitated a little before, but after experiencing these things, I feel more and more that your choice is not wrong! "

Ye Feng looked at Dixie, nodded his head and said, "thank you, thank you for believing in my idea and supporting my idea!"

But Dixie looked at Ye Feng and said, "you should know that even if I don't believe your idea, I will support you unconditionally!"

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears the speech. Looking at the present Dixie, he secretly says yes. Every time he has a choice, even if it's wrong, Dixie will support him unconditionally.

At this time, looking at Dixie sitting over there, just like another woman, my heart can't help but move again. Recently, I have withstood the temptation of two Mexican beauties, Maria and Diana.

But at this time, when I saw Dixie, there was a rush of enthusiasm in my heart. I immediately went over and hugged Dixie and kissed him.

Dixie obviously didn't expect that Ye Feng would suddenly hold his own kiss. At first, he didn't react. Instinctively, he wanted to push Ye Feng away and ask him what happened.

However, when Ye Feng's passionate kiss came, Dixie couldn't resist it, and immediately immersed himself in Ye Feng's overbearing tenderness.

After Ye Feng finished smoking a cigarette, he continued to entangle Dixie. Dixie was startled by Ye Feng. Unexpectedly, Ye Feng was still in the mood to ask for it several times.

But Dixie also did not refuse Ye Feng, after all, this kind of thing, feeling to thick place, simply can't refuse.

After several times of love, Dixie softened and lay on the bed with a satisfied look on her face.

Ye Feng put on his clothes and said, "you have a rest. I have to guard the villa. Don't wait for someone to come in. We don't know yet!"Dixi Si nodded, looking at Ye Feng after going out, this just slowly breathed a breath, looking at the door, nothing said.

When Ye Feng went out and sat in the living room, he always felt that the feeling that Dixie gave him today was totally different from that of the last time he was in Brazil, but he couldn't say it again.

Ye Feng himself is thinking, maybe it's because of the change of face, and this face looks as beautiful as the face before.

In addition, I have been extremely restraining my desire for women recently, so I feel special this time.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng didn't think much about it. He continued to sit in the living room. At this time, he heard the sound of footsteps behind him. Looking back, he found that it was Maria who woke up.

Maria then went to the sofa and sat down. She took a look at Ye Feng and said, "what's the relationship between you and that woman?"

Ye Feng is stunned when hearing the speech. Although he knows that what Maria said must be Dixie, he is still a little stunned. After all, Maria already knows that she is not Domingo. What's the relationship between herself and Dixie? Maria should know that she has little relationship with her.

Seeing Ye Feng looking at herself in surprise, Maria shrugged her shoulders and said, "don't get me wrong. I'm not jealous. After all, you're not Domingo, and I'm not your fiancee. I'm not qualified to be jealous. I'm just curious!"

Ye Feng this just grew comfortable an air way, "don't matter!"

But Maria said, "I can see that the woman's eyes are different from those of others. It's a kind of dark lover's eyes that will appear for a long time. I used to look at Domingo that way! So I can see the look in my eyes and understand the taste of secret love! "

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but is a stunned, then a smile way, "secret love, Dixie also need secret love me?"

Maria said, "do you like her, too? Then why don't you tell her so she can rest assured! After all this, I realized what it's like to lose the person I like best. So since you all love each other, don't let this kind of opportunity be missed, so as not to cause such regret for Domingo and me! "

Ye Feng thought or said with a smile, "I think you may have misunderstood that Dixie is my woman. We all know each other's mind. What secret love do we need?"

But Maria frowned and said, "are you already together? Then why does she look at you every time with a kind of reluctant and some indescribable expression? Is there any misunderstanding between you

Ye Feng listen to Maria said, eyebrows also can't help a wrinkle, it seems that he didn't quite understand Maria's meaning.

When Maria saw Ye Feng staring at her, she immediately shrugged her shoulders and stood up and said, "I just said casually, you think about it, I'll go to the kitchen and pour water!"

Ye Feng looks at Maria walking towards the kitchen, but she has a strange feeling in her heart. Maria says that Dixie is secretly in love with herself? I have not made it clear to her that I will only have her in the future, and I really keep my promise.

Even a peerless beauty like Diana, who almost said that she was going to have sex with herself, restrained herself. What else does Dixie need to love herself secretly?

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